Harry Arrives at HQ

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Remi's POV

It's been a month since I moved into HQ. I am still bunking with Hermione and Ginny. Harry hasn't arrived yet. Dad pops in at least once a week or calls me on the two-way mirror he had gotten us. I've completed all my homework and have been helping the others clean HQ. So that it'll be fit for us to live here.

I'm still writing to Oliver. Though I wish I could see him in person and watch his first official Quidditch match. He promised that once Voldemort was defeated, he would get me season tickets for his team. I hope Voldemort will be defeated soon.

But with  most of our world believin, he hasn't returned. It's only really the order fighting him. Especiailly as he is keeping a low profile and letting others do his dirty work. The orders main goals are to convince as many people as possible of Voldemort's return, build alliances with other magical beings, guard Harry, and something else.

We have only gotten a small percentage of information on what the Order is doing. Thanks to extendable ears, the twins have made. They still plan on opening a joke shop. Their mum agreed to let them as long as they returned to Hogwarts for their final year. They agreed to go, but not to complete the year. But she doesn't know that. Besides, they'll use this year to advertise and show off finished products. While they look for a premises.

Anyway, a few days, Harry and his cousin were attacked by two Dementors. He was told to stay put and not use any more magic. But he sent Hermione, Ron, Sirius, and I demanding answers. Hedwig has been pecking us like crazy as we haven't written back. As we were told, not too.

But, it's ok as he is being brought here tonight by a group of Order members led by the real Moody. It was voluntary only. Dad volunteered along with Dora. Sirius wanted to go, but he was made to stay at HQ. Besides, nine people will be escorting Harry, and that's not including the rear guard.

There is also an important meeting tonight. Snape is giving his report. He is a spy in Voldemort's ranks. Pretending to be loyal to him and reporting back to the Order. But he had to arrive just before dinner. Which meant those not in the order have to wait upstairs until the meeting ends.

Ginny went to see if we'd be able to listen in on the meeting. While I hang out with Ron and Hermione. Waiting for Harry to arrive. "They should be back by now," Hermione states as she paces.

"Chill out, Hermione," Ron tells her.

"Ron's right. Besides, dad promised they'd be back in time for dinner," I remind her. Just then, the door opens, and Harry enters the room. Hermione hugs him tightly.

"Oh, Harry!" Hermione exclaims and pulls away. "Are you all right? We overheard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything"  she tells him.

"Let the man breathe, Hermione" Ron tells her.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Harry" I state giving him a hug. Before letting him look around the room. While Hermione continues her rant.

"And this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrageous! I've looked it up, they simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair!" She exclaims.

"There's a lot of that going around, Hermione. So what is this place?" Harry asks us.

"Headquarters" Ron says simply.

"Of the Order of the Phoenix. It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who" Hermione clarifies.

"Which has been reformed since you know who's return" I add.

"You couldn't have put this in a letter, I suppose. I've gone all summer without a scrap of news" he retorts.

"We wanted to tell you, mate. Really, we did. Only..." Ron stops talking.

"Only, what?" Harry asks.

"Only Dumbledore made us swear that we wouldn't tell you anything" Hermione states.

"Not just us, but everyone," I state.

"Dumbledore said that? But why would he want to keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. After all, I'm the one who saw Voldemort return, I'm the one who fought him, I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed!" Harry snaps. I slap him.

"Grow up" I growl. "You think you're the only one here who wants to help. We all do, but we're still only students, " I remind him. "No matter how much we've been through and the dangers we've faced. It's only natural for the adults to protect us from this" I state. Just then the twins appear from thin air. "Stop doing that" I tell them.

They greeted Harry and Ginny joins us. Saying we won't be able to use the extendable ears. Mrs Weasley appears saying it was dinner time. We all enjoy a lovely meal. The twins, Harry, Ron and Hermione then got some answers about what Voldemort is up to. Dad said I could of stayed too. But it felt wrong to stay when Ginny wasn't allowed. So I went to our room with her and Hermione told us what they had found out.

Honestly it wasn't anything we hadn't already guessed from eavesdropping on previous meetings. Aside from some mystery weapon that Voldemort is after. I wonder what it is?


Picture above of Hermione hugging Harry.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now