Dueling Club & Full Moon

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Remi's POV

While everyone had been celebrating in the common room at winning the match against Slytherin. Collin had sneaked off with his camera to visit Harry and got petrified. So a dueling club has been started with Lockhart as the instructor with Snape as his assistant. The only reason I agreed to go was to watch Lockhart get his arse handed to him by Snape. Also with Snape there at least we'll learn something useful.

I stand next to Hermione with Harry and Ron in the great hall as Lockhart appears. He asks if we can all see and hear him. Then introduces Snape as his assistant assuring us we won't lose our potions master. "I'd be more concern at losing our defense teacher, did I say concern? More like relieved" I tell the others quietly. The two boys laugh quietly while Hermione glares at me.

We turn our attention back to the stage where Snape and Lockhart stood facing each other. Their wands drawn as they bow to each other before going to opposite ends of the stage. With wands at the ready Snape attacks first with "Expelliarmus". Which sends Lockhart flying when it was suppose to only disarm him. What a loser.

Lockhart then gloats saying how he knew Snape was going to use that spell and he could of blocked it easily. "Then show us professor" I tell him smirking and everyone turns to face me. "If you can block it so easily, it shouldn't be hard to give us a demonstration of a shield charm" I state.

"You think you can do it?" he asks acting cocky.

"Of course, I've trained in dueling since before I started here. I know both the shield charm and the disarming charm Professor Snape just used on you. It should of only threw your wand out of your hand, not send you flying across the room. I'd be happy to demonstrate with Professor Snape" I tell him.

"What say you Professor Snape?" Lockhart asks him.

"I have no problem with it, but afterwards I think we should pair students up so that they can practice both spells" Snape states. Lockhart agrees and the Weasley twins help me onto the stage. I draw my ebony wand and bow to Professor Snape as he does the same to me. Before we take our positions at opposite ends of the stage.

"You may go first professor, don't go easy on me just because I'm a student" I tell him.

"Of course, Expelliarmus" Snape says and a jet of red light shoots towards me.

"Protego" I say shielding myself from the spell before countering with my own disarming spell "expelliarmus". Snape's wand flies out of his hand and I catch it with my free one. "Thanks for the lesson professor" I say handing him back his wand. I hope if the stage as Harry and Malfoy were called up to duel.

Not one of them used the disarming spell or shield charm. Suddenly Malfoy summons a cobra from his wand. Harry starts to speak Parseltongue and the snake advances on Justin from Hufflepuff. After Lockhart tried and failed to get rid of the snake angering it. But the snake seemed to calm down before Snape got rid of it by saying "Vipera Evanesca".

Now everyone seems to think Harry is the heir of Slytherin as Salazar Slytherin was also a parseltongue. Any way I couldn't focus on that as it was a full moon tonight. Unlike normal werewolves I don't get mad and keep my human mind when I turn. I also don't become tired or hurt, so I can go straight back to class the following day after the full moon. Since I don't show any signs of a true werewolf no one will figure out my secret unless they are told or see me transform.

So here I am now in the Shrieking Shack waiting to transform. Which will be when the moon is at it's highest. That should be any minute now and then I feel the familiar tingling through my body. I transform and stretch my body before curling up thinking about what to do. I could go explore the forest but the centaurs may kill me. Could go to Hogsmeade, but humans are still out and about.

I wander how the others are doing at school. Harry, Hermione and Ron were going to the study hall to do homework. So was Ginny with her dairy and school work. But with all the new rumors I worry for Harry. If someone else gets petrified or worse killed, the other students will blame him. Just because he is a parseltongue. I guess I'll just sleep and find out tomorrow, but first I'll explore the shack.

So I explored the whole shack going from room to room both upstairs and down. I even went through the tunnel and looked out the hole at the base of the Whooping Willow. Then return to the master bedroom and curl up on the bed as a grey tabby. I give it a wolf grin as it jumps onto the night stand and watches me. I know it was my godmother professor McGonagall and she was making sure I was ok.

I was fine, I have gotten used to transforming without dad around. Though I do miss our play fights together. With that thought I howl before curling up more tightly before falling asleep. I could of sworn I heard my dad's own howl answering mine on the wind.


Gif above of Snape getting rid of the snake and video above of Harry's duel with Draco.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now