Prologue: 11 years Ago

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(October 15th 1981) Casandra's POV

"Once upon a time there was a misunderstood werewolf and a shy bookworm. He the half-blood wizard and she a pureblood princess. Under normal circumstances they'd never met, but as fate had it they did met. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was truly a magical place. They were in separate houses, but run into each at the library. First they became secret friends and study partners. In their seventh year the werewolf confessed his love for the princess and told her what he was. However, she already knew and did not care. They started dating and she met the rest of the Marauders along with a red haired, green eyed maiden. When they finished school he proposed and the princess said yes. But a war had started so the wedding was postponed while they fought for the Order of the Phoenix. The Princess became a Professor at Hogwarts and taught Charms. They thought they'd make it, but something else entered their life" I say rubbing my swollen belly.

"The princess found out she was pregnant and told the werewolf. He was upset, saying he'd cursed the child with his 'furry little problem'. But the princess told him she did not care and loves the child & always will no matter want" I state kissing my stomach.

"What story were you telling her this time Cassy?" Remus asks as he enters the nursery. I was only eight months along, but we had everything prepared. Remus was pale as it was a full moon last night.

"Ours" I tell him smiling and he walks over pecking my lips gently.

"At this rate she'll know it better then us" he states chuckling as he rubs my belly gently. "Do you have to go?" he asks. Remus was worried about me visiting my parents grave tonight.

"I'll be fine Remus and so will Remi, don't you trust me?" I ask him.

"Of course I do, but with the war going on" he begins. But I cut him off by kissing him.

"It's not far and I'll have my wand, I'll only be gone half an hour" I assure him. "I promise if there is any trouble I'll send a patronus" I tell him. "Now weren't you going to see Sirius" I remind him.

"Ok, but please be-careful. I couldn't live with myself if I lost both of you" Remus says stroking my hair and belly. "Goodbye Remi, you be good for your mother" he states kissing my belly. "See you in half an hour not a minute later" he tells me kissing me gently.

"I love you Remus Lupin" I say hugging him.

"As I love you Casandra Merillia" he states wrapping me in a hug. I then put on my dark purple cloak grabbing my Ivory wand. I gave Remus one last hug and kiss goodbye before heading outside. I stuck out my wand arm and the Knight Bus appeared.

"Smallville Cemetery please" I tell the conductor giving him five galleons. I then grabbed a pole and stood for the journey. As it was safer for the baby and I. "Thank you, please collect me in half an hour" I say as I step off the bus.

"Of course Ma'am" the conductor states smiling and the bus zoomed off. I then walked over to my parents graves with my wand in hand. When I reached it I made a jasmine wraith for my mother and a baby-birth one for my father.

"Hey Mum and Dad it's been awhile" I say kneeling in front of the grave stones. "Remus and I are still engaged & very much in love" I tell them. "We're expecting a baby girl in a month, I would have come to tell you earlier. But with the war and work" I trial off hearing a twig snap. I draw my wand slowly and place many protective charms on my womb to protect my child.

I felt myself being surrounded by about eight people and thought I only had to survive five more minutes. "Show yourself you cowards" I snarl as I stand slowly. I already knew they were deatheaters.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now