Rough Night

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Remi's POV

We stop howling and I nuzzle into Moony happily. I go to lead him away quickly before he'd spot the others. If he saw them, he'd attack them. I really don't want to be in the middle, I can't beat him in a fight. I'm still not full grown. But Snape had to appear and speak. "There you are Potter" he sneers catching dad's attention.

Dad growls catching Snape's attention. Snape draws his wand and steps forward, shielding Hermione, Harry and Ron with his body. Dad jowls and sprints forward. SWOOSH! Padfoot intercepts Moony in midair. They hit the ground in a fierce tangle of flashing teeth, a single horrible flailing beast.

When they push apart I dash in between them locking eyes with Moony. 'Please stop, no more fighting please papa. No more' I whimper.

'He attacked me first' he snaps snarling.

'Only to protect our friends, please remember' I plead whining.

'He must suffer, stand down or you'll be attacked too' he orders.

'No, attacking our friends isn't right. I will fight for them' I state firmly. Padfoot appears beside me snarling at my dad. I shared a quick glance with him and we both had the same idea. If we lead dad away, he'd calm down and stop attacking. But it's dangerous, Padfoot is weak and I am young. While dad is a full grown werewolf in his prime. But it must be done, or the others will die.

We both crouch down. 'So be it' Moony snaps and goes for Padfoot. I ram into his side and he falls to the ground. He gets up growling and charges me this time. Padfoot bites dad and runs towards the lake. Dad follows and I follow them.

A pained yelp fills the sky and I snarl. I run full speed and tackle dad away from the injured Padfoot. We roll around snapping at each other and he pushes me away. I hit a large flat rock and howl in pain. Moony snaps out of his rage and looks at me whimpering. He approaches me slowly and nuzzles me. 'I am sorry my pup' he whines.

'I am fine, just dazed' I assure him. I lick his muzzle and he smiles licking my forehead. But then a rock hits him in the back of the head. We both turn to see Harry throw another rock at dad. The idiot, he's going to get himself killed.

Dad becomes enraged again and starts to charge Harry. But pauses when we hear a howl from the forest. I stand and howl back. We listen and another howl answers mine. We both take off into the forest, dad in the lead.

We pause in a clearing and dad sniffs the air. He growls. 'I smell human young' he growls.

'Can we not just enjoy the forest?' I whine.

'They are near' he says ignoring me. He circles a tree and I spot Harry & Hermione. I freeze, those idiots. Do they want to die? Dad appears behind them snarling. They look at him scared. Before I can intervene Buckbeak appears and strikes him. He chases dad away and I give them a apologetic look. Before following, man dad is having a rough night.

But how is Buckbeak alive. We heard the executioner hit something with his axe. If not Buckbeak, then who or what did he hit? Oh well, I can think about that tomorrow of ask Harry and Hermione. I find dad curled up in a ball feeling sorry for himself.

'Do not take it to hard, you just had a rough night' I tell him.

'No more humans tonight' he grumbles. I smile and clean his wounds. He returns it licking mine. We notice a bright light fills the sky and I could sworn I saw a glowing stag chasing away dementors. I wanted to investigate. 'No, we agreed no more humans tonight' dad reminds me.

So we head away from the light source. We then curl up in a clearing and howl at the moon. Before hunting a few rabbits. After eating we find a stream and have a drink. Then play tag. Until we came across a unicorn herd. We lay down on the top of a nearby hill and watch them. We could never catch them.

'Now this is the life' I state leaning into dad's side sighing contently.

'Sure is' he agrees.

'How's the scratch?' I ask him.

'No doubt going to scar, but what else is new' he says shrugging. I yawn and curl up still watching the unicorns. 'Sleep pup, you deserve it' he tells me.

'You too' I tell him. He lays down curling around me a little. Sure the night started rough, but it's ended perfectly. No serious injuries or deaths. Dad and I together watching a herd of unicorns. I only pray Sirius is alright and got away, that Buckbeak stays hidden. I close my eyes and quickly fall into a peaceful sleep. Blocking out all my thoughts.

The end of Prisoner of Azkaban, see you in the next chapter where Remi is invited to the Quidditch world cup.


Picture above of Padfoot defending the others and gif on the external link of Buckbeak chasing Moony off.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now