Diagon Alley Book shop

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Remi's POV

"You got your book list?" Dad asks as I skipped downstairs Wednesday morning. Last night we had dinner at Hermione's and Dad answered her parents questions. I of course had told him how Hermione and I always played with our magic in private. He finally gave me Mum's old family wand and it's beautiful. It was Ivory, 10 and 1/4 inches with Phoenix feather core. But I still needed a wand that was just my own.

"Yes Dad and Mum's old wand" I tell him showing him both items

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"Yes Dad and Mum's old wand" I tell him showing him both items. He nodded his head and held out his arm to me. Then apperated us to the Leaky Cauldron where we met Hermione and her parents. We followed Dad to the back of the pub into a small alley with a brick wall. He tapped it three times in three separate places and the wall separated revealing Diagon Alley.

"We'll go to the bank first, then Madame Malkin's and then I'll take Remi to get her wand before dropping her off at the bookstore" Dad tells the Grangers. They agreed and we walked to the big white building. I had fun on the cart ride while Hermione held on for dear life. She apparently hated flying.

After we got the money need and Dad have given me some extra for the train. We left the bank and went the Madame Malkin's. Hermione didn't need new robes just and some needed mending. "I'll see you in the bookstore" I tell her and gave her a hug.

"Good-luck with your wand" she says smiling before leading her parents away. Dad then lead me to the wand store Ollivander's. Apparently he makes the best wands money can buy. While Mr Ollivander measured my arm Dad waited by the window watching me.

"Now most of your ancestors had dark coloured wands" Ollivander states as he looks through the shelves. "Try this one, Blackthorn 11 inches and Phoenix feather core" he explains handing me a black wand. I gave it a wave and it broke the glass vase, which Mr Ollivander repaired it I placed the wand on the counter. "Apparently not, try this one Dogwood, 8 & 1/2 inches and unicorn hair core" he states handing me an other.

This time I destroyed a shelf when I waved the wand. "Hm, I think I have just the wand wait there" Ollivander states after repairing the shelf. He went farther into the store and came back with a wand box. "Perhaps this" he states handing me a dark wand and it was beautiful.

A warmth filled me as gold sparks came from the wand. "Ebony, dragon-heart string core, 9 and 1/2 inches good for transfiguration" Ollivander tells me. Dad paid and took me to the book store where he gave me a hug before leaving. I found Hermione's parents next to the Weasleys.

"Forge, Gred!" I shout running through the crowd and when I reached them I was pulled into a tight hug. "Where's Charlie?" I ask pulling away from them and looking around the store. When I looked back at them they were smirking at me.

"They got a new dragon and needed his help to train it" Fred starts explaining.

"But he told us to give you this" George finishes handing me a small not. Just then Mrs Weasley noticed I was here.

"Remi lovely to see you again, oh you have grown so big" she exclaims give me a tight hug.

"I didn't know you knew the Weasleys" Hermione states as she appears with a boy wearing glasses and messy black hair.

"James?" I ask looking at the boy.

"My name is Harry, Harry Potter" he states holding a hand out.

"You look just like Uncle James, but have Aunt Lily's eyes" I say hugging him.

"You knew my parents?" he asks pulling away.

"No silly, they were friends of my Dad's at school" I explain. I greeted the rest of the Weasleys and Hermione's parents as a blonde wizard appeared. Apparently he suppose to be signing autographs and was a famous author by the name Gilderoy Lockhart. After seeing the guy I really didn't want to buy his books and decided to buy 'The Dark Forces: a Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble' instead.

"Hey Hermione, I'm going upstairs quickly" I tell her and she nods her head. It took longer then I thought it would to find the book I wanted with all the new Lockhart books. As I went downstairs I saw a blonde haired man and boy blocking the others from existing the store.

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing its self" Hermione tells the blonde haired man.

"Well said Hermione" I say stepping up beside her.

"You must be Miss Granger" the man states looking at her and then back at the blonde boy who nodded his head. "Yes Draco, has told me all about you and your parents. Muggles aren't they?" he asks glancing at Hermione's parents who were talking to Mr Weasley.

"Should have known you were prejudice pureblood why don't you pick on someone you own age and size" I sneer.

"You I do not know" the man says and looks at the boy who I realize must be his son.

"Never seen her before father" the boy tells him.

"Allow me to introduce myself then" I say stepping forward. "The name is Remi Casandra Lupin, don't wear it out Mr Malfoy" I say bowing mockingly. Just then Mister Weasley appears saying it was a madhouse and we should go wait outside. There was mild argument between the two adults before the Mr Malfoy left with his son Draco. But I saw Draco look back at me with a smirk while I glared at him.

"So who's taking you home Remi?" Mr Weasley asks as we sat outside the ice-cream shop eating our ice-cream.

"Oh can we please take her home?" Fred and George ask wrapping me in a hug sandwiched between them.

"Sorry boys, but Hermione and her parents already called dibs" I tell them. They pouted as Mrs Weasley appeared with all our books and Hermione's parents. We all went back to the Leaky Cauldron, where Hermione and I said goodbye to the Weasley clan & Harry. Mr Granger then lead us to his car and he dropped me off home. I read Charlie's letter when I got there and it said:

Dear Remi,

I am sorry I couldn't be there today to help you shop. I expect a letter back with details of your day in Diagon Alley. I promise to make it up to you next time I see you.

Love from Charlie

Charlie has always been sweet and he was the only one aside from Tonks who knew of my 'furry little problem' as Dad calls it. But he said Uncle James and Uncle Sirius used to call his that in school. That reminds me I need to tell him I'd met Harry today when he returns home. Meanwhile I'll put my school supplies away in his old school trunk and prepare dinner.


Picture above of Remi's wand and picture in chapter of her family wand. Picture on the external link of the Book store.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now