Back-up Seeker

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Remi's POV

It's time for my try out. But only Oliver and the three chasers will be there. The twins have to restock on sweets from Hogsmeade. Harry is still sulking about not going to Hogsmeade, I think he said something about trying to sneak out of school. I'm sure the twins will help him before they leave. Besides I'm glad there'll be less people, it means less precious.

I still don't have a broom and am burrowing one of the schools. Oliver got it from Madame Hooch. Honestly I haven't been on a broom since flying lessons last year. But I've always been good on a broom. Dad told me as soon as I could walk I grabbed the toy broom Uncle Sirius got me and started to fly around my room.

After breakfast I head down to the Quidditch pitch. Where the three chasers were waiting. "Hi, I'm Remi" I say smiling.

"I'm Angelina" says the one with dark skin.

"I'm Alicia" says the blonde.

"And I am Katie" says the brunette.

"Pleasure to meet you all, where's Oliver?" I ask them confused.

"No, bad Snuffles! Bring it back!" we hear Oliver shout. We turn to see him chasing after Snuffles who is carrying a broom. (Image: ) The girls and I all laugh as Oliver dived for Snuffles, and missed.

"Snuffles, here boy!" I call and he runs over. He sits down in front of me his tail wagging like crazy. "Tar boy" I say holding my hand out and he gives me the broom.

"Oh what a good dog" Angelina gushes as Alicia and Katie pat him.

"You ok Oliver?" I ask him.

"Fine" he grumbles dusting himself off before smiling at me. "Ready for your try out?" he asks me. The girls stop fawning over Snuffles and join us.

"Yes, what are be doing?" I ask him.

"Three of us will have five golf balls and be in different corners of the pitch. We'll throw them individually at random. All you need to do is catch ten of them, as with training you can get better" he explains.

"So I just have to catch ten golf balls? Seems simple enough" I say shrugging.

"There'll be one bludger, which Angelina will occasionally hit your way" he adds.

"Yippee" I grumble and they all smile. We mount our brooms and take to the sky. I see Snuffles in the stands and smile. Before looking at Oliver "I'm ready" I tell him. Katie throws the first ball high and I zoom after it. I managed to catch it.

"Not bad, try this on for size" Alicia says throwing a ball towards the ground. I dive after it and catch it pulling up at the last second. Oliver then throws a ball but as I went for it a bludger cuts me off.

"Be aware of your surroundings" Angelina tells me and I nod my head. In the end I caught eleven balls and was nearly knocked off my broom once. The bludger grazing my shoulder as I grabbed the snitch. We all land and Snuffles runs over.

"So, did I make the team?" I ask Oliver smiling.

"You're our official back up seeker" he says smiling and all the girls hug me. Making me yelp in pain as they squeezed my bruised shoulder. "Are you ok?" Oliver asks me.

"Yes, just a bruised shoulder from the bludger that grazed it" I assure him.

"I'll take you to the hospital wing, better to be safe then sorry" he tells me. So we said good bye to the girls and start to head towards the castle. "So when are you going to buy a broom?" he asks me as Snuffles walks with us.

"I'll order one when Harry does, not until after Christmas though" I tell him. "Bye Snuffles" I say when we reach the castle. He barks once before running off. Oliver takes me to the hospital wing where Madame Pomfrey gave me a potion for the pain and a bag of ice. Before sending us on our way. "I'm going to go tell Dad I made the team, go enjoy Hogsmeade" I tell him.

"Ok, just keep that iced until dinner" he tells me.

"I will, now go" I tell him and he leaves. I make my way to dad's office and enter. "Hey Dad" I say smiling as I hop onto his desk.

"What happened to your arm?" he asks concerned.

"Bludger, but guess what" I tell him smiling.

"What?" he asks me still worried.

"I'm Gryffindor's new back-up seeker" I state.

"That's great, is your arm ok though?" he ask me.

"Just bruised, I have to keep ice on it until dinner. Madame Pomfrey also gave me a pain relief potion if the pain gets to bad" I tell him. "Seen Harry today?" I ask him.

"No, I've been marking all day" he states. "So have any guys caught your eye?" he asks me.

"Where did that come from?" I ask him shocked.

"The only female friends you have are Ginny, Hermione, Luna and Tonks. The rest of you friends are all guys" he states.

"So, doesn't mean I have to have a crush on anyone. Besides most of them are distant family relations by blood or marriage" I remind him. "Only ones that aren't are Purebloods not apart of the sacred twenty eight and muggle-borns. Maybe a few half-bloods" I state. "Besides I'm only twelve and to young to be worrying about boys" I add.

"Glad to hear it" he says smiling. "Now why don't you go rest that arm" he states.

"You sound like Oliver" I grumble as I stand up.

"Oliver Wood?" he asks and I nod my head. Before leaving the office deciding to go rest in the common room. I find a spot by the window and curl up on the arm chair. Where I fall asleep.


Picture above of the broom Remi used and gif on the external link of the snitch.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now