The Firebolts

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Remi's POV

Not a lot has happened since I became back up seeker. I'd join quidditch practice. Harry and I were always competing on who is the better seeker. Oh and Harry snuck into Hogsmeade.  He found out about Sirius Black being his godfather and ratting his parents out to Voldemort. Needless to say he was very upset.

But then we found out about Buckbeak's case. Ron put his attitude aside while we researched old hippogriff cases. Trying to find things that could help Hagrid win his case. So far not much luck. However, Hermione is hopeful we will find somethings to help. Hagrid just needs to remember the information we give him.

Anyway it's finally Christmas break and I'm spending it in Hermione's room. As there are no other female gryffindors staying for the holidays. I woke up Christmas morning and decide to jump on her bed. "Wake up Hermione, it's Christmas!" I cheer.

"I'm up, I'm up" she says yawning as she sits up. I jump one least time and land sitting cross legged on her bed. "You'll break the bed doing that" she grumbles rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Doubt it" I tell her. "Lets open our presents then go wake the boys" I add. We open our presents and Mrs Weasley gave me a cherry blossom pink jumper this year. I went to leave when Cassy flew into the room carrying a wrapped broom.

"That's strange" Hermione says as Cassy drops the package in front of me.

"Yeah, I've gotten presents from everyone" I tell her. I open it and gasp at the firebolt inside. "Wow a real Firebolt and it's mine" I say hugging it.

"Is there a note?" she asks me and I shake my head.

"Let's go show Harry and Ron" I tell her. I run from the room holding the broom. But walk slowly down the stairs as Hermione joins me with Crookshanks. We cross the common room and go up the boys steps. Hermione enters the room first with Crookshanks.

"Don't bring him in hear!" Ron shouts and I notice him stuff something into his pocket.

"Relax Ronald" I tell him as Hermione puts Crookshanks on Dean's bed. "Harry, look at what I got for Christmas" I state showing him my broom.

"You got one too? Awesome" he says smiling and I notice the firebolt in front of him.

"Who sent you yours Harry?" Hermione asks him.

"No idea, there wasn't a card or anything with it" he tells her. Hermione's face falls and she bites her lip. Ron asks her what's wrong. As I sit down beside Harry and compare our brooms.

"I don't know, but it's a bit odd, isn't it? I mean, these are supposed to be quite a good brooms, aren't they?" she asks us.

"Their the best brooms there are Hermione" Ron tells her.

"So they must've been really expensive" she states.

"Probably more then the slytherin brooms combine" I tell her.

"Well...who'd send Harry and you something as expensive as these, and not even tell either of you who they are?" she asks me. I agree it does sound suspicious. But come on, two real firebolts.

"Who cares? Listen, Harry, can I have a go on it? Can I?" Ron asks Harry.

"I don't think anyone should ride that broom just yet!" Hermione says shrilly. I frown looking at her confused.

"What d'you think them to do with the brooms — sweep the floor?" Ron asks her. Just then Crookshanks launched himself at Ron's pocket. Ron threw him off and told Hermione to get him out of the room.

"I'll see you later Harry" I tell him and follow Hermione out while she holds Crookshanks. We went to the great hall to only see one table set. Dumbledore wishes us a Merry Christmas.

"As there are so few of us, it seemed foolish to use the House tables" he states. We sit down and Harry soon joins us with Ron. Dumbledore pulled out crackers and I did one with Hermione. I won a dragon necklace and smile putting it on.

As we ate Professor Trelawney joined us. "But where is dear Professor Lupin?" she asks.

"I'm afraid the poor fellow is ill again" Dumbledore states. I frown, I wish Dad was here. Usually I'd be tired to as the full moon was only a day ok. But it's Christmas and nothing gets me down on Christmas.

"Professor Dumbledore, I'm going to go see my dad" I tell him standing up.

"Of course dear" Dumbledore tells me. I go to Harry's room first and grabbed my broom. I then go to my dad's private chambers.

"Wolfie" I say and enter the chambers. "Dad, Merry Christmas" I tell him as I sit in front of him by the fireplace. "Look at what I got for Christmas" I add showing him the broom and he becomes more alert.

"Who gave you that?" he asks me as he examines it.

"No idea, but Harry got one as well" I tell him. "I'll try it out later" I add. "I'm going to challenge Harry to a race" I state.

"I think you should wait awhile" he states. "I don't want you both out there alone. Wait for Madame Hooch to return and have her go with you guys" he tells.

"Ok, we won't fly them until after break" I assure him. We start to play our usual Christmas game of chess. When we were half way through our second game Professor McGonagall appeared with Harry's broom. "Is there something wrong Aunt Minnie?" I ask her as dad moves one of his pawns.

"Yes, I must confiscate your broom for the time being. It'll be stripped down like Potter's and checked for any jinxes" she explains. I frown in confusion.

"Why?" I ask her with dad.

"Both you and Mr Potter received no note with your brooms. So you have no idea who they are from. This is just a safety precaution" she explains.

"It'll be fine Remi, I'm sure you'll get it back when it is found jinx free" dad assures me. I sigh and hand her my broom. She leaves with both brooms and I return to my game with my dad.

"Check" I say and he moves his king to safety. In the end he won best out of three. We then took a nap as I was starting to get tired.


Picture above of Harry and Remi's Firebolts. Picture on the external link of Remi's Weasley jumper.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now