Moving to HQ

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Remi's POV

So a lot has happened since the third task and I told Dumbledore with Oliver that Moody had taken Harry back to the castle. Dumbledore left with Snape and McGonagall. We found out that night, that the guy we believed to be Professor Moody was an imposter under a polyjuice potion. He was actually the believed to be dead Barty Crouch Jr, who has lost his soul thanks to the dementors kiss. The real Moody was trapped in his chest for ten months, poor guy.

Dumbledore set things in motion as Voldemort had returned. Since the minister refused to believe it. Dumbledore set about reforming the Order of the Phoenix. Dad used to tell me stories about the Order when I was little. Dumbledore became secret keeper of their new HQ. Which is where I'll be going to spend my summer. While my dad goes to speak to the werewolfs on Dumbledore's behalf. I wanted to go with, but he refused as I'm not of age yet.

Anyway Oliver and I exchanged contact information. We've talked a lot this first week on of the holidays. He's helped me keep my cool with all the lies the ministry is saying about Harry and Dumbledore. It doesn't help that the full moon is less then a week away.

"Remi, are you packed?" Dad asks as he appears in my door way. As I pat Cassie reading a letter from Hermione.

"Yes" I tell him. "Is this true?" I ask handing him the letter from Hermione. He reads it.

"Yes, the Weasleys will be there also" he tells me.

"At least I won't be the only kid" I state.

"Order members will come and go regularly. I'll try o visit as often as possible" he tells me.

"I know you will, just be-careful out there" I tell him.

"I will be" he assures me.

"How will I spend my full moon?" I ask him.

"Snape has made wolfs-bane potion for you, you'll take it and be locked in the basement of the HQ. Sirius will be with you also. It's all been prepared" he tells me. I nod my head.

"Dad when do we leave?" I ask.

"Shortly once the guard arrive with Hermione. The Weasleys as already at HQ, I'm sure Molly will have dinner waiting for us" he tells me. "Lets go downstairs and wait. Keep your wand in hand" he tells me. I nod and we head to the den, Cassie perched on my shoulder.

"When will Harry join us?" I ask him curious.

"Not for awhile, but you cannot tell him anything Remi. About the order, your whereabouts, what you're doing or anything about what's going on in the magic world" he tells me.

"I understand Dad, keep messages short and to the point. If in doubt, don't write is down. And if I do, write it in a way only someone who'd know me would be able to decipher" I state.

"Good" he says with a smile. Just then we hear people outside. We get to our feet, wands in hand. There's a knock on the door. "Remain here" he tells me and I nod. He goes to answer the door. "What was the name Remi gave you?" he asks someone.

"Snuffles" a familair voice answers.

"Uncle Sirius!" I shout and run into the main hall. I hug him tightly. "I wasn't expecting you" I tell him happily.

"Wouldn't miss a chance to fly" he states.

"He was supposed to stay at HQ" Moody grumbles. "Lupin, what's your patronus?" he asks.

"Wolf" he states.

"Remi" another family voice says. I see a girl with spiky violet coloured hair. "What's the name only you call me?" she asks.

"Dora" I state and she gives me a big hug.

"You've grown" she tells me. Dad introduces the others. And I finally spot Hermione with Bill Weasley. I ran forward and hugged her tightly.

"I've missed you" I tell her.

"Missed you to Remi" she states.

"This is all very touching, but we must get ready to leave" Moody states. "There's the first signal" he adds pointing out the window.

"Remi, think Hermione can ride with you?" Bill asks me.

"Of course, but you'll have to hold on tight Hermione" I tell her. She nods and we go outside mounting brooms. Luckily it's a cloudy night. The second signal comes and we take off.

(A couple hours later)

We finally land in a park and walk onto the street. Moody handed Hermione a piece of parchment. Telling dad, her and I to read it. And memorize it. It said: The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London. We memorize it and a building appears between 11 & 13. It looks ancient.

Hermione and I are assured inside. Taken to a kitchen. Where were greeted by the Weasleys and several other order members. We had dinner. Before Ginny showed Hermione and I to our shared room. The three of us will be sharing when it's not a full moon.

"This room apparently used to be Sirius and his brother Regulus'. Until he went to Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor. After that, they were put into separate rooms. Are you guys ok to share the bottom bunk?" she asks us. The bottom bunk was bigger then the top.

"Fine with me, Hermione?" I ask.

"Just don't push me out of bed during the night" she tells me.

"Promise" I tell her and we settle in. "So spoken to anyone over the holidays?" I ask.

"Viktor and I are pen pals now. I've only sent Harry one letter and Ron" Hermione states.

"Only Luna and Micheal Corner" Ginny states. "You?" she asks.

"I've bee speaking to Oliver, his team will be playing as some members on main team are unwell" I state.

"Oliver and Remi sitting in a tree" Ginny teases. I whack her with a pillow. We all laugh.

"Besides, aren't you and Micheal dating?" I ask her. She blushes.

"Shush, no one in my family knows" she tells me.

"Honestly how can you two talk about boys?" Hermione asks us.

"Because we're girls" I tell her. "Besides, are you saying that isn't a guy you fancy?" I ask her. "You seemed pretty fond of Viktor, even gave him your first kiss" I states.

"Remi!" she exclaims blushing as Ginny laughs.

"I've missed girl time" she states.

"So have I" I state hugging them both.


Picture above of 12 Grimmauld Place and picture on the external link of the bunk bed.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now