Day 1 of Second Year

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Remi's POV

"Miss Lupin, please remain after class" Snape says after taking the roll.

"Yes professor" I say confused. The rest of class we discuss potions we'd do this year and Snape gave us homework. "I'll see you in Herbology" I tell Ginny before she leaves. "Professor why did you want me to remain?" I ask confused once everyone had left.

"You are familiar with your father's relationship with Black" he states.

"Yes, they were friends" I state.

"If your father has anything to do with Black's escape or tries to help him get inside the school. I won't hesitate to see them both in Azkaban" he tells me.

"Is that a threat?" I ask snarling. No one, threatens my family.

"No, it's a promise. I don't trust your father and have told Dumbledore as such. But he believes your father can be trusted and has asked me to make wolfsbane potion. For both of you" he states. "I won't tamper with it in anyway, just tell your father I'll be watching him closely" he tells me.

"I will, but know this professor. No one threatens or hurts my family without feeling my wraith. That is a promise" I tell him. He says nothing just giving me a late slip pointing to the door. I leave the room and run to Herbology. I gave professor Sprout my late slip and go stand beside Ginny. I notice we had class with all the other houses this year, we re-potted mandrakes.

After Herbology we went to study hall and got started on our potions essay. Professor Sprout did not give us homework. We then had lunch by the lake as it was a nice day. Before going to History of Magic, where Professor Binns gave us a lecture. I just took notes along with Ginny as we tried not to fall asleep.

We then had Charms. Where we started to do theory on shrinking and enlargement charms. Professor Flitwick said we'd be doing an essay all week in class on both charms. Practice the incantations and wand movements next week. Then at the end of that week we'd cast the spells on an object. Shrinking it, before returning it to it's normal size.

It was finally time for Defense Against the Dark Arts with all the houses. Ginny and I sat in the front row. Dad took the roll before telling us what we'd be doing. "Last year, I'm sure many of you attended the dueling club. I will have you go against each other to see your level of skill in dueling. Then create a lesson plan to help improve your dueling skills. But we'll also be studying dark creatures and how defend against them" he explains. "Any questions?" he asks us.

A few hands went up and he points to Colin. "Are you Remi's dad?" he asks.

"Yes, but that won't effect how I teach her. She will be punished for misbehaving to the same level as any of you. She'll also be addressing me as professor during class" dad assures them. "Any other questions?" he asks. No one raised their hand and those that had, had lowered them.

"Ok, line up and we'll test your dueling skills" he instructs. A slytherin called Harper went against Colin first. Harper won and went against Luna. Who won and won the next two duels, before losing to another slytherin. Ginny beat him and remained best duelist until it was my time to duel.

"Don't go easy on me" I tell her smirking wand at the ready.

"Not in my nature" she tells me.

"Begin" dad states and Ginny shots a disarming spell my way.

"Protego" I say shielding myself. We continued to trade blows until I got her with the knock-back jinx. I lowered my wand and held a hand out to her. "You've improved" I tell her smiling.

"So have you" she chuckles as I help her up.

"Very well done girls, take twenty points for Gryffindor" dad tells us. "The rest of you can take five points each for you class for giving it ago. Class dismissed" he says and the others leave.

"How was your first day dad?" I ask him smiling.

"It went well, and your day?" he asks me.

"Ok, but Potions was bad" I tell him. "Snape threaten to send you to send you to Azkaban if you had anything to do with Uncle Sirius" I state growling. "He still holds his school boy grudge" I add and he sighs.

"I doubt that will ever go away, but I would not take his threats seriously. As I have nothing to do with Sirius anymore. So nothing bad will happen" he tells me. "Did he say anything else?" he asks.

"That he'd make us wolfsbane potion on Dumbledore's orders" I say quietly.

"That is much appreciated, he is really quiet amazing at potion making. I would of made it for us when it was first invited. But the price of the ingredients were high and I am not as good a potions as you mother had been. Also you can't do magic outside of school" he states.

"I don't need the potion, you do when alone. But you're always have your mind when I'm around" I tell him. "Anyway, I have studying to do. I'll see you at dinner" I say hugging him. Before leaving and going to the library to study.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now