Talk With Malfoy

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Remi's POV

I was having an amazing first week until I heard that Malfoy was 'attacked' by a hippogriff in Care of Magical creatures. Honestly I don't care if his hurt or not. All I care about is the hippogriff who apparently attacked him. Buckbeak is a gentle hippogriff and wouldn't attack someone without a reason. He was either insulted or protecting someone. I've known him since he was a foal. (Baby Buckbeak:

So I march my way to the hospital wing trying to hold my wolf back. She to is angry as she loved to play with Buckbeak. "Miss Lupin, how may I help you?" Madam Pomfrey asks once I enter the room.

"I need to talk to Draco Malfoy in private" I tell her.

"Ok, but only five minutes. The dear is still in a lot of pain" she tells me. Once she turns her back I roll my eyes. Sure he is I think. I walk over to wear Draco was sitting on a bed and pulled the curtain and did a muffle spell to give us privacy.

"Did you bring me a present?" he asks and I glare at him hotly.

"I'm going to ask you one question and you better answer truthfully. Or I'll remove those bones from your arm" I tell him seriously. "What did you do to upset Buckbeak?" I demand.

"Who?" he asks fawning confusion and I glare at him.

"The hippogriff" I state.

"Nothing" he says and I growl. "Ok, fine. I insulted him, happy?" he asks.

"No I'm not" I tell him as I sit down. "You've told your father" I say and he nods his head. "Damn it Malfoy, why do you always run to your father?" I ask annoyed. "Now I have to clean up the mess you've made" I state.

"It's just a hippogriff, Hagrid has a whole herd" he grumbles.

"He's not just any hippogriff Malfoy, I've known him since he was a foal. I helped raise him and now he may die because of your stupidity" I explain glaring.

"I can try talk to my father, but he won't listen" he states.

"No, you've done enough damage. I will handle this as a princess, I hate to have to use my title. But I fear your father will give me no choice. And if that doesn't work, there are other ways to ensure Buckbeak's survival" I state.

"Do I have to tell everyone I'm healed?" he asks pouting and I roll my eyes.

"I see no reason to as long as you don't abuse your fake injury to much. But if it's not healed by the end of the month. There will be consequences" I tell him. I get up to leave. "Oh and one last thing Malfoy. Don't cause anymore trouble fro Hagrid" I order.

"Yes princess, see you around" he tells me and I leave the hospital wing. I go to Hermione and we start to research old hippogriff attack cases. Harry and Ron promised to help us later. Though Ron is angry at Hermione for allowing Crookshanks to roam the school. I honestly understand Crookshanks dislike for Scabbers. My wolf doesn't like him much either, but we don't attack him everytime we see him.

Sirius Black still hasn't been caught yet and appears to be getting closer to Hogwarts. The third years first Hogsmeade visit is coming up soon. I told the twins to show Harry the map and help him into Hogsmeade. No way I was letting him miss the first trip into Hogsmeade. Besides dad never said I couldn't tell someone else to help Harry. Only that I couldn't help him personally. So I haven't broken any of his rules, yet.

Hermione and I go to dinner. We sit with Ginny who was talking to a Ravenclaw called Luna. She's in our year and her dad is the editor of the Quibbler. And she's always reading them or talking about nargles or both. She also loves pudding. She not show it, but she is really bright. Hence why she's in Ravenclaw. Anyway dinner was quiet and we return our separate common rooms.

Ginny, Hermione and I did our homework together. Before calling it a night. Snowy was perched on a chair as Ginny and I entered the room. She saw us and hooted a goodnight before going to hunt. Ginny and I changed into our pjs before doing our teeth. We then wished each other a good night before falling asleep in our separate beds. I dreamt of an adult, a fox and wolf pup playing together.


Picture above of Buckbeak and picture on the external link of Madam Pomfrey.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now