Chapter 7

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Here we go...
I walk up to them and nate glares at me.
"Lilly can I talk to you?" I ask and she pulls her head away from nate.
"Why, jack? Don't you want me to go get hurt by Jayden again?" She says and my heart breaks from what just came out of her mouth.
"No Lilly just please can we talk alone" I ask.
"I am not leaving her alone with you" nate says.
"Nate it's fine" she says.
"5 minuets" Lilly says and nate walks to the house.
"I didn't mean what I said" I say.
"Really cause it totally is something to joke about" she says.
"It's not and I don't know why I said it, I guess I was just so upset about you and nate tha-" she cut me off
"Upset about me and nate? Really jack?" She sighs.
"You were hanging out with him a lot and left me to hang out with him and you guys kissed and I guess I just got jealous of him" I say honestly.
"Why would you be jealous you're dating Melissa" she states.
"I only got with her to make you jealous but it totally backfired" I say feeling stupid.
"Jack I really liked you. But you treated me like crap and guess who was there? Nate. I mean were best friends anyways us in a relationship would never work, but if it makes you feel any better me and nate would never work either.." She says.
"And why can't either of those work?" I ask.
"Sam would never approve of nate, and me and you would never work, we'd just ruin our friendship" she says.
"You never will know unless you try" I say.
"Yes I know but to be honest you kind of messed it up with the whole Melissa ting, you made me think that I need to just get over it. So I talked about it with nate and we got closer and I like him, a lot" she says smiling at the last part. I haven't seen her smile like that since she first met Jayden, she really did like hate and I wasn't going to be the one to interfere with that.
"Then you need to be with him" I say and her smile gets even bigger.
"I'm so happy you're not mad" she says and hugs me.
"Well if you'll excuse me I have a breakup to do" I say and she let's go.
"Poor girl had a douche for a boyfriend" she says and I laugh.
"Bye" I say and hug her once more before leaving.

*lillys pov*
I walked back to nate happy with mine and jacks conversation.
"Hey" I say sitting next to him on the steps and he puts his arm around me.
"He hugged you I'm guessing it went well?" Nate asks.
"Yeah" I smile.
"So what'd he say?" He asks.
"Um well he said he only dated Melissa to make me jealous, and that he was sorry and he supports whoever I choose to date" I say.
"So are you still into him" nate asks.
"No I'm into someone else" I say.
"It's not gilinsky is it?" Nate asks.
"No" I laugh.
"Then who" he smirks his dimples showing.
"God nate your dimples make it hard for me to not like you" I laugh and he kisses me.
"Sam won't approve" I frown pulling away.
"Sam isn't in charge of you" nate says.
"You're his best friend, I'm his little sister. Do you really think he'd be okay with that?" I ask.
"Don't worry about it okay?" He says.
"Okay." I respond.
We get up and go inside.

*sammys pov*
"How'd it go?" I ask as nate and Lilly walk in.
"Fine" Lilly smiles and they sit on the couch.
"Are you and johnson a thing?" Gilinsky asks.
"No why?" Lilly asks.
"Seriously? What'd be say?" I ask.
"He said he's sorry and he supports whoever I date" she says with a smile.
"And who is he talking about" I ask
"Anyone" she says and I roll my eyes. I'll just wait for her to tell me because I'm not going to stress her.

*lillys pov*
I know Sam saw us kiss but that doesn't mean were dating, I mean were not. Were just....I don't know.
"Wanna go watch Netflix or something?" I say to nate.
"Sure" he says and we get up to go upstairs.
"Sit 5 feet away from my sister" Sam says and I roll my eyes.
We get to my room and sit on the bed.
"So I guess sams going to be making things difficult now huh?" Nate asks as I open my laptop.
"I'll talk to him later" I sigh.
I go on netflix and start scared straight, my favorite show EVER. (Like legit my fav show)
"I'm surprised you haven't been on it" I say.
"Shut up" nate laughs.
We finished a few episodes and there was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"Mom" my mom says and i tell her to come in.
"Just came in to remind you that were going to aunt Lindsay's for a barbecue tonight" she says. My aunt Lindsay was super cool, she is only 27 and she is like my best friend. I can talk to her about anything.
"Oh crap I forgot what time?" I ask
"In twenty minuets" she says and leaves. The guys always came with us so I really hope Sam doesn't make it awkward for me and nate.
"Help me pick out an outfit" I say and nate does an over exaggerated sigh.
"Why do you need a different outfit? You look fine in the one you got" he says.
"It's for tomorrow I'm staying the night there." I say and go to my closet and grab a lime green shirt and lulu lemon leggings. "Good enough" I say and stuff them into my handbag.
"Let's go?" Nate asks and I nod.
We walk downstairs and I tell my mom I'm riding with him. We get in his car and drive to Lindsay's house.
"Hi aunt lindsay" I say hugging her.
"Hey sweetie" she says and let's go then saying hi to nate.
"Everyone should be here soon" I say and she nods as big old Jackson runs up to me, he was a husky and the cutest dog ever.
Everyone else came in and greeted eachother. Sam gave Nate a death glare and I started to feel bad. I don't want to be the reason their friendship gets ruined..
"I'll be back" I say to nate and go to Sam.
"Can I talk to you outside" I ask.
We go outside and I shut the door.
"Why are you all of the sudden angry with nate?" I ask.
"I don't want him all over my sister, I'm sorry Lilly but I don't approve of him" he says.
"That's the problem Sam. I don't need your approval I'm 16 now I can make choices for myself." I say.
"Yeah I guess I'm being a bit dramatic..." He admits.
"Thankyou." I say
"One chance" he says with a straight face.
"Thanks sam" I say and hug him and we go back inside. My friendship with johnson was perfectly fine, nate and I were great and my brother was fine.
"Lilly can you get me the extra pack of sodas?" My aunt asks and I go to the closet. As I gra the sodas I see my old marshmallow shooters.
I load two of them up and wait a few minuets before I run out and start shooting all the guys.
"Human sheild" Sammy yells holding johnson in front of him.
Gilinsky started catching them in his mouth and I laugh.
I finally ran out and they started throwing them back at me.
"Losers" I frown.
"C'mon Lilly have fuuuun" nate says putting his arm around me.
"No don't have fun" Sam says pushing nates arm off me.
We spent the rest of the evening together until 8 pm.
"Bye" I say to everyone and they start to leave.
"Bye" nate says kissing my cheek while Sam wasn't looking.
"Night" I say and everyone's gone.
(Very short chapter but better with something than nothin so enjoy)

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