Slytherin Common Room

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Remi's POV

I woke up with a yawn stretching to see McGonagall was gone and shrug it off. I turn human and get dressed into my school robes. Then head to the hospital wing as usual, even though I feel fine. I promised dad and McGonagall to go to the hospital wing after every full moon. When I get there I see two new victims a ghost and hufflepuff student. "When did this happen?" I ask Madame Pomfrey.

"Yesterday afternoon, Harry was found with them. But Hagrid cleared his name and Dumbledore does not believe Harry harmed anyone. The potion should be ready before school is over and they'll all be unpetrified" she assures me. McGonagall enters the room and gives me a small smile.

"How are you feeling dear?" she asks.

"Fine godmother, I do wish you and father worried less" I tell her.

"We only worry because we care" she tells me. "Now your father sent an owl,  he won't be able to pick you up from the station when the Christmas holidays start. So you can either have Tonks pick you up or wait here until the day after" she explains.

"Tonks has just become an official auror, I don't want to bother her. Besides I'd see her during the holidays anyway. I think I can survive a night here" I tell her. I then went to class and Ginny looked really down.

(End of term, start of winter holidays)

Hermione, Harry and Ron had disappeared, I hadn't seen them all day. So had a snow ball fight with the Gryffindor quidditch team and Lee. Then helped Ginny with her homework before we went to dinner together. Ginny left early with her brothers and I decide explore the halls.

"Well if it isn't the halfblood princess" a familar voice drawls.

"Honestly Malfoy, what do you want this time?" I ask him.

"Just to talk Lupin" he tells me smirking and I roll my eyes.

"You're lucky I'm bored" I tell him.

"Good, you can help me find Crabbe and Goyle" he states.

"You mean your bodyguards" I tease.

"I can take care of myself, they're friends" he states.

"Then why don't you call them by their first names?" I ask him sweetly.

"It's a Slytherin thing" he says shrugging and I roll my eyes. "You know we're only related by marriage and you are pretty" he states.

"Drop it Malfoy, I don't care about you like that or any other slytherin for that matter" I tell him sternly. Just then we heard voices from around the corner. "That sounds like Percy" I state and we round the corner to see him speaking to Malfoy's two 'friends'.

"Where have you two been? Pigging out in the great hall all this time?" Draco demands and the two nod their heads. "Why are you wearing glasses?" he asks Goyle. I take a closer look as he takes them off and knew they were Harry's. Where did he get polyjuice potion? Was Ron being Crabbe? I ask myself. "What are you doing here Weasley?" he demands of Percy.

"Mind your attitude Malfoy" I warn him.

"I am a school prefect you lot don't have business roaming the corridors at this time of night" Percy tells us.

"Sorry Perce, please give me twenty minutes" I beg giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but only because you're a close family friend" he states before leaving.

"Coming Lupin?" Malfoy asks.

"Fine, but only fifteen minutes Malfoy" I tell him. "You two better have a good reason for impersonating two idiots" I whisper to Crabbe and Goyle. They look at me shocked as I catch up to Malfoy.

"Pureblood" he tells a wall when we reach a corridor near Snape's classroom.

"Prejudice much" I tell him. I sit down between Crabbe and Goyle while Malfoy sat on the couch opposite us.

"Honestly be proud of your heritage Lupin, you maybe halfblood. But you come from a long line of purebloods" Malfoy tells.

"I am proud of my father and of my heritage, I just don't allow it to go to my head like some people" I state.

"Is this yours?" Malfoy asks changing the subject picking up a small present. Crabbe and Goyle shake their heads. Malfoy goes to put it in his pocket, but I glare at him. "You know I'm surprised the prophet hasn't done a article on all these attacks" he states.

"Dumbledore is probably trying to keep it quiet, to avoid panic" I tell him.

"True and people really think saint Potter is the heir of Slytherin" he states.

"You must have some idea of who is behind it" Goyle states.

"You know I don't Goyle, I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you?" Malfoy asks. "But I will tell you this one thing, my father told me the chamber of secrets has been opened before. Not who did it, only that they were expelled and a mudblood died. Says it's only a matter of time until one dies this time. As for me, I hope it's..." he goes to say and I whip my wand out pointing it at him.

"Finish that sentence, I dare you" I snarl as Crabbe and Goyle run out of the room. "I'd say it's been fun, but that'd be a lie. Don't ever talk badly about my friends in my presence again" I tell him before storming out of the room. I return to the common room and go up to my dorm to see Ginny asleep. I change into my pj's and do my teeth before crawling into bed going to sleep.


Picture above of Slytherin common room and picture on the external link of Remi.

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