Chapter 52

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*one week later*
We arrived at the airport and waited for Jack and sadie to pick us up. We were having dinner at their house and sadie was making me show her my dress.
"Lilly!!?!!!" I heard sadie screeching and turned around to see her and Jack. She hugged me and let go.
"Where's carson?" I ask
"Staying with my mom" she says
We go out to the car.
"do everyone has seen your dress?" Cam asks.
"On video chat yes" I laugh.
"I wanna seeeee" he pouts
"Not til the wedding mister" I say
"But why did jack get to see?" He asks
"Am I marrying Jack?" I ask
"Better not be" he laughs
We got to their house and me and Sadie went upstairs while the guys stayed downstairs.
I tried on my dress and it was absolutely perfect.
"I'm not Gunna cry" sadie kept repeating to herself.
"You look gorgeous" she says admiring the fluffy ball gown.
"I love this dress" I say.
"I can't wait, only a little longer" she says.
We went back downstairs. Her house smelled like pine needles and pumpkin spice candles. Her tree was absolutely amazing, but not quite as amazing as mine and cams.
Sadie made dinner and we ate there.
Carson got home and ran up to me.
"Aunty Ellie!" She yells hugging me
"Ever since you left she started calling you that" sadie laughs.
We started to get tired so we went home.
We walk in and the tree smell was super strong, I loved it.
"Christmas is next week, we need to go shopping" I say
"Yeah, but for now let's get some hot chocolate, and watching Christmas movies" he says
Yes I have the best boyfriend ever.
He made hot chocolate while I put on a Christmas movie. And that's how we finished our night.
I was getting ready to go shopping for everyone, we were having Christmas at mine and cams and making dinner for everyone.
I finished getting ready and headed out.
I stopped at toys r us and shopped for carson. I saw the cutest big pick doll house that what almost as tall as me.
You bet I didn't think twice about getting it. I bought sadie a Gucci bag that she's been dying for, I actually am having cameron pick out random presents for the guys cause God knows I suck at it. But I needed to get something for cameron.
Apple watch? No
New cannon camera? No..
Shoes? Nah.
What's camerons favorite thing in the world?
Hah besides me.
Seriously. Besides me.
Video games and movies!
You best believe I got the biggest nicest TV there was and the grossest bloodiest games they had.
He's going to love me even more.
*camerons pov*
I had to buy a bunch of things for lilly for the guys but now I could finally shop for her.
Makeup? Clothes? Yep. It was much easier than you'd think.
"Need any help?" A lady in sephora asks me.
"Actually yeah, I'm Christmas shopping for my fiancé and she's crazy over makeup and hair stuff. Any suggestions?" I ask
"We actually got this amazing new limited edition collection in Mac" she says leading me over to a section in the store showing me a ton of makeup that's called "the winter storm collection" I mean it looks like something lilly would like.
"It has an eyeshadow palette, three different lipsticks, a few blushes, highlights, mascara, the whole deal" she says.
"Yeah okay I'll get that, any more suggestions?" I ask. The collection was only 95$ so I wanted to get her more.
"Well do you know her favorite makeup product?" The girls asks
"Lip stick" I say
"Well here's all our new Mac matte lipsticks, pick a few of these im sure she'll love them" she says. There was a teal one DUH I'm getting that. I grabbed around 5 more and went to pay.
"That'll be 214.35" she says and I pay.
"Thanks" I say before leaving.
I then went on to get her something a lot more special..
I got out to the car and my phone was ringing.
C- hey lills.
L- don't come home yet okay
C- why?
L- I'm having Gilinsky hide your present
C- okay so I'll be home in 20?
L- perfect
*lillys pov*
I was having gilinsky haul in the giant tv and hide it.
"Thank you" I say to him and we go downstairs right when the door opens and cam walks in.
"Is it hidden?" He asks with his hand over his eyes.
It was Christmas Eve and I had just finished wrapping presents for everyone.
I walked downstairs and cam looked at me with a huge smile on his face.
"Finally lets make cookies!" He says like a child running to the kitchen. His parents never made Christmas cookies with him as a kid so I told him that we would.
I went into the kitchen and we started making sugar cookies. He was such a child and I loved it.
They were baking and every 5 minuets cam would ask 'are they done yet'
"No cameron." I say.
"Ugh I'm so impatient" he says.
Finally the timer goes off and we go to decorate the cookies while the nightmare before Christmas played in the background.
I took a snapchat and posted it.
after a while of Christmas movies and cookies we Were eating ready for bed.
"I have a suprise!" I shriek going to get a bag out of our closet.
"What is it?" He asks opening the bag.
"Matching pajamas!" I yell taking out the Christmas themed matching pajamas for me and cam.
"Really lilly?" He laughed.
"Yes you're going to wear them too!" I say.
"Fine" he laughs and we change into our matching pajamas.
"Snapchat" I say and we take a mirror selfie in our pj's.
We go to bed overly excited for the day ahead of us.

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