Day with Snuffles

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Remi's POV

"I mean, Hermione was only looking out for Harry and I. Why can't they see that and apologize? I hate all this fighting" I grumble to Snuffles. He and I are by the semi frozen lake. "Now dad expects me to have private lessons with him and Harry. So that Harry and I can learn the patronus charm" I tell him.

"Enough of this talk, lets go play" I tell him smiling. I lead him to the forest. We go inside and I go into a small cave. Undress and change into my wolf form. I run out and tackle Snuffles before running off.

He yipped and sprints after me. I let a wolf like laugh as we ran through the forest. We soon reach a small stream and start to splash each other. Until we got cold and got out of the water. I shook myself and so did he.

But I'm still shivering. Snuffles notices and nudges me gently. He takes me back to my cave and grabs my clothes. I frown and go to grab them but he takes off running. I run after him barking in protest. He runs out of the forest towards the whomping willow and I bark in alarm.

I skid to a stop as he ran towards the trunk of the tree. Dodging the attacking branches as he went. When he reached the trunk he pressed a paw to a knot and the tree freezes. He chucks my clothes down a hole and I frown in confusion. I then remember there's a tunnel under the tree leading to Hogsmeade.

I approach the trunk slowly keeping a wary eye on the branches above. I stop when I reach Snuffles side and he gestures to the hole. I frown but crawl into the tunnel and grab my clothes. He soon joins me and starts to head through the tunnel.

But I stay by the entrance feeling conflicted. This tunnel leads to Hogsmeade and I promised dad not to sneak into Hogsmeade. Snuffles stops when he realizing I'm not following and looks at me confused. I think about it and decide there's no harm in going to Hogsmeade as long as no one saw me. Besides this leads to the shrieking shack, I'll just stay inside.

I approach Snuffles and he continues to walk down the tunnel. We soon reach a basement and go up the stairs. I go into a room as Snuffles goes upstairs. I turn human and get dressed before going upstairs. I find Snuffles laying in front of a lit fire and frown in confusion as I sit beside him. I immediately start to warm up.

"Thanks Snuffles" I say as I give him a pat. I soon decide to take a nap and curl up on the ground. I fall into a deep sleep dreaming of a dog like Snuffles playing with dad. While a rat and stag watched.

Sirius' POV

I felt Remi stop patting me and I look over to see her asleep. I smile gently and lay my head over her side. Remus has raised her well and should be very proud of her. Though she's a natural flier like her mother. She has her father's brains from what I've seen of her studying. She is a perfect mix of the pair.

I lift my head and turn human. I pick her up slowly and lay her on the fainting chair. Then cover her in a blanket. I wish I could reveal myself to her, but I can't risk it. Not until Peter is dead for real. I sit by the wall and watch her in silence.

(An hour later)

I hear someone downstairs and turn back into Padfoot. I hide in the cupboard. Footsteps rush upstairs and Remus soon appears in the door way. His eyes land on Remi and he relaxes. "I've got her Minerva!" he calls and McGonagall appears wand in hand.

"Is she alright?" she asks him.

"Yes, just sleeping" he tells her as he picks Remi up. "Lets return to the castle, I shall handle her punishment. It that's ok with you" he states.

"Of course, she is safe and well. That's all that really matters" she tells him. They leave the room and shack together with Remi.

(Remus' private chambers) Remi's POV

I wake up with a yawn and stretch before opening my eyes. I spot dad and try not to pout. "Am I in trouble?" I ask him.

"Depends, what did you do today?" he asks me.

"I was by the lake then decided to go for a run in the forest. I ended up in a stream and got cold. So I ran back to my clothes and decided I still wanted to enjoy me time. So I went to the shack and started a fire. I must of fallen asleep" I explain.

"I told you not to go into Hogsmeade" he tells me.

"But I didn't I went to the shrieking shack. Which is on the outskirts away from Hogsmeade. Besides no one saw me" I tell him.

"Regardless Sirius could of been hiding there" he tells me. "You shall receive a detention with Professor McGonagall and lose ten house points. Now I expect to see you Thursday night at eight for yours and Harry's first lesson. See you at dinner" he states. I nod my head and leave the room.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now