The Four Champions

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Remi's POV

Harry and the others have gone to see Hagrid, Ginny is hanging with Luna. So I am relaxing outside by the lake in the shade when a ball nearly hits me. "Sorry!" a guy shouts and runs over. I notice he's a Ravenclaw. Though I've never seen or talked to him before. He looks to be a fifth year. With hazel eyes and brown hair.

"Sorry, I was teaching my mates how to play football (Soccer)" he states

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"Sorry, I was teaching my mates how to play football (Soccer)" he states. "I'm Eddie Carmichael, half blood" he says.

"Remi Lupin" I say.

"I know, your father was the best defense teacher we've ever had" he states. "Do you play?" he asks me.

"I did at my muggle school before I came here" I state.

"Do you want to join the game then?" he asks me. "One of the teams is short a player" he states.

"Sure sounds like fun" I tell him with a smile. I get up and we head back over to his friends. I join his team and we begin to play.

(Time skip)

Eddie and my team won the game. We then all went for a swim in the lake. Before returning to the castle to get ready for dinner. I say with Harry, Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table. I smile as Eddie as he waves at me. I wave back with a smile.

"Who's that?" Harry asks me curious.

"Eddie Carmichael, he's a fifth year. Meet him this afternoon" I state.

"A bit old for you isn't he?" Ron asks me.

"We're just friends" I state as the feast begins. I enjoy it, sticking with the usual dishes this time. But have some of the Creme Carmel for dessert. When dessert disappears I look up at the staff table. To see Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime looked as tense and expectant as anyone. Ludo Bagman was beaming and winking at various students. Mr. Crouch, however, looked quite uninterested, almost bored. Dumbledore standing to address us.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision" Dumbledore states. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" he explains pointing to the door. "Where they will be receiving their first instructions" he states.

He took out his wand and gave a great sweeping wave with it. At once, all the candles except those inside the carved pumpkins were extinguished, plunging us into a state of semidarkness. The Goblet of Fire now shone more brightly than anything in the whole Hall. The sparkling bright, bluey-whiteness of the flames almost painful on the eyes.  We all watched, waiting....A few people kept checking their watches.

The flames inside the goblet turned suddenly red. Sparks began to fly from it. Next moment, a tongue of flame shot into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it. The whole room gasped. Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and held it at arm's length. So that he could read it by the light of the flames, which had turned back to blue-white.

"The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum" he announces.

"No surprises there!" Ron tells us loudly over the applause.Viktor Krum rise from the Slytherin table and slouch up toward Dumbledore. He turned right, walked along the staff table, and disappeared through the door into the next chamber.

"Bravo, Viktor!" Karkaroff praises clapping. The clapping and chatting died down. Now we all turn our attention back to the goblet. Which, seconds later, turned red once more. A second piece of parchment shot out of it, propelled by the flames.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore announces.

"Oh look, they're all disappointed" Hermione tells us. I look at the Beauxbaton students and thought disappointed was an understatement. Two of the girls who had not been selected had dissolved into tears and were sobbing with their heads on their arms. When Fleur Delacour too had vanished into the side chamber. Silence fell again, but this time it was a silence so stiff with excitement you could almost taste it. The Hogwarts champion next. I hope it's Angelina.

The Goblet of Fire turned red once more; sparks showered out of it. The tongue of flame shot high into the air, and from its tip Dumbledore pulled the third piece of parchment. "The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!" he announces.

"No!" Ron says disappointed. But nobody heard him except Harry and I. The uproar from the next table was too great. Every single Hufflepuff had jumped to his or her feet, screaming and stamping. As Cedric made his way past them, grinning broadly, and headed off toward the chamber behind the teachers' table. Indeed, the applause for Cedric went on so long that it was some time before Dumbledore could make himself heard again.

"Excellent, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real..." Dumbledore starts to explain.

But Dumbledore suddenly stopped speaking, and it was apparent to us all what had distracted him. The fire in the goblet had just turned red again. Sparks were flying out of it. A long flame shot suddenly into the air, and borne upon it was another piece of parchment. Automatically, it seemed, Dumbledore reached out a long hand and seized the parchment. He held it out and stared at the name written upon it.

There is a long pause, during which Professor Dumbledore stared at the slip in his hands. As we all stare at Professor Dumbledore. And then Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat and read out loud the name "Harry Potter."


Picture above of the four champions and picture on the external link of the Goblet of Fire.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now