Horror Express

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Remi's POV

So the ministry cars picked us up and brought us to Kings Cross station. The ministry drivers got us trolleys and helped us unload the trunks. Before leaving somehow jumping to the front of the line at the traffic lights. The rest of us all walk to platforms nine and ten. Mr Weasley goes through with Harry first, followed by the twins. Who are followed by Percy and Ron, Ginny follows them with Hermione. I then go through with Mrs Weasley.

I go onto the train to search for a compartment and my father. He sent me a letter last night saying he'd be on the train. I know he'd still be tired from the full moon two days ago. I am too. I find him already asleep in a compartment and enter. I place my luggage away and curl up beside him. Snuggling into him falling asleep also.

Third Person POV

Harry enters the compartment with the others. "Who do you think that is? Why is Remi laying on him?" Ron asks. Hermione read the mans luggage and smiled at the sleeping pair.

"Professor R. J. Lupin, he's Remi's dad and our new DADA teacher" she states. "Remi told Ginny and I last night" she adds seeing the boys confused faces.

"How did you know it's him and not some stranger?" Ron asks.

"He's name is on his suit case Ronald" Hermione states pointing to it. She then lets out Crookshanks much to Ron's protest. Harry then tells his friends about what he heard last night and what Mr Weasley had just told him.

"So Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban to come after you and Remi?" Ron asks.

"That's what everyone thinks" Harry states.

"Oh Harry, you and Remi have to be-careful" Hermione states. "Don't go looking for trouble" she adds.

"I don't go looking for trouble, it finds me and Remi" Harry states. "I hope Sirius isn't after her, she went through enough trouble in her first year. Still goes through enough because of family heritage" he say.

"Don't worry mate, we'll all protect her" Ron assures him.

"Yeah, make sure she has a normal year" Hermione adds.

"Good, she's like the little sister I always wanted" Harry tells the pair.

"What's that noise?" Ron asks. A faint, tinny sort of whistle was coming from somewhere. They looked all around the compartment. "It's coming from your trunk Harry" Ron states. Harry opens it and takes out the sneaker scope Ron got him. Remi stirs as the whistling becomes leader and snuggles into her dad more.

"Stick it back in the trunk before it wakes Remi and her father" Hermione tells Harry. He does so. They then start to talk about Hogsmeade and Harry told them he can't go as his relatives didn't sign the form. Ron suggested he ask Professor McGonagall when they reach Hogwarts.

"We can ask Remi, Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle" Ron adds.

"I don't think Harry or Remi should be sneaking out of the school with Black on the loose" Hermione states. "Especially Remi, with her dad being a professor" she adds.

"Why not? My dad did it all the time with his friends" Remi mumbles as she rubs sleep from her eyes. "Besides I already promised dad not to sneak out unless it's urgent" she adds. "Crookshanks" she says smiling as the ginger tabby cat jumps onto her lap. She hums happily as she pats him.

The rest of the ride was going smoothly they got some food from the food trolley. Talked about their summer and Hermione talked about her & the boys new subjects. When everything changed the train stopped suddenly and there's a black out. It becomes cold and Remi whimpers hugging her dad's arm.

"Hush my pup" he says gently in her ear. Before telling the others to be quite as he lights the room.  "Stay where you are" he tells them as he stands and Remi hides behind him. Suddenly the door begins to open slowly as they all watch it. Therea cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling stood. Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood. Protruding from it's cloak aglistening, grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed hand.

The figure appears to focused on Harry. Even when Remus told it none of them was hiding Sirius Black. The figure didn't leave and started to advance on Harry. So Remus sent it away with his patronus, but Harry had already fainted. Hermione and Remi woke him up. Remus then took out a chocolate bar and broke it into pieces. Giving some to everyone and Remi eats her's happily.

She goes to follow her dad, but he tells her to stay with her friends. So she sits beside Harry who wraps an arm around her shoulders. As Hermione and Ron told him what had happened. Remus soon returned and told them they'd arrive at Hogsmeade station in ten minutes. So they put their robes on and Remi leans back into her father's side.


Gif above of Dementor opening the door.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now