Flight of the Fat Lady

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Remi's POV

Hagrid seems to of lost some of his confidence in teaching and now we're taking care of flobber worms. The quidditch season has started and Harry was busy training with the team. So that left Hermione and I to research Buckbeak's case. As Ron is angry at Hermione, because Crookshanks tried to kill Scabbers again.

Also the first Hogsmeade visit of the year has been announced. It's on Halloween and all the third years are excited. Except for Harry, who can't go. Sirius Black was sighted in Duff Town a few days ago. He's getting closer to Hogwarts and I can tell my dad is worried. He keeps reminding not to sneak into Hogsmeade or being out after curfew.

As much as I wanted to sneak into Hogsmeade I decided not to. Instead I'm in the forest in wolf form. I haven't run free when there was no full moon in so long. It feels great to have sun shine on my fur. Though dad will be mad if he knew I'm out here alone. He's thinks I'm studying in the library while he's marking his papers. Which will take a few more hours, by the time he's done. I'll be in the library, actually studying.

I was enjoying my sun bathing when I hear a twig snap. I lift my head to see a very thin black large dog. I tilt my head to the side and it does the same looking at me quizzically. Making me giggle as I bounce up to my feet wagging my tail. Maybe we could play.

So I get into my play bow yipping at the dog. Who returns the gesturing and we're soon playing tag in the clearing. We end up in a shallow stream splashing each other. When a howl is heard. I left my head and listen as it sounds again. Oh man, it's dad.

I jump out of the stream and shake myself dry before taking off towards the edge of the forest. Thank Merlin, the dog doesn't follow me. I exit the trees and sit down head bowed. My dad does not look happy. Arms crossed and tapping his foot. He gives me my clothes and I change behind a tree.

"Dad, I'm sorry" I tell him.

"Sorry won't cut it Remi, you're grounded for the next month" he tells me. I follow him back to his office and see he had my school bag. I take out my homework and start to do it as he returns to marking.

"How did you know I was in the forest?" I ask him.

"I saw Harry and he told me you weren't in the library while we walked around the school talking. Once I agreed to teach him the patronus charm, I went and got your school bag. Then went to the forest to collect you" he explains.

"So what are my rules of being grounded?" I ask him.

"No leaving the common room, except for meals, bathroom and class. You go nowhere alone and no pranking with the twins.  And no sending letters for a month" he states. I nod my head.

(That night)

The Halloween feast is over and I'm heading towards the common room. With Harry and Ron. But end up stuck on the stairs with the rest of our house. "What's going on?" I ask them confused.

"Maybe Neville forgot the password again" Ron says.

"Hey!" Neville says from behind us.

"Oh you're there" Ron says shocked.

Suddenly pushes through the crowd and stops in front of us. "The fat lady, she's gone" she states. That's when I notice the slashed portrait at the top of the stairs. Suddenly Dumbledore appears with Filch and exams the painting. While Filch looks around at all the other paintings.

"Mr. Filch? Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady" Dumbledore instructs.

"There's no need for ghosts professor" Filch states. "The fat lady's there" he says pointing. We all run towards it, ignoring Percy's shouts to slow down. But allow Dumbledore to stand in front of the painting as the fat lady pokes her head out from behind a hippo.

"My dear lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore asks her.

"Eyes like the devil, he's got, and a soul as dark as his name. It's him, headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here, somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!" she whimpers before hiding again.

"Secure the castle Mr Filch" Dumbledore orders him. "The rest of, you to the great hall" he tells us students. We all go there and are soon joined by the other students. Dumbledore conjured us pillows and sleeping bags. Before leaving the prefects in-charge with the head boy and head girl. Then secured the room before going to search for Sirius Black. I lay in between Harry and Hermione falling a sleep.


Gif above of the Fat Lady hiding behind a hippo.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now