Train Ride

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Remi's POV

"Are you all packed?" Dad asks as I enter the kitchen at 8:30 am on September 1st.

"Yes Dad, what's for breakfast?" I ask sitting opposite him.

"I thought we'd just have toast or cereal and if your hungry on the train just get something from the food trolley" he states.

"Sounds good, Cassy is in her cage sleeping and I have my pouch of money next to my outfit" I tell him. I was still in my pajamas, but had casual clothes set out to put on after breakfast. Dad nods his head as the kettle finishes boiling and he makes us a cup of tea each. I then just had some coco pops.

"Ok we have an hour before we need to leave, please make sure you have everything pack" Dad tells me. "If I see you've left anything though, I'll owl it to you" he states. I went upstairs and had a quick shower before getting dressed. My in my handbag while my families wand was in a hidden compartment in my trunk. I saw I still had thirty minutes so I sat on my bed rereading one of the muggle books Hermione had given me. She gives me one or more on my birthday, then something completely different for Christmas.

Twenty-five minutes later Dad came and took my trunk downstairs, while I took Cassy in her cage along with my handbag.  We reached the living room and I grabbed his arm holding Cassy's cage tightly while he held my trunk in his other hand. He apperated us to an alley next to King Cross and lead the way to the station. Once there we put my luggage (except for my handbag) on a trolley and he rolled it for me.

"Remember how to get onto the platform?" he asks when we had reached platforms nine and ten.

"Just walk through the barrier in between platforms nine and ten right" I say.

"That's right, here I'll be right behind you" he promises giving me the trolley. I turned it to face the barrier then walk towards it gaining speed a little as I got closer. When I reached the other side I saw a scarlet train and a signing that says 'Platform 9 and 3/4s'. Dad arrived behind me placing a hand on my shoulder and he guided me to the train.

"There's twenty minutes before the train leaves, but I need to find Hermione" I tell Dad.

"I'll help  you get your trunk on the bed, then we can say goodbye and you can go find your friends" he states. "Don't worry I won't leave the platform until after the train does" he promises. I agreed with his idea and he lifts the trunk onto the train. Then I give him a hug peck him on the cheek before going to find Hermione.

She promised she'd be near the middle of the train and I soon found her in a compartment reading. "Hey Mione, where are Harry and Ron?" I ask her entering the compartment. She helped me put my stuff in the luggage rack before we sat down.

"No idea, but they should be here soon" she answers my question. I smiled and opened the window looking for Dad. I spotted him and waved goodbye he does the same spotting me. As the clock struck eleven the train started to leave the station. I sat back down taking out my Charms book and began to read it practicing wand movements.

Soon the Weasley twins appeared and gave me a big hug. "What to come met Lee?" they ask in unison. I had never met Lee before, but they have told me about him.

"No thanks guys. but have you seen Harry and Ron?" I ask. This gains Hermione's attention and she looks up from her book.

"Not since the platform, they were the last two to come through the barrier" George states.

"But we did never see them come through since we immediately went to find Lee" Fred adds.

"True" George agrees as Hermione was looking out the window at something in the sky.

"What's that?" she asks pointing and we all look to see want she was pointing at.

"George isn't that Dad's car?" Fred asks his twin.

"Certainly seems like it" George replies.

"Is that someone hanging out of it?" I ask worried and Hermione to looks scared.

"Looks like Harry, which Ron is probably driving" George states.

"Fancy them not asking us to go with them" Fred grumbles as Harry was pulled back into the car.

"Oh thank goodness" Hermione says in relief. Fred and George left as Ginny appeared. She sat by me and we discussed about want house we might be in. Before left to go back to her compartment and I locked the door pulling the blind down. Hermione and I got into our robes quickly before going back to reading our books. Except this time I don't practice wand movements.

When we reached the station there was still no sign of Ron and Harry or Mr Weasley's flying car. I walked over to Hagrid saying hello before getting into a boat with Ginny. There was also a blonde haired dreamy eyed girl and a mousy haired boy. He said his parents were muggles and kept taking photos with his camera.


Picture of Remi's outfit above.

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