Chapter 24

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My airplane landed and I texted Sam asking where he was.
Sam😎: lookup
I looked up from my phone and found Sam.
I hugged him super tight.
"Ready to go?" He asks.
"Yeah" I smile. We go out to his car and it felt like home to me. As we drove back to his house everything felt great. Seeing my old school and my old house. We pull up to a house and get out. "This is it" he says. My stuff was shipped here so it was already in the house.
We go inside and I see a tall brunette girl sitting on the couch on her phone.
"Oh babe your finally home" she smiles and hugs him.
"Jenna this is lilly, lilly this is my girlfriend Jenna" Sam says.
"Hi" I smile and she doesn't even give me the time of day.
"lets go out to lunch I'm starving" Jenna complains.
"Oh well lilly you hungry?" He asks.
"No I'm fine, you guys go ahead I want to go see nate" I say.
"Well okay I'll pick you up later" he says and leaves. I call nate.
L-hey I'm here.
N- really?! Awesome!
L- could you come pick me up and we could hang out?
N- yeah for sure be there in a sec
L- okay bye
I hung up and waited. After a little bit Nates car was in the driveway.
"Hey" I say getting in the car.
"Hey it's awesome you're back" he says pulling out of the driveway.
"It feels nice to be here, I missed this place" I say
"So how's the jacks?" I ask. Me and johnson haven't texted much since what happens other than saying hi how've you been once in a while.
"They're fine but that's not what your asking" he says
"How's johnson" I ask
"He's gotten back on his feet, not so mopey anymore. He told me he felt awkward about you coming home, that he wishes you guys were friends like you used to be"
"Me too" I say
we get to his house and go inside.
"Wow who'd you hire to clean?!" I ask at the spotless house.
"No one" he smiles
"You did this? All by yourself?" I ask.
"Yep" he says
"Consider me impressed" I say sitting down on the familiar and extremely comfy couch.
"So when's cameron and nash moving up?" He asks.
"In a week" I say.
"Have you met Jenna?"
"Yes" I groan
"That bad?" He asks
"I smile at her and say hi and she just gives me this snobby look and takes my brother away from me 5 minuets after I show up when I haven't seen him in ages" I say
"Well you know if you can't handle her you can always come here" he says
My phone buzzed and I looked at it.
Cam💕: hey what's up?
I took a selfie with Bæ and sent it to cam
L- with this loser
Cam💕: have you met sams girlfriend yet?
L- yeah and I already hate her
Cam💕: that bad huh?
L- exactly what nate said.
Cam💕: well hey just put up with it for 6 more days then you can stay with me if you need.
L- I guess
Cam💕: why don't you try to re connect with Jack while I'm gone? You need a friend like him okay
L- you all of the sudden like Jack?
Cam💕: he helped you with Jayden. And me not being an ass to him is how I'll make it up to him for being there for you.
L- cutie💕 I'll talk to you later
Cam💕: okay :)
"Let's go see the jacks" I say
"Really?" He asks
We get in his car and drive to the jacks.
"I told cameron about Jayden" I say
"Woah really? What'd he say?" He asks
"He looked so upset, but he said a lot. Just how he wanted to help me and stuff. What everyone says" I say
We get to the jacks and I didn't even feel that uncomfortable. I mean this was my second home. We walk in the door and sitting there was Gilinsky and johnson.
"Hey you're back!" Gilibsky says giving me a big hug.
"Hi" johnson says awkwardly staring a little behind gilinsky. I just walk over to him and hug him. He was tense at
First but then calmed down and hugged me back.
"I missed you" I say
"I missed you too" he says and I could feel him smiling.
"You two have a lot to catch up on so we're just gunna go play gta" gilinsky says and him and nate go upstairs.
"So how've you been?" Jack asks sitting down as do I.
"Fine I guess. I'm just happy to be home" I say
"It never did feel the Same with you gone" he says
"Jack are you mad at me?" I really didn't mean to ask it but it slipped out.
"What? Why would I be mad at you?" He asks
"Because of everything that happened" I say
"Lilly everything happened for a reason. After a while I realized we were better off as friends. I felt like we were more open and closer that way" he explains.
"Good then what I'm about to tell you won't be too weird" I say
"Go ahead"
"cameron and nash are moving down here to be closer to me."
"Oh" was all he said
"Don't worry he got over everything. He's actually the one who encouraged me to come talk to you. When he gets back he's going to be so happy that we're talking" I say
"I can't promise to be nice to him lilly" Jack says
"Why not" I ask
"Because he stole the only girl I've ever loved let alone saw my future with. You moved away and he got you in the period of 3 months. It took me 4 years to get you. 4 freaking years." He says
"Jack I-I'm sorry" I say
"Lillian there is no reason for you to be sorry. You did nothing wrong. It's all him. It's his fault we can't be together" he says and I didn't know what to say. I felt like I should be defending my boyfriend but in reality I should be more sympathetic for my friend.
"You can't say you have no feelings for me what so ever because I know you do" he says
"I don't jack" I say
"You're trying to tell me you just got over me in three months?!" He says
"I-I don't know Jack! But what I do know is I'm with cameron."
"You have no feelings for me at all?" He asks grabbing my hand.
"I don't know Jack I'm just confused right now okay" I say upset.
jack grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine.
"You felt nothing?" He asks and I get up tears running down my face.
"I need to go" I say.
"Lilly wait" he says grabbing my wrist.
"Let me go" I say softly.
"No talk to me now." He says tightening his grip to where it hurt.
"I said let me go" I yell at him hitting his arm.
He lets go and Gilibsky and nate rush down the stairs.
"What happened?" Nate asks walking over to me.
"Take me home please?" I ask crying.
"Cmon" he says putting his arm around me and walking me out to the car.
"What happend?" He asks me.
"Jack kept pressuring me to say I still had feelings for him and I don't and he kissed me me I got up to leave and he completely turned on me he hurt my wrist and was just acting crazy" I say
"He's still not over you. He has a lot of anger towards cameron and I guess he took it out on you" he says
"I just wanted to get close to him again.."
"I'm sorry lillian" he says
I saw Sam pull up outside of Nates house.
"Bye" I say and walk out to the car. Luckily Jenna wasn't there. I got In and buckled up. Sams eyes were red and puffy and he looked pale and sick.
"Whoa what's wrong?" I ask as he pulls out of the driveway.
"I uh- I broke up with jenna" he says
"What why?" I ask
"After we left she kept saying that we had no room for another person and she kept saying to send you back. She tried telling me to choose between her and you. And as you can see..."
"Sam I'm reeeallllyyyy sorry" I say.
"No thank you for bringing out the real her and showing me she's not what I want" he smiles at me.
"Anytime" I laugh.

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