Chapter 20

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We left the mall and went back to my house.
"Lilly" Jack says handing me a paper.
I decided it's best that I took the next flight back to Omaha. I guess we're broken up?
I still want us to be friends. I'm sorry for treating you the way I did. Text me when you want.
Love ya lills.
"So?" Jack asks
"We're going back to how things used to be" I smiled. "We're still friends"
"That's great" nash says.
"Yeah it is" cam smiles at me.
"But he's not gunna be here for my birthday..."
"Maybe it was for the best. So things wouldn't be awkward" Jack says.
"Yeah I guess" I say
It was two days till my birthday and in that time I've gotten things right with Jack and me and Cameron have spent more time together. Nash and gilinsky were basically best friends by now too.
"So what does the Birthday girl want?" Cam asks taking a sip of his coffee.
"Suprise me" I say
"I'm bad at shopping though" he laughs.
"Okay well you know I love sephora and lush and clothes" I say.
"Fine I'll find something" he laughs.
"I wonder what gilinskys getting me" I say. "He ways suprise me with something awesome. Always." I say.
"Just a warning, nash always gets people the stupidest presents. So if you get something like a statue of Obama or something. Just throw it away" he says
"Why the hell would I throw away an Obama statue!!" I yell and he laughs.
"Let's get going, I need to take you home so I can get shopping" he says. We get in his car and he drops me off at my house.
"I'll see you later" he says kissing my cheek before I get out and he drives away. I go inside and gilinsky and Nash are playing video games.
"Guys my parents have buisness people coming over tonight don't you dare make a mess for me to clean" I say and they laugh.
"Well try" Jack says
"Shush it eyebrows" I say
"We should all sleep on the trampoline tonight" I say
"Just like we used to" gilinsky laughsz
"Yeah we can watch Netflix and eat food and stuff" I say
"I'm in" Nash says.
"Cool I'll text cam" I say.
L- hey we're having a sleepover on the trampoline you in?
Cam😍: duh😏
L- cool see ya later c:
"Grab all the pillows" I say to cam as he grabs all the pillows from my room. I had all the blankets. Jack has three laptops for when the Others died and Nash had the snacks. We walked down the stairs and suddenly stopped because my parents meeting was going on in the living room. We slowly and quietly walked past them and out back.
We set everything up and lay on the trampoline.
"What should we watch?" I ask
"You choose" they all say
"Seriously? Okay we're watching dance moms" I say (I love dance moms okay don't judge me)
We start watching the show but it got boring real quick.
"Bye!" Nash yelled taking the bag of Cheetos and running off the trampoline.
"Give me back my Cheetos!" I yell chasing after him.
"No way Lilly" he says before bumping me into the pool.
"Nash!" I yell before climbing out of the pool.
"Now what time is that meeting over!" Nash asks
"Just a few minuets ago why?" I ask.
"Because I still got your Cheetos!" He yelled before running inside. Me and cam and Jack all ran inside after him until we realized the meeting was still going on.
"Uh hi mom, dad, buisness people" I say. My mom slightly laughed but my dad gave us a death glare.
"We will be going now have a nice meeting!" I say before we all walk back outside
"That was great" I laugh.
"Except your dads gunna kill you" Jack laughs.
"Happy birthday lilly" I hear everyone yell as I open my eyes. Everyone was surrounding my bed and it was honestly terrifying.
"Thanks guys" I giggle sitting up.
"Where's cameron?" I ask.
"Right here" he says coming in the room with my all time favorite breakfast. Starbucks Carmel frappe and the ihop strawberries and creme french toast.
"Awe your so sweet" I say as he sits next to me and kisses me.
"We will let you guys have your morning. Come on down when your done" my mom says leaving with my dad so I'm left with my friends.
Me and cam share my french toast. Well he stole a few bites.
"Presents?" Nash asks.
"Yessss" I say and Nash hands me an envelope. I open it to see.
"ARIANA GRANDE TICKETS?!" I screamed happily.
"YES WAY" he yells back.
"Nash your the best oh my gosh I wasn't expecting this, I was expecting a statue of obama" I laugh and wink at cam.
"Okay now cameron" I say and he hands me a big box. I opens it to see EVERY makeup item I said I wanted in sephora the other day but I couldn't buy. "Cameron aw you remembered" I say hugging him. "That's not all" he says handing me another box. I opens it to see a creme colored flowey dress with little embroided flowers on it. A pair of ankle boots and a pale pink sweater.
"That's what you'll wear on our first date tomorrow at bottega louie tomorrow night" he says "and lilly" he gives me a bouquet of pink roses. "Will you be my girlfriend" he asks.
"Of course" I say and kiss him.
"Woooo!!!" Nash and Jack yell and we laugh.
" thank you cam" I say hugging him really tight.
"Finally my turn" gilinsky smiles. I'm he hands me a box that was baby pink. I open it to see a charm bracelet.
"Aw Jack, it's beautiful. Thank you" I say hugging him.
"That's not it" he says grabbing a bandana and wrapping it around my eyes.
"I'm bringing in another present one sec" he says and I heard him leave the room.
"Okay here you go" he says taking off the blindfold
"OH MY GOD!" I scream when I see nate and Sam standing there with bows on their heads.
I run off my bed and hug them both super tight.
"Jack oh my god thank you so much" I say.
"Happy birthday baby sis" Sam says hugging me once more.
"I can't believe you guys are here!" I say
"Okay do you really think we'd miss your birthday?" Nate laughs.
"Best birthday ever already" I say.
"Cough COUGH COUGH!!" Nash some what yells and I laugh.
"Guys this is my friend nash" I say introducing him. "And this is cameron, my boyfriend" I smiled at the words.
"Lilly has said a lot about you" Sam says "and when I say a lot I mean a lot" I hit him. He never knows when to shut up.
"Well that's good to know" cam laughs.
"But you should know you break my sisters heart I'm gunna break your neck" Sam says and I roll my eyes.
"Did you break jacks neck?" I ask.
"Just about" he smiles.
"Okay let's just move on" I laugh awkwardly and nate hands me my present.
"Oh my god" I laugh when I open the present. It was all the just dance games.
"Remember when you begged me to play just dance with you? Well I guess now I will" he says
"This is going on video and on facebook" I laugh.
"Now meeee" Sam smiles
He hands me an envelope. Probably money.
"IKEA gift card for 3 thousand dollars?!" I ask
"When you come back down we gotta re do your room nice, also it's huge so your gunna need to fill it" he smiles and I hug him.
"Thank you thank you thank you" I say.
"Well we're all about to leave so you can get ready for the day" cam says.
"Six flags!!" I yell excitedly.
"Okay well the sooner you get ready the sooner we can go" jack says.
"Okay guys I'll see you later" I say.
I jump into the shower and do my normal routine. I get out and go to my closet. I grabbed a black tank top and white distressed shorts. I tucked the tank top into the shorts and grabbed my old beat up white converse.
I brushed my hair and put it up into a high messy pony tail and did a little makeup.
I grabbed a draw string bag and put my phone, a water bottle, my urban decay all nighter spray, and my wallet.
I texted everyone to meet at the cars.
I walked outside and waited for everyone. Seconds later can and nash walk out and the. Jack then nate and Sam.
"Well let's go" I say
Sam, nate, Jack, and nash take Nash's car and I decided to go alone With cam.
"Your brother doesn't seem to hate me" cam smiles as he pulls out of his driveway.
"Yeah just wait"
"What do you mean?" He asks
"He didn't do anything cause people were around. But Sam is very over protective" I laugh
"Oh great" cam says
"He will love you and when I move back you can meet everyone else and they will all love you" I say
"And soon you can meet my family" he smiles at me before looking back at the road.
"I thought they didn't live here?" I ask.
"They don't but they are coming to visit next week" he says
"Oh..." I say.
"Don't worry they are going to love you" he says holding my hand.
We arrive at six flags and park.
"Yay yay yay lets go!!!" I yell getting out of the car.
We found the other guys car and started walking towards the entrance.
"You gunna go on some roller coasters with me" nate says putting his arm around me.
"You know how I feel about roller coasters nate" I say
"What you don't like them?!" Cameron asks
"No I like them, but there's a few I just will not go on" I say
"Oh believe me, while I'm here your going on all of them" nate says.
"Yeah okay Nate" I laugh
We get in and not many people were here since it was pretty early.
We decided to do roller coasters first. I was very picky on what roller coasters I go on.
We went on all of the ones that didn't have flips or anything upside down.
"The Spider-Man One?" Nate asks me.
"Yeah no" I say
"We're going on tatsu" cameron says
"No!" I whine.
"Come on" he laughing dragging me.
We stand in line at tatsu. I was only standing there because they forced me to, but I wasn't getting on this ride.
"Okay let's go" the man says
"Cmon" cam smiles
"No cameron" I say
"Please I promise I'll take care of you" he says
"Please!" He begs
"Cameron I cant" I say
"You'll be okay" he says grabbing my hand.
"Oh my god fine" I say and sit down. But as soon as the man checked to make sure we were all safely in I changed my mind but the ride already started.
"Can I can't do this!" I cried.
"You're fine I got you" he smiles squeezing my hand.
I held my breath as we slowly inched to the top.
Suddenly we drop and I was screaming on the top of my lungs. To say I hated this was an understatement.
There were twists and sharp turns but I then actually started to like it.
We went upside down which scared me at first but ended up being fun.
The ride finally came to a stop and I literally was squeezing the life out of Cameron's hand. "Sorry" I laugh as we get off the ride.
"Dude you did it!" Sam smiles.
"I could never get her on roller coasters like this" he says to cameron.
"Okay but maybe we should go on a few slower rides now?" I say
"Okay" they guys agree.
We went on a few more rides but then a lot more people started packing in.
"Lunch break?" I ask considering it was 12:30 now.
"Yeah let's go" cam says.
"Me and nash are goin on this one then we'll meet up with you" Gilibsky says and we walk off.
"You good?" Sam asks me.
"Yeah I'm fine" I say.
"Okay well just remember I have your Xanax if you need it" he says.
"Oh thanks I totally forgot to get it" I say.
"Yeah mom gave me this whole lecture on how I'm your older brother and I need to take care of you" he says and I laugh.
We order some food and sit at a table.
Jack and nash meet up with us and we eat.
A lot of people were crowding me and I started to feel sick to my stomach.
"Sam" I say and he gave me my Xanex bottle. "Thanks" I say and grab a pill before handing it back to him and taking it.
"I didn't know you had to take meds?" Cam asked.
"I don't have to daily. I can cope with my anxiety daily but I have these so I can take them when I'm having a hard time and they instantly calm me down" I explain
"Oh" was all he said.
Me and nate were done but the other guys were taking forever.
"Wanna go see the animals?" I ask nate.
"Sure" he says and we get up. "Just meet us up there" I say before we walk away.
Me and nate started to the animals and caught up on everything.
"So any ladies?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.
"Nope not since you" he says and weirdly it wasn't awkward at all.
"How about you and cam? What happend there?" He asks
"Well me and him were modeling together and I didn't realize I liked him for a while" I said. "But I don't know it just kind of happend"
"Well I'm happy for you" nate smiles
"So.. How's Jack? You've seen him since he got home right?" I ask.
"Yeah I mean he is doing all right. He's not too happy about you and cameron but other than that he's pretty okay" he says.
"Oh" was all I said. We got to the animals and I literally screamed they were so cute.
"Hey look it looks like you" nate said pointing to a butt.
"Oh wow thanks" I laugh.
My phone dinged and I looked at it.
Cam💕: 3
"Hi!" I heard cameron scream behind me and it made me jump.
"Don't do that you scared me!" I say hitting him.
"What'd you think I meant when I counted down?" He laughs.
"I don't know!" I say
"Nate do you mind if we go off? I'm sure the guys will be here any minute?" I ask
"Yeah of course go" he smiles and I thank him before me and cam walk off.
Cam puts his arm around my waist. A little too tight.
"What's up with you?" I ask pulling his arm loosening his grip.
"Nate was looking at you" he says
"And?" I ask.
"He was looking at your butt" he says.
"Is he into you or something?" Cam asks.
"He's my ex" I say sighing
"He's your ex? Seriously?" He asks laughing.
"What's so funny?!" I ask
"I don't know he just doesn't seem like your type"
"He wasnt" I say remembering how he treated me
"So what happens with you guys?" He asks.
"Cam can we not talk about it" I say
"Yeah sure" he says then looking at me. "Are you okay?" He asks realizing I was upset.
"I'm fine" I say
"It's your birthday so I'll let it slide this time but we're having a talk tomorrow" he says and I laugh. I loved that he cared enough to just bring it up later. He is the best.
"So just curious.. How many boyfriends have you had?" He asks.
"Seriously cam!" I laugh.
"Hey just curious" he smiles.
We caught up with the rest of the guys after a while and went on a few more rides.
"You did good sis" Sam smiles.
"I know oh my gosh! That was awesome!!" I say as we walk out.
"So we're going to go get some stuff from the store and we'll meet you guys at the house?" Nash says
"Oh okay" I say and me and can get in his car and drive back home.
"Did you have a good time?" Cam asks me.
"I had an amazing time, today was great" I smile.
He puts his hand on mine and I may have melted inside. I loved every second with him. We pulled into his driveway and went inside.
"I want to show you something" he smiles. He grabs my hand and leads me to the back door and opens it. When I saw what it was I felt as if I were dreaming.
"Aw cammm" I say and smile at him. We walk down the little trail of petals and sit at a table SURROUNDED by my favorite flowers, peonys.
"Cam this is adorable" I laugh at what food was on the table. It was food from my favorite Chinese restaurant.
"Well, I can't cook and I figured you'd find this somewhat amusing so yeah" he laughs.
"Well I can say I'm impressed that you know my favorite flower" I smile
we ate the lovely take out and talked.
We laid on a blanket in the grass and it was dark now.
"This was the best birthday" I say
"This was the best day" he says
"I love you" I say turning to him.
"I love you" he says kissing me.
"Your too perfect" I say and he laughs.
"That's what all the girls say" he winks.
"Oh really?" I ask
"Nope just you" he says pulling me into him.
My phone started ringing and ruined the moment.
"Who is it?" Can asks.
"Nash?" I say
"I told them not to call or text us" cam says
"Should I answer?" I ask and he nods
L-yes nash?
N- how's it going?!
L- seriously?
N- am i interrupting?
L- uh yeah.
N- so..?
L- goodbye nash.
N- I can see you guys. Hands where I can see them young ones.
L- for one that's creepy and for two cam is older than you.
N- well technically-
L- bye nash.
I hung up and laughed.
"What'd he say?" Cam asks.
"Oh apperantly the guys are watching us" I laugh.
"Then let's give them something to see" he says and Starts kissing me, but my phone started to ring again.
"Are you kidding me!!" I yell looking at my phone.
L- what do you want Sam?
S- your brother does not improve
L- bye Sam
I hang up the phone And cam laughs at me. I yawn and lay my head on his chest.
"You tired?" He asks me
"A little" I say.
After a little longer we go back inside.
We were welcomed by everyone and sat on the couch.
"I'm about to fall asleep" I yawn.
"You better take her" cam says to Sam.
"Night lillian" he says and kisses my forehead. Me, Sam, nate, and Jack head back to my house and I fall asleep.

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