Chapter 34

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It was two days before the wedding and I was helping sadie with decorating. The wedding was being held in a gorgeous garden. It was fall so all the trees were changing colors and all the flowers were still pretty. It wasn't cold luckily. It was pretty warm. She had rows of white chairs that we lines down the middle with white and lavender Toole going from chair to chair. While sadie put finishing touches on the front I worked on the table numbers.
"I think we're all good for tomorrow night?" She says.
"Yep it looks great" I say
"It'll look even better once we can actually do the finishing touches." She says referring to the flowers
We leave and head back to her house.
I was getting ready for the rehearsal. I put on my black and red polka dot dress and black flats and looked in the mirror. A tear slipped my eye. This dress was always Camerons favorite on me., the dress he's always use as an excuse to call me ladybug.
I wiped the tear and put my hair into milk maid braids. (If you don't know what that is Google it) and did my makeup.
I walked downstairs and waited for sam. He came down in a dress shirt and jeans.
"You look nice" he says
"Thanks" I say.
"Ready to go?" He asks.
"I guess" I say standing up.
"What's wrong?"
"I just really miss cameron" I say and he turns away and back to me. "Yeah I get it" he says "lets go"
We get in the car and drive to the garden.
We get there and again are the last to arrive.
"Hey lilly!!" Sadie says hugging me.
"Wow you're not as stressed as I thought you would be for someone getting married tomorrow" I laugh.
"I'm just excited" she says
"Hey sam could you help me with something in the house?" Gilinsky asks.
There was two little houses by the garden that were used for brides to get ready.
"Yeah sure man" sam says and they walk away.
"Actually I need help with something too could you come?" Sadie asks.
"Yeah" I say and follow her into the brides house.
"This place is so cool!" I say looking at the giant mirrors and makeup tables.
"Isn't it!" She says looking around.
there was a knock on the door.
"How about you look around and I'll go see what they want" she says leaving. I started looking at all the makeup they had here it's was amazing seeing everything. I heard footsteps and turned around and my heart stopped.
"Cameron.." I whisper to myself
"Hey baby girl" he says and I literally jump into his arms, and maybe have started to tear up. Hey! I haven't seen him in 6 months!
I started to cry. "Why did you leave me? Did I do something wrong?" I ask
"No no no it was some stupid person okay I was protecting you, it broke my heart to leave you" he says wiping the tears away.
"So we're still..?" I drift off
"Yes lady bug" he laughs kissing me.
"Suprise" sadie smiles walking in with everyone.
"You knew?!" I say to her.
"Guess who else is here!" Nash yells coming in.
"Nash!" I yell hugging him.
"Well is there going to be a practice wedding or what?" Cameron asks.
"Great well let's go!" Gilinsky says. We walk out to the garden and figure out how the guys would be standing.
It went gilinsky, johnson, sam, and nate.
Walking down went Emily, then Stella, then me, since I stood right next to sadie. We went over everything we would have to do and walked down. I walked down with nate.
I was kind of just wanting this practice wedding to be over so I could be with cameron. After it was over sadie invited everyone to go get pizza but I declined so I could spend some time with cam.
"Ready to go ladybug?" Can asks.
"Yep" I say and we get in his car and drive.
I held his hand tightly as he drove.
"Are you okay?" He asks
"I just- I don't want you to leave me" I say
"I'm never leaving you again" he says
"Promise?" I ask
"Pinky promise" he says connecting out pinkies.
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" he smiles
We get to his house and go inside. It was exactly how it used to be.
We sit on his couch and I cuddle into him.
Every inch of anxiety I felt the past months melted away. I felt so safe with him.
I turn and sit on his lap facing him.
"I love you" I say kissing him.
"I love you" he says
"Do you ever get tired of me saying that?" I laugh.
"never" he smiles kissing me once more.
*sadies pov*
Everyone except cameron and lilly were here eating pizza.
"That was so cute how he surprised lilly like that" Emily says
"Yeah I may or may not have listened through the door" I laugh.
I decided to text her.
S- so how's it going with Cameron?😘
L- ah- ma- zing
S- use protection!!
L- were not doing that omg😂😂
S- I mean unless you want a little callian running around 😏👏
S- okay okay😂👐
L- good bye sadie😁
S- bye :(((
I locked my phone.
*nashs pov*
It was 11 and everyone was heading out so I did to. I get back to the house and no one was here.
I go up to Camerons room and open the door to see cam and lilly playing video games.
"You guys have a weird relationship" I say
"At least we have one" can laughs.
"Rude" I laugh And leave.
*lillys pov*
"I should probably go" I say and my phone dings.
Samuel😎: where are you?? I'm waiting for you outside
L- I'm leaving now.
"But lilly!" He pouts.
"Bye Cameron" I laugh getting up but he pulls me back down and wraps himself around me, making me almost suffocate.
"Cam let me go" I laugh.
"No" he pouts once more.
"I really gotta go" I say still laughing
"Fine" he says letting me go.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the wedding" I say
"See you then my love" he says kissing me before I leave.
I get in the car and sam starts to drive.
"I love today" I say
"Save it for sadie" he laughs.
"But I don't wanna" I pout.
we get home and I have a text from Jacob.
jacob: hey! So I realized we've never talked on the phone??? Call me! (Enter number)
I dialed Jacobs number and he answers.
L- hey Jacob
J/c: hey lady bug.
L- wait seriously?!
J\c: yeah😂😂
L- you stupid head, goodnight cam
J/c: night love

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