The Sorting

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Remi's POV

"My name is Remi and this is my friend Ginny, what are your names?" I ask the other two in the boat.

"I'm Collin Creevy" the boy introduces himself and I shake his out stretched hand.

"My name is Luna Lovegood" the girl states shaking Ginny's hand. "Something tells me the four of us are  going to be good friends" she tells us.

"I hope so, it'd be nice to have a few friends" Collin states. We soon reached the castle wile I told Collin about the different houses. I looked up at the castle and smile, it truly is a magical place. Once we were all out Hagrid lead us to the front entrance where my Godmother (Professor McGonagall) meet us thanking Hagrid for our safe arrival.

"Welcome to Hogwarts soon you shall join your classmates after you have been sorted into your houses. There's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. While you are here your house will be like your family, you can gain points through good behavior. However, any rule breaking and you'll lose points for your house. At the end pf the year the points will be counted and the house with the most will win the house cup" she explains. "Now the sorting ceremony will begin momentarily, please wait quietly" she finishes and leaves to check on the preparations in the great hall.

"How are we sorted?" Collin asks nervously.

"A hat does it" I tell him reassuringly.

"How does a hat do it?" he asks me confused.

"Because it is a magical hat" I state as McGonagall returns.

"We're ready for you now follow me" she informs us before entering the hall with us behind her. She got us to form a line at the front of the hall while she picked up a roll of parchment. "Now when I call your name, come forth and take a seat while I place the hat on your head" she tells us.

"Collin Creevy" sh calls awhile later going in alphabetical order.

"It'll be ok" I assure him squeezing his shoulder and he then walks forward. He reaches the stool beside McGonagall and sits down. McGonagall places the sorting hat on his head.

"Gryffindor!" the hat shouts after a few seconds and Collin runs over to the Gryffindor table. When Luna is called she walks calmly forward before taking her seat. The hat took a little longer with her before it called "Ravenclaw!"

"Remi Lupin" McGonagall calls sending me a smile as I sit on the stool. She placed the hat on my head and it began to whisper in my ear.

'I have been expecting you Miss Lupin, you are so much like you father. But you have your mother's love for books and knowledge. So where to put you?' it asks.

'Can I please be in Gryffindor like my parents and friends?' I ask it in my head.

'Of course, you more Gryffindor then a Ravenclaw' it tells me. "Gryffindor!" it calls out to the hall and McGonagall removes the hat. She gives me a proud smile as I stand and walk over to the Gryffindor table. I sat in between Hermione and George as we waited for Ginny to be sorted. It didn't take long and she was sorted into Gryffindor.

When the ceremony finished Filch appeared and whispered in McGonagall's ear. She quickly walks over to Dumbledore telling him something before they both left. But the feast continued. Harry and Ron never showed up though. Percy showed the first years to the Gryffindor Common Room. Collin looked at the moving painting in awe.

"You know photos can do that to, just need to know the right charm" I tell him.

"Really?" he asks in excitement and I nod my head along with Ginny. When we reached the common room Percy said the password 'pig snout' before leading us inside. This is the first time I've seen the inside of a common room. Percy told us which staircase leads to our dorms and that our luggage should already be there.

Ginny and I went up our staircase to see we were sharing a dorm together. We squealed happily hugging each other before entering the room. Looks like they had the room to themselves and I realized we are the only first year girl Gryffindors this year. But I know there are five first year boys including Collin.

I decided to get ready for bed and go to sleep as we have class tomorrow. So I greeted Cassy and she left before I picked out a nighty to wear. I went to bathroom to change and then brushed my teeth. When I re-entered the room I saw Ginny writing in a dairy. "Since when do you have a dairy?" I ask as I sat on my bed.

She closes it quickly before looking at me. "It was in my second hand Transfiguration book I've been writing in it ever since" she tells me.

"You didn't put anything in there about my furry little problem did you?" I ask her.

"Of course not, I wouldn't want to risk it getting out if I lost my dairy" she states.

"I don't care if people know want I am, just don't want them to see me as a monster" I tell her. She gives me a small smile as she puts the dairy away and goes to get changed into her pj's. "Goodnight Ginny" I say as we both lay down on our separate beds.

"Good night Remi, you've always be my best-est friend" she tells me.

"And I always will be" I promise her before we fell asleep. I don't know want she was dreaming about or if she even was. But I was dreaming of exploring the forest with my dad and a fox on a full moon.


Picture above of Professor Minerva McGonagall holding the sorting hat in her left hand.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now