Chapter 8

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*apologize in advance for changing the pov so much haha sorry guys*
"Aunt Lindsay can I talk to you about something" I ask walking into the kitchen where she was wiping the counters.
"Go ahead" she smiles.
"Well, I like a guy and he's only a couple years older than me so I don't see anything wrong with it, but Sam isn't too happy about it, he found out and now he's being really over protective and won't leave us alone even though he used to let us do whatever we wanted when we were friends" I explain.
"Is it johnson?" She asks.
"No it's not" I say.
"Well does Sam know this person pretty well?" She asks.
"Yeah" I answer.
"And has Sam been friends with this person while they were in a relationship in the past?" She asks
"Yeah.." I say wondering where she was going with this.
"Well he might have seen how this boy is in a relationship and not think it's the best for you" she says.
"Even if that was the case, Sam doesn't want me with any boy" I say.
"Well he is your older brother" she laughs.
"If my dad didn't like me with Johnson he'll never like me with nate" I say and instantly regret it.
"Nate?!" She says excitedly.
"Um yeah" I slightly laugh.
"Never would have thought that" she says.
"Me either." I say,
"So how'd that happen?" She asks.
"Well johnson got with another girl to make me jealous, but I kinda figured I should just ignore it so I started hanging out with Nate a lot more, and I ended up liking him" I explain, I felt like I could tell her anything. She knows the whole Jayden situation also.
"How's jack about it?" She asks.
"He said he just wants me to be with whoever makes me happy" I say
"Aw he's such a sweetheart" she says and I laugh.
"Yeah" I say sitting down.
I got a text and unlocked my phone.
Nate💕: help!!!! Sammy is giving me the older brother talk and he's threatening me!!!😒😒
L- and how so is he threatening you?😂
Nate💕: he's saying if I hurt you I'll be buried alive then dug up two days later to be killed;-;
L- aw how sweet of Sam to care so much💗
Nate💕: have we forgotten that I might die?
L- nope💕😘
I locked my phone and went upstairs to get my pajamas from 'my room' there.
I slipped on a pair of purple sweatpants and a black t shirt.
I stayed in the room for a little bit and put on a random horror movie I saw on the dresser.
L- nate I'm scared😖
Nate💕: why is that?
L- I'm watching a scary movie and there's a creepy dead thing that's going to kill me.
Nate💕: well maybe I need to come over and protect you from this so called creepy dead thing
L- yes please😒
Nate💕: on my way
I locked my phone and went downstairs.
More like ran downstairs thinking something would kill me.
"Nates coming over" I say to my aunt and she nods watching her love comidies. She never really cared who I had over as long as they were gone by 1 am.
I heard a knock on the door which made me jump considering everything scared me right now.
"Who's is it?" I say through the door.
"Not the dead thingy that going to kill you" I hear nate says and I let him in.
"Well thank god for that" I laugh.
We go upstairs and I press play on the movie.
"Wait if you were with Sam how'd you get here without him knowing?" I ask.
"I told him I had bad diarrhea" he laughs.
"Ew that's nasty what'd he say?" I ask.
"He said 'why does my sister like you again'" he says.
I Get a text
Johnson🙈🙊: nate just told us he has diarrhea😂😂😂
I show nate the text and he laughs.
"Wow never telling them anything" he says.
L- jack he only said that so he could come hang out with me lol
L- also don't tell Sam.
Johnson🙈🙊: I won't and tell nate have fun with his diarrhea 😂
L- will do
I lock my phone and continue the movie with nate.
"No no no nope" I say hiding my face when I see blood.
"What?" Nate laughs.
"Blood freaks me out and I think I'm crying" I say wiping my eyes laughing.
"Aw babe" he laughs putting his arm around me.
We basically acted like we were dating even though we officially weren't, it was so weird. I honestly didn't know my feelings towards Nate other than I like him much more than a friend.
I'm mean how couldn't i? He knows what I'm going through and is trying to help me, he's understanding, sweet, and even though I wouldn't say this a week ago, he's cute.
The movie ended and I'm pretty much scared for my life.
"I am never watching a scary movie again" I say hugging my pillow.
"C'mon that wasn't bad at all" he says.
"I guess having Sam in the room next to mine is worse cause of his snoring, it's terrifying" I laugh.
"When do you think he'll move out?" Nate asks.
"I don't know" I shrug.
Samuel😎- you're with nate aren't you?
L- why?
Samuel😎- I saw Johnson's phone😏
L- of course you did -.-
Samuel😎- btw Johnson's soooo not okay with you and nate.
L- and why do you say that ?
Samuel😎: 1 sec
L- okay...
I got a video.
I plugged my headphones in so nate didn't hear and pressed play.
"Lillys new picture is cute"
"We should tell Lilly to come to the party this weekend."
"Do you think Lilly really likes nate?"
He kept saying things about me over and over...
"Do you guys think Lilly is really over me?"
I thought about what he asked.
And to be honest I wasn't completely over him..
I started to feel uncomfortable with nate. And I really needed to talk to johnson.
I feel like I'm taking everything with nate too fast. What if it was just a spur of the moment thing with him? Like I only feel like this with him because johnson made me mad..
"Nate could you take me back to my house?" I ask.
"You're not staying here now?" He asks.
"No" I say and we walk downstairs after I grab my handbag and phone.
"Aunt Lindsay I'm gunna go home I'm not feeling well" I say and he frowns.
"Okay feel better hun" she says and we leave.
"You sick?" Nate asks as we drive.
"No, I just need to go home and think" I say.
We get to the house and we stand outside of his car.
*jack Johnson's pov*
I look out the window and see nate and Lilly standing outside of his car, why was she here?
He leaned in to kiss her but she pushed him away and started walking Inside.
She walks through the door.
"Hey why are you home?" Sam asks.
"I just am confused with everything" she says.
I honestly was pretty worried about her. With everything she's been going through this week I didn't know what would happen.
"Why what's wrong?" I ask her and she sits by me.
"I don't think I can really explain it.." She says.
"Well just try" I say.
"Not like that it's I don't feel comfortable talking about it" she says.
"C'mon you tell me everything" I say trying to convince her to tell me.
"It's different with this jack" she says and I nod.
"What about me?" Sam asks.
"You'll make fun of me" she says.
"You sure you're not thinking about me?" Gilinsky says and I laugh.
"Fine I'll tell you" she says to Sam and they leave the room.
*sammys pov*
I go up into the other room with Lilly and shut the door.
"What's going on?" I ask her.
"When you sent me that video it just made me realize that I like johnson" she says quietly.
" be honest Lilly this is a very awkward thing for me to talk to you about" I laugh.
"Saaaam" she complains.
"I don't know what I'm suppose to do" I say.
"Help me" she says.
"Well you and nate are kinda going a bit fast I mean you and johnson have been into eachother for years and I trust johnson with you more than nate. I've seen what he's like I. Relationships and honestly I don't think I can really call them relationships" I say.
"I don't want to hurt anyone" she says getting upset.
"Johnson already understood and if nate really likes you he will understand too" I say.
"Okay.." She says.
"Ready to go back down?" I ask her and she nods so we go back downstairs.
*lillys pov*
I decided to text nate.
L- hey.
Nate💕: hey cutie
I changed his name back to just nate.
L- um can we get together tomorrow at 1?
Nate: sure you okay?
L- honestly no
Nate: why not?
L- I'll tell you tomorrow.
Nate: go outside I'll be there in 5.
I felt a lump in my throat.
L- okay...
I see nates car pull up in the driveway and I get up and walk outside slowly.
"Hey..." I say quietly closing the door.
"What's wrong" he asks.
I felt sick to my stomache.
"Tell me" he says.
"Nate I think we should just be friends" I say.
"You're kidding right?" He says.
"No nate...I'm just having a hard time right now..." I say.
"I'm getting dumped and you're the one having the hard time?" He raises his voice.
"We were never dating" I say.
"We weren't labeled but we kinda were" he says.
"We kinda were?" I say. "either we were or we weren't. You can't just kinda be with me."
"Were you expecting me to be committed to you when we weren't labeled?!" He yells.
"Are you kidding me?! Sam was right I am not the type of girl to be with you" I yell.
"I'm so done with you" he says and pushes me into the door before leaving and driving away.
I grabbed my arm in pain from the forceful push and go inside acting like nothing had happend.
( woaaahhhh draaammmmaaaaa new chapter soon :))

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