Hogwarts Quidditch Final

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Remi's POV

Hermione quit divination and I'm so proud of her. Buckbeak lost his case,  he is set to be executed after exams. But he still has an appeal. Harry and Ron are helping Hermione & I try to find a way to save him. I doubt my title will help now that he'd lost his case. But I'll be damned if I let Buckbeak  die. He was only reacting to Draco insulting him as any hippogriff would.

But today we have to take a break from researching and exam preparations. As today is the day of the quidditch final, gryffindor vs slytherin. I believe we can win. Oliver said himself this is the best time Gryffindor has had in years. This time we don't have to forfeit the last match because Harry is hurt. With the firebolt, I have no doubt Harry can beat Draco to the snitch.

The whole of Gryffindor House was obsessed with the coming match. Gryffindor hadn't won the Quidditch Cup since the legendary Charlie Weasley had been Seeker. The enmity between Harry and Malfoy was at its highest point ever. Never, in anyone's memory, had a match approached in such a highly charged atmosphere. By the time the holidays were over, tension between the two teams and their Houses was at the breaking point. A nasty incident in which a Gryffindor fourth year and a Slytherin sixth year ended up in the hospital wing with leeks sprouting out of their ears. Which I found hilarious.

Harry was having a particularly bad time of it. He couldn't walk to class without Slytherins sticking out their legs and trying to trip him up; Crabbe and Goyle kept popping up wherever he went. Wood had given instructions that Harry and I should be accompanied everywhere we go. The whole of Gryffindor House took up the challenge enthusiastically. Though Harry appeared to be more concerned for his Firebolt's safety than his own. When he wasn't flying it, he locked it securely in his trunk and frequently dashed back up to Gryffindor Tower at break times to check that it was still there.

Anyway I'm sitting in on the team meeting before the match. As back up seeker I have to know the plan encase Harry gets hurt and can't play. Harry and I can only catch the snitch if we're more then fifty points up. Otherwise we'll win the match, but lose the cup. Oliver has been stressing that to the both of us. Until Harry very snapped and yelled that we know. None of us spoke as we changed into our scarlet robes.

Instead of giving a speech Oliver let us sit in silence. "It's time, let's go then" he says when it's time to go onto the pitch. We walked out onto the field to a tidal wave of noise. Three quarters of the crowd was wearing scarlet rosettes, waving scarlet flags with the Gryffindor lion upon them, or brandishing gryffindor banners. Behind the Slytherin goal posts, however, two hundred people were wearing green. The silver serpent of Slytherin glittered on their flags, and Professor Snape sat in the very front row. Wearing green like everyone else, and a very grim smile.

"And here are the Gryffindors!" Lee yells from the commentary box. "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Spinnet, Weasley, Weasley, Wood, and last but not least Lupin. Widely acknowledged as the best team Hogwarts has seen in a good few years" he states. I blush slightly. The Slytherin team appeared and he introduced them.

"Captains shake hands" Madame Hooch instructs. Oliver and Flint shake hands. It looked as though each was trying to break the other's fingers. More then a hand shake. "Mount your brooms" she tells us. They all do while I remain still she counts to three and blows her whistle. They all kick off taking to the sky. "Take a seat over there Miss Lupin" she tells me pointing to the reserve bench.

I nod my head and go sit down. I take out a pair of binoculars and begin to watch the match. Wishing I was in the stands for a better view. "And it's Gryffindor in possession, Alicia Spinner of Gryffindor with the Quaffle, heading straight for the Slytherin goal posts, looking good, Alicia! Argh, no -- Quaffle intercepted by Warrington, Warrington of Slytherin tearing UP the field -- WHAM! -- nice Bludger work there by George Weasley, Warrington drops the Quaffle, it's caught by -- Johnson, Gryffindor back in possession, come on, Angelina -- nice swerve around Montague -- duck, Angelina, that's a Bludger!¨C SHE SCORES! TEN-ZERO TO GRYFFINDOR!" Lee commentates.

I see Flint ram into her as she cheered her shoot. The crowd boo. "Sorry, didn't see her!" he shouts. I roll my eyes, yeah right. A moment later, Fred Weasley chucked his Beater's club at the back of Flint's head. Flint's nose smashed into the handle of his broom and began to bleed. I chuckle, serves him right. But both teams are awarded a penalty shot each.

Alicia took Gryffindors and scored another goal. Making the score twenty - zero to Gryffindor. Flint flew forward to take the penalty shot for Slytherin. "Go Oliver!" I shout cheering my team's keeper on.

"YES! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! HE'S SAVED IT!" Lee shouts and I cheer with the others. Katie takes possession of the quaffle and heads for the slytherin goal posts. Suddenly Montague, had swerved in front of Katie, and instead of seizing the Quaffle had grabbed her head. Katie cart-wheeled in the air, managed to stay on her broom, but dropped the Quaffle.

Madam Hooch's whistle rang out again as she soared over to Montague and began shouting at him. A minute later, Katie had put another penalty past the Slytherin Keeper. Making the score thirty - zero to gryffindor. So far, so good. If we keep this up and Harry keeps Draco away from the snitch. We have a great chance at winning the cup.

The match continues on with gryffindor getting more penalties. The score is now fifty - ten to gryffindor. Fred and George Weasley were swooping around Katie, clubs raised. Bole and Derrick took advantage of Fred's and George's absence to aim both Bludgers at Oliver. They caught him in the stomach, one after the other, and he rolled over in the air. Clutching his broom, completely winded.

"YOU DO NOT ATTACK THE KEEPER UNLESS THE QUAFFLE IS WITHIN THE SCORING AREA!" Madame Hooch screeched at both beaters. "Penalty to Gryffindor" she states. Angelina took the penalty and scored. Shortly after Alicia scored another goal and now the score is seventy - ten to gryffindor. If Harry can catch the snitch now, we win the match and the cup.

I look through my binoculars and find Harry. I follow him and notice Draco sticking close to his tail. Harry put on a huge burst of speed only for Malfoy had throw himself forward. He grabbed hold of the Firebolt's tail, and was pulling it back. When Harry realized he looked furious. Draco let go once the snitch was out of sight.

Alicia took Gryffindor's penalty, but she was so angry she missed by several feet. The Gryffindor team was losing concentration. However, theSlytherins, delighted by Malfoy's foul on Harry, were being spurred on to greater heights. Montague scored making the score seventy-twenty to Gryffindor. 

Every single Slytherin player apart from Malfoy was streaking up the pitch toward Angelina, including the Slytherin Keeper -- they were all going to block her -- Harry wheeled the Firebolt around, bent so low he was lying flat along the handle, and kicked it forward. Like a bullet, he shot toward the Slytherins. They scattered as the Firebolt zoomed toward them; Angelina's way was clear. She scored making the score eighty-twenty to Gryffindor.

Harry, who had almost pelted headlong into the stands, skidded to a halt in midair, reversed, and zoomed back into the middle of the field. I then notice Draco was diving, a look of triumph on his face. Harry shots after him full speed. He caught up and knocked Draco's hand out of the way and caught the snitch. He pulled out of his dive, his hand in the air, and the stadium exploded. I mount my broom and kick off striking toward him.

Oliver and I reached Harry at the same time. We hug him tightly. Oliver sobbed unrestrainedly into Harry's shoulder. Fred and George join us with a thud. I then Angelina's, Alicia's, and Katie's voices. "We've won the Cup! We've won the Cup!" Tangled together in a many-armed hug, we sank, yelling hoarsely, back to earth.

Wave upon wave of crimson supporters was pouring over the barriers onto the field. Hands were raining down on our backs. We are soon hoisted onto the shoulders of the crowd. "Yeh beat 'em, Harry, yeh beat 'em! Wait till I tell Buckbeak!" Hagrid shouts.

I notice Percy, jumping up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten. Professor McGonagall was sobbing harder even than Oliver wiping her eyes with an enormous Gryffindor flag. I then notice dad, Ron and Hermione fighting their way toward us through the crowd. Words failed them. They simply beamed as we are taken toward the stands. Where Dumbledore stood waiting with the enormous Quidditch Cup. A sobbing Oliver passed Harry and I the Cup, we lifted it into the air as the crowd roars their approval.


Picture above of Remi's clothes and on the external link of Harry holding the quidditch cup.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now