Halloween Night

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Remi's POV

"You promise right?" I ask Ginny as we head to the great hall for the Halloween  feast.

"Yes I promise, no Harry talk until after the feast" she tells me. Ginny has this major crush on Harry and wouldn't stop talking about him all summer or when we're alone. "Let's go sit by Hermione, she looks lonely" she suggests and I nod my head smiling.

"Where are the other two?" I ask Hermione as Ginny prepares her plate.

"They have detention remember for the flying car incident" she reminds me. "Beside they should be here before the feast ends" she states. Hermione and I prepare our plates before talking classes.

"Hey Ginny, want to go flying tomorrow?" I ask turning to her. "Weird where'd she go?" I ask Hermione when I see no Ginny beside me.

"She said something about the bathroom" Collin tells me.

"Thanks Collin" I tell him smiling and he heads back over to his friends. "Hey look here comes Ron" I states. "Looks like he stopped vomiting slugs" I tell Hermione giggling.

"It wasn't funny Remi" Hermione scolds me gently.

"What Malfoy called you isn't funny, but Ron's own spell back firing on him is hilarious. Besides he wasn't seriously hurt" I remind her. "Hey Ron you look rather sluggish" I state smirking.

"I'm in the mood Remi, where's Harry?" he asks Hermione.

"He should be here soon" Hermione assures him. But when Harry doesn't appear and Lockhart does we decide to go look for him. I smuggle some food to snack on later before following them. We soon found Harry with his ear against a wall.

"What cha doing Harry?" I ask him as I lick my lolly pop.

"Did you hear that voice?" he asks us.

"Voice? What voice?" Hermione asks what I was thinking.

"It's moving, I think it's going to kill" Harry states before running off and I take off after him.

"Harry, Remi wait not so fast!" Hermione shouts as she runs after us with Ron. We soon reach a corridor that had water on the floor. Harry walks over to a wall where something was written and something hanging beside it.

"Is that?" I ask looking at it not taking another step forward.

"It's Mrs Norris" Harry clarifies as the other two stand beside him. Just then the rest of the school arrived with Mr Filch. Malfoy and his two goons just had to be in the first row of students.

"Enemy's of the heir beware, you'll be next mudbloods" he tells them.

"Stop being a brat Malfoy" I snap as Filch looks at his petrified cat and Malfoy. Who starts to threaten Harry for murdering Mrs Norris. I growl lowly as I begin to advance on when Dumbledore appeared with a few other staff members. I relax taking a deep breath as he sends the other students back to their dorms.

But he had me stay behind with Harry, Hermione and Ron. I lean against the opposite wall of the message going back to my lolly pop. "She's not dead Argus, she has been petrified" Dumbledore tells the care taker. "Though how she has been petrified, I do not know" he states after Lockhart made an annoying comment. Merlin, why does he have to be our teacher?

"Ask him, he's the one that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall" Filch states pointing at Harry and I suppress an other growl. Professor McGonagall gave me a look telling me to remain calm and I take a deep calming breath.

"It's not true sir I swear, I never touched Mrs Norris" Harry tells Dumbledore.

"He's right, besides he was with us when the attack happened" I remind everyone.

"Innocent until proven guilty" Dumbledore states sending the other three back to Gryffindor Tower. Before he, McGonagall and I go to his office. "Sherbet Lemon" he says when we reach the stone gargoyle guarding the stairs to his office. I sit down in front of his desk with McGonagall standing beside me and him sitting in his chair in front of me.

"I'm sorry for nearly exposing myself professors, just he mad me angry threatening Harry. And with the risk chamber being open again" I explain.

"You are not in trouble Miss Lupin, just tell us what happened" McGonagall assures me.

"When Lockhart appeared without Harry, I went looking for him with Hermione and Ron. We found him and we decided to go back to the common room. Because Harry said he wasn't hungry and then we found Mrs Norris petrified next to the message" I partially lie.

"Thank you Remi, you may return to Gryffindor Tower now. Minerva please take her" Dumbledore tells us. I said goodnight and followed Professor McGonagall back to Gryffindor Tower. She left once I reached it and I enter the common room to see Harry waiting for me with the other two.

"I didn't mentioned the voice you'd heard Harry and told them we were heading back here when we found Mrs Norris" I tell them. Harry thanked me and we all went to our dorms for the night.  I fell asleep start away as my head hits the pillow after brushing my teeth and changing into my winter pj's.


Picture above the great hall Halloween night.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now