Yule Ball

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Remi's POV

"You look beautiful Remi" Hermione tells me.

"Not as beautiful as you Hermione, that blue looks beautiful on you" I tell her.

"She's right and your hair looks amazing. If I do say so myself" Ginny says as she pins Hermione's hair into place.

"All thanks to that potion Remi founds" Hermione states.

"It was actually invited by Harry's grandfather, it's how the Potter's got their money" I tell her.

"Seriously?" they ask me shocked.

"Yep, all Potter men have really messy hair. According to my dad, Mr Potter made it to impress his wife" I tell them smiling.

"Well he's a genius" Hermione states as Ginny finishes with her hair. I finish plaiting mine and put the hair tie in.

"What happened to them?" Ginny asks me curious.

"Died of dragon pox" I tell her sadly. "But not before Fleamont sold his potion making factory" I state.

"I think we're ready" Hermione states as she finished her make up.

"Yes, just the shoes" Ginny states and we step into them. We use a Polaroid camera to take a photo of the three of us. "We should go, we don't want to be late" she states.

"You girls go ahead, I'm not due to meet Viktor yet" Hermione tells us. We nod and leave her to it. We go into the common room and are greeted by Neville.

"You both look beautiful" he tells us blushing faintly.

"Thank you Neville" we say smiling. We look at each other and giggle.

"We shouldn't keep your date waiting" Ginny tells me.

"Eddie, right?" Neville asks me and I nod my head as we leave the common room. "How did you two become friends?" he asks me curious.

"We meet the day the champions were chosen. He nearly hit me with a football (soccer ball). I join the game and we've been hanging out ever since" I tell him. "He even helps me with potions" I state.

"Do you think he'd help me with potions?" he asks me.

"I can ask him" I tell him as we reach the top of the stairs leading to the entrance hall. "You guys go down first" I tell them. They nod and head down. I take a deep breath and make sure I look ok.

"You look stunning" Eddie says from behind me. Startling me. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you Remi" he tells me sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

"There's scared, then there's surprised" I tell him with a smile. "You clean up good" I state. Looking at his black and white dress robes. "Your tie is croaked" I tell him and fix it. Then notice how close we are and back away feeling warmth fill my cheeks. He smiles tucking the loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Shall we?" he asks offering me his arm. I link mine through it smiling.

"Just don't let me fall, I'm not use to heels" I tell him.

"Wouldn't dream of it" he tells me as we descend the stairs. I notice people stare at us and walk closer to him. "Ignore them" he whispers in my ear and I nod my head. We enter the great hall. He leads me over to a table and I see Cedric there with three others.

"Hey Eddie" Cedric says.

"Hey Cedric" he says with a smile. "Remi allow me to introduce you to everyone" he tells me. "You know Cedric of course, that's his date Cho. Her best friend Mariette and her date Marcus. Who's my best mate and one of my dorm mates" he states.

"Pleasure to meet you all" I say curtsying.

"Great to meet you" Marcus says. "Sorry about nearly hitting you with the soccer ball" he states.

"Water under the bridge" I tell him. "You look beautiful Cho" I tell her.

"So do you Remi" she tells me.

"Is Remi short for something?" Mariette asks me.

"No" I tell her.

"Is that Hermione Granger with Viktor Krum?" Marcus asks shocked. I look and smile.

"Yep, he asked her in the library" I tell them.

"How did they keep that secret?" Mariette asks surprised.

"Avoided being seen together and told no one" I tell them. "I only knew because Hermione told Ginny and Ginny told me. We swore to keep it a secret" I explain.

"Well she looks beautiful, I think Ron is jealous" Cho states.

"Probably is, but it's his own fault for not asking her first" I tell them. They nod their heads in agreement. Soon everyone arrives and the feast begins. We got to choose our own dishes and drinks. Just by saying what we wanted. It was great.

The champions then head the first dance. Harry was hopeless. "May I have this dance?" Eddie asks me.

"Of course" I say taking his hand. We go onto the dance floor with Ginny and Neville. He spins me as Neville spins Ginny. I giggle and we start to waltz. Soon everyone is dancing. Hagrid was Madame Maxine, Professor Dumbledore with McGonagall. Fred with Angelina. Draco with Pansy Parkinson, no surprises there.

Soon the Weird Sisters started playing and we dancing more care free. Jumping up and down to the beat of the music. I grew thirsty so we went and sat down. Eddie left me to get us drinks. I notice Hermione talking to Ron and Harry. So go join them.

"Hey guys having fun?" I ask them. Then sense the tension and frown. "What's wrong?" I ask them confused.

"Hermione is fraternizing with the enemy" Ron grumbles.

"The enemy?" I ask shocked.

"Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation. To make friends" Hermione tells him.

"I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind. He's using you" he tells her.

"He's not worth it Hermione" I tell her when she goes to retort. "If he wants to be a jealous imbecile, let him. Lets go find our dates" I state. She agrees and we leave the boys.

"Are you having fun?" she asks me.

"Yes, Eddie is being a real gentleman" I tell her smiling. "I'm happy he invited me, who knows when I'd get another chance to attend a ball" I state.

"I'm glad you're here" she tells me. Our dates find us and hand us our drinks. We thank them and enjoy our drinks. We then went back onto the dance floor. Where I dance with Cedric and Marcus as we swapped dance partners. Having a blast. I even danced with the twins.

Until I grew tired. Eddie escorted me to Gryffindor tower. I kissed his cheek good night and he kissed my hand. Before leaving. I say the password and go upstairs to my dorm room. I change into my pjs, letting my hair out of it's plait and brush my teeth after removing my make up. Before calling it a night.


Pictures above of Remi, Eddie and the yule ball. Picture on the external link of the champions in their dress robes. Video above of Do the Hippogriff by the Weird Sisters.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now