Invitation to the World Cup

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Remi's POV

So let me catch you up on what's happened since the last full moon at school. Dad and I woke up in the shack. We collected Harry's invisibility cloak and returned to the castle. To learn Padfoot and Buckbeak escaped together,  that they are free.

Snape then let slip the nature of dad's condition. So dad had to resign. I noticed some people would give me strange looks and avoid me. But they don't know what I am, though they have suspicions. They have no way to prove them. As I don't show the signs of being a werewolf like my dad. They'd have to catch me turning like Snape did with my dad.

Anyway Gryffindor won the house cup and quidditch cup. So we all celebrated for days. Then on the train ride home Sirius sent Harry a letter using a small owl. Which became Ron's new pet.

The holidays are going well. Still no invite from Ginny regarding the quidditch world cup. I've done all my homework for school though. Sirius came over for a week and we had so much fun. He is looking a lot healthier and still has Buckbeak.

"Remi, you have visitor!" Dad calls from downstairs.

"I'll be right down" I tell him and leave my room. I slide down the stairs. To be greeted by Hermione, Mrs Weasley and Ginny. I hug Ginny and Hermione tightly.

"How have you been?" Hermione asks me.

"I've been good, a little bored though" I tell her.

"Maybe we can help with that" Ginny tells me smiling.  "We're here to invite you to the quidditch world cup" she states.

"I've packed your things already" dad tells me.

"Hello dear, you'll be staying with us for the rest of the holidays along with Harry and Hermione" Mrs Weasley tells me.

"What about you dad?" I ask corcerned. Last night was a full moon and he's exhausted.

"Snuffles will arrive tomorrow,  I'll be fine" he assures me. "You go have fun with your friends. But I expect letters" he adds as he hands me a pouch of money. "For the cup, and your key to your mother's vault for your school supplies. See you later" he tells me.

"Ok, love you dad. Give Snuffles a hug for me" I tell him.

"Love you too" he says hugging me. "Take care of her Molly" he tells Mrs Weasley.

"I will" she assures him. Us girls go out to see a car waiting and place my luggage in the trunk. Mrs Weasley gets in the front passenger seat while us girl hop in the back.

"So who's playing?" I ask Ginny.

"Ireland and Bulgaria" she states. "Hermione and I are supporting Ireland" she adds.

"Is Harry there yet?" Hermione asks her.

"He shoud be there when we arrive, dad and the boys were collecting him" Ginny explains. "You'll get to meet my brothers again, they've missed you" she states.

"I've missed them also" I tell her smiling.

"You've meet Bill and Charlie before?" Hermione asks me.

"I use to spend a lot of time at Hogwarts before I became a student. I was good friends with them both and a girl called Tonks. It was them who got me an owl" I explain.

"They both practically adopted her as a little sister along with Percy and the twins" Ginny adds smiling.

"Charlie works with dragons in Romania and Bill works in Egpyt right?" Hermione asks us.

"Yeah, Bill is a curse breaker while Charlie is a dragon tamer" Ginny states.

"Charlie always sends me photos of the dragons he cares for and Bill writes me letters about his adventures" I add.

"Do they know about?" Hermione asks me.

"Yes" I answer simply as we arrive at the Burrow. Mrs Weasley thanks the driver as we get my luggage. We go in to hear Mr Weasley shouting at the twins about something. I spot Harry and hug him tightly. Then do the same with Bill and Charlie.

We then all snuck away as Mrs Weasley begins to lecture the twins. About the sweets and prank products they make. They'd sent me letters about it, I even helped them come up with a name for their products. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.  They plan on opening a joke shop once they finish school and are already getting a head start.

I put my things in Ginny's room. That her, Hermione and I will be sharing. Harry is sharing with Ron and the twins. While Bill and Charlie are in the twins room. Percy doesn't have to share with anyone. He now works at the ministry and insists he needs privacy tp do his work.

Anyway we all ate outside. Before Mrs Weasley sent us to bed early. As we have to get up early for the worls cup tomorrow to take a port key. Well most of us. Bill, Charlie and Percy get to sleep in as they can apperate.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now