Time with Dad

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Remi's POV

It's time for another Hogsmeade weekend and I know Harry is sneaking out again. He asked if I wanted to go and I said no. I wanted to spend time with my dad and I'm scared of running into Uncle Sirius in Hogsmeade. So I have breakfast with Ginny before going to see dad. While she went to study with Luna.

I knock on the door. "Come in" dad says and I enter. He looks up from the papers he was grading and smiles at me. "Hi pup, how did you sleep last night?" he asks me.

"Better, but I am still worried" I tell him.]

"Why?" he asks and I sit on his lap.

"Uncle Padfoot nearly killed Ron, he got into the common room. What if he does it again? And tries to take me away?" I ask him scared.

"He won't take you" he assures me. "You're safe and I won't let anything happen to you" he promises me. "So how's it going be on the team?" he asks me.

"I'm only a back up seeker, but I attend every training session. The team make me feel welcome and Oliver makes sure I participate. Harry and I always challenge each other, to see who can catch the snitch faster. Sometimes I win, sometimes he does and we even tied once" I tell him excitedly.

"I'm glad they are making you feel like a member of the team" he says smiling.

"I've even been showing Ginny a few moves, she loves quidditch" I tell him. "I think she has great potential as a chaser" I state.

"With you training her, I'm sure she will be a fine chaser in future" he tells me smiling.

"Oliver and I have become good friends. We hang out outside of practice and study together" I tell him.

"Really?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"We're just friends dad" I tell him.

"I'm not judging, he is a decent young man. Smart, loyal, caring and strong" he says.

"Dad, seriously I'm to young to think about that sort of stuff" I tell him. "But he is one of the few wizards I'm not related to by blood or marriage. If I did date someone, I believe he'd be my type" I state.

"Just don't try to grow up to fast" he tells me. "Stay single and enjoy your childhood" he adds.

"Will do" I say smiling and hop off of his lap. I go sit on the window sell as he goes back to marking his papers. "So are you enjoying teaching?" I ask him.

"Yes, very much so" he says smiling. "Have you given any thought to your future career?" he asks.

"I don't have to worry about that for three years. But I have thought of going into teaching" I tell him. "I enjoy helping my friends study and teaching them something new. But I also enjoy learning something new. So maybe I'll become a potioner or healer and discover new cure or make new potions" I say shrugging.

"I think you'll be good at any of them things" he tells me. "Just be sure to study hard and keep your grades up. You remember what happened to that Gryffindor beater when Tonks went to school" he reminds me.

"She stopped attending lessons and only cared about quidditch. Training nearly 24/7 and ended up kicked off the team. But at least she went back to studying, didn't she become a sports writer?" I ask him.

"I believe so, yes" he says. "But it goes to show you can't let anything distract you from studying" he tells me.

"Don't worry I won't let anything distract me and I'll make sure everyone on the team studies too. Mainly the twins and Oliver" I tell him smiling. He smiles back and suddenly his fire comes to life.

"Lupin! I want a word!" Snape called through the fire.

"I'll be right back" dad tells me and goes through the fire. I look out the window to see Snuffles and smile. I'll go play with him after dad returns. Soon dad returns with an old piece of parchment. I smile and summon it.

"Mr Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business" I read and giggle. "Did you and the others really come up with this?" I ask him.

"You know better then to snatch" he says taking the parchment back. "Mischief managed" he says tapping the parchment with his wand. The writing disappears and I pout.

"I wanted to read what Uncle Prongs said" I whine.

"He agreed with me and called Severus an ugly git" he mumbles. I giggle again. "Run along and play, but not a word of this to anyone" he tells me.

"Yes daddy" I say smiling and run out of his office. I go outside and am greeted by Snuffles. "Come on" I tell him and run towards the lake. Him running behind me barking happily. We go to our usual spot and sit down. "You won't believe what I found out today, but dad and his friends created a map of the school. But they also did something else to it encase someone tried to reveal it's secrets. It insulted the person and it was funny. But dad only let me read what he wrote before making the writing disappear. However he told me what my Uncle James wrote" I explain.

He yips wagging his tail and I smile patting his ear. "But I'll just ask Harry, he owned the map before it was confiscated. No doubt he knows what the rest of the messages were" I say shrugging. "Any let's go play tag" I tell him and go into the forest. He follows and I go shift in private. He tackles me and then runs off, oh it's on I think and take off after him.


Picture above of the messages to Snape from the Marauders and on the external link of Remus.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now