Rest of School Holidays

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Remi's POV

"But I'm fine" I whine. As soon as we got back to the Burrow. Dad was there waiting for me talking to Mrs Weasley.

"Deatheaters attacked the World Cup, you could of easily been taken" he states.

"But I wasn't, I stayed with the Weasleys and had my wand. I am here and unharmed" I tell him.

"I know, but I'd feel better if you come home for the rest of the holidays" he states.

"But school starts in five days and you said I could spend the rest of the holidays with the Weasleys" I remind him.

"I know what I said, but I have changed my mind" he states.

"I assure you Remus, she'll be perfectly safe here" Mrs Weasley assures him.

"I know that Molly, but I can not risk losing my only daughter. I'd be happier if she was home where I can protect her myself" he tells her. Acting like I wasn't even in the room.

"I understand, but she has only just been reunited with her friends. It'd be cruel to separate them after only a day and half" she tells him.

"Come on dad, one more night" I beg.

"You can sleep on the couch" Mrs Weasley offers.

"Please?" Hermione, Ginny and I beg giving him the eyes.

"Oh alright, one more night. Then we are going home young lady" he tells me. Us girls squeal and high five.

"Who wants to go play quidditch?" the twins ask.

"Me!" Harry, Ron, Bill, Charlie and Ginny say together.

"I'll referee" Bill adds.

"Lets go watch, you coming dad?" I ask. He nods his head and we all go the field behind the house. The games begins and it went for nearly an hour. Before we were called in for lunch. Us girls then hanged out in our room. While dad stayed downstairs talking to Mr/Mrs Weasley, Bill, Charlie and Percy.

(Time skip to next morning)

"I can't believe you have to leave" Ginny whines as I finish packing.

"Dad is just over-protective" I tell her. "But I'll see you in four days on the Hogwarts express" I remind her.

"I wonder who our defense teacher will be this year?" Hermione muses out loud.

"Maybe, we'll finally get a girl. We haven't had one since 1989" I state.

"That'd be nice" Ginny says. "Anyway, don't forget to write" she tells me.

"I won't,  you two don't have to much fun without me" I tell them.

"We won't" Hermione assures me. We hug and I go downstairs with my things. Where I'm hugged my the twins and nearly suffocated. Until Charlie pulls me away and gives me a brotherly hug. Bill and Harry do the same. I shake Percy and Ron's hands. Then hug Mr and Mrs Weasley. Before leaving with dad.

We arrive home to be greeted by Padfoot. I hug him happily. He licks my cheek. "Eww, have you been eating trash again?" I demand as I wipe my face. He gives me a look and I giggle. I turn into my wolf form and tackle him. We start to wrestle.

"Hey, no wrestling in the house" dad tells us. We look at him and whine. "If you must play, go downstairs where you can't break anything" he tells us. Sirius and I share a look. Before dashing downstairs and I win. I howl happily. Until he tackles me and we start to wrestle again.

Until we got tired and lay on our backs turning human. "You've been practicing" he says hoarsely.

"You have gotten stronger" I state. "But seriously what have you been eating uncle?" I ask him.

"Whatever I can get my paws on, it's not easy feeding myself and Buckbeak" he tells me.

"How is Buckbeak?" I ask him curious.

"You can see for yourself, he is in your garage" he tells me.

"I'll say hello after lunch" I tell him. "So do you have idea what's going to happen at Hogwarts this year? Everyone at the ministry seem to know, but are being very secretive about it" I state.

"I have heard rumors, but don't know anything for sure" he tells me. "I'm sure it'll be announced at the start of year feast" he assures me. Dad appears in the door way at the top of the stairs.

"Are you two done already?" he asks us.

"Yes, what's for dinner?" I ask him curious.

"You haven't even had lunch yet" he reminds me.

"Ok, what's for lunch then?" I ask him.

"I feel like sandwiches" Sirius states.

"Sandwiches sound good" I add.

"Sandwiches it is then" dad tells us. "Now both of you go clean up" he orders. I go to my bathroom while Sirius goes to dad's. I shower and change clothes. Before going to the kitchen and start to make sandwiches. While dad juiced some oranges for us. Sirius soon joins us in dog form. I place two sandwiches on a plate and hand it to him. He woofs them down. While dad and I ate ours at a slower rate.

I then go say hello to Buckbeak and feed him a couple of ferrets. I then sit beside him reading my new defense book. Glad Mrs Weasley had gotten them with my money while I was at the World Cup. She got everyones actually, except for Hermione who had already got hers. Harry also gave her money for his supplies.

I son doze off. Sirius shakes me awake later for dinner. Dad had orders us large pizza to share. They each got three slices while I got two. I then went to bed early feeling tired.

The rest of the Holidays flew by. I rode the train to school with the others. Hermione told Harry and Ron about two other wizarding schools. Malfoy was rude to Ron about his hand me down maroon dress robes. We then rode the carriages to the castle. We got soaked by the rain then by Peeves pelting water balloons at us. Where we watched the sorting ceremony and Hermione finds out Hogwarts has house elves. She refused to ate after that.

Remi Casandra LupinWhere stories live. Discover now