Ball Invite

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Remi's POV

It's the last week of term before Winter break. Dad and I have been making Christmas plans. Everyone is increasingly boisterous as the Yule Ball approached. Flitwick lets us students play games as we were obviously distracted. Even us third years. The password to the Gryffindor common room is changed to "Fairy Lights".

"So guess what" Ginny says as we walk to the library.

"What?" I ask her curious.

"I was invited to the Yule Ball" she says with a blush.

"Really? By who? Was it Harry?" I ask her excitedly.

"No, it was Neville" she tells me. "He asked me when Hermione told him she already had a date" she states.

"Really? Who?" I ask her. Hermione hadn't told me she had a date yet.

"Don't tell anyone, she wants it to be a surprise. But Viktor Krum asked her" she tells me. I go to squeal and she covers my mouth. "I know" she says giggling. "He asked her in the library" she states.

"That does not surprise" I tell her with a giggle. "Guess, you won't be coming over then for New years" I say sadly.

"Yeah, sorry Remi" she says apologetically. "But, next year. Definitely" she assures me.

"I'll hold you to that" I tell her.

"Remi!" someone calls. We turn to see Eddie heading our way.

"Hey Eddie, what's up?" I ask him as he reaches us.

"I was wondering if we could talk in private" he tells me.

"Sure, I'll meet you in the library Ginny" I tell her.

"Sure, have fun" she tells me with a smile before leaving me with Eddie.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask Eddie. "Ginny and I were just discussing the yule ball. She was invited by Neville" I tell him.

"Neville Longbottom?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, so now she can't join my dad and I for New Years" I tell him. "But she promised to join us next year" I state.

"That's great" he tells me. "About the ball, I was wondering well..." he says scratching the back of his neck.

"What about the ball? Do you have a date yet?" I ask him curious.

"Funny you should ask Remi, there's this girl I want to ask. But I don't know how" he tells me.

"Just ask her, I know you're not a gryffindor. But find your inner courage and just ask her. The worst she can do is say no" I tell him.

"You're right" he says looking calmer. "Remi Cassandra Lupin, will you be my date to the Yule Ball?" he asks me. I look at him shocked. A fifth year is asking me, a third year to the Yule ball. "I understand you have plans with your dad, but there's no one else I'd rather go with" he tells me.

"I didn't expect anyone to ask me" I tell him honestly. "I'd be honoured to go with you Eddie Carmichael to the Yule Ball" I tell him with a smile. "I have to go talk to Ginny, we both need to get a dress and I need to owl my dad. Thank you for the invite Eddie" I state.

"You're welcome, I'll meet you in the entrance hall at seven the night of the ball" he tells me. I nod my head and kiss his cheek. Before going to the library.

"Ginny, guess what?" I ask her.

"Eddie asked you to the ball?" she asks.

"How did you know?" I ask her shocked.

"It's obvious his smitten" she tells me. "Did you say yes?" she asks me.

"Of course I did, now I have to owl my dad" I tell her. "As well as look for a dress" I tell her.

"Well I'm going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, you can join me" she tells me. "But you should write to your dad asap" she tells me.

"You're right, can we study later?" I ask her. She nods her head. I leave and head to the owlery. I write a letter to dad and send it with Cassy. Then return to the common room.

(Next morning)

I'm in the great hall and Cassy arrives with a letter & money bag. I open the letter.

Dear Remi,

I'm so happy that you get to attend the ball. Though Padfoot and I were looking forward to see you this Christmas. We understand that you want to go to the ball with your friends.

In the bag is money from your mother's vault. Buy whatever you need for the ball. I expect tons of pictures though. As well as a letter Christmas Eve to hear how the ball went. Don't stay out to late. Hope you have fun.

Lots of love from your dad and uncle

I had the rest of my breakfast. Then went with Ginny and Hermione to search for mine and Ginny's dresses for the ball. Ginny had some money from her mum. I told her she can use some of mine. And to consider it a Christmas present from me.

It took a couple of shops and about twenty dresses each. But we found our perfect dresses. We paid for them along with shoes and accessories. We then had lunch at the Three Broomsticks. Before returning to the castle. Where we did our homework we didn't do yesterday.


Picture above of Eddie.

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