Chapter 29

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*sams pov*
I went over to camerons and knocked on the door.
"Hey" cameron says awkwardly.
"Can I talk to you?" I say.
"Yeah" he says stepping out.
"You know about jayden right?" I ask
"Yeah" he says.
"Well yesterday he found out that lilly was living with me and he came here looking for Her while you guys were baby sitting. He left but Texted me saying he would find her. So I went out to find him before he found her. I asked nate to stay to make sure that jayden didn't come back there and find her, she said they were just watching Netflix and fell asleep. Nothing happend between them. He was just trying to protect her. He's always been very protective over her. Same with johnson and gilinsky. We're all just trying to watch over her and she couldn't tell you cause I made her promise to keep it quiet until it was over" I explain.
"Seriously? That guy is still trying to mess with her? I feel.. Like crap" he says.
"Now that you understand what happened I can be her big brother now, she TOLD You nothing Happened. She said she couldn't tell you, and you didn't believe her you just got mad and left. She was crying her eyes out telling me About it. She always saw you as this perfect guy and you upset her like that. She's my sister and I promised her id always look after her. I don't want her being upset like that. You need to get your sorry little ass over at my house tomorrow and apologize to her" I say and walk back leaving him speechless.
"How'd it go?" Lilly asks.
"Fine" I smile and she hugs me.
"Thank you"
*camerons pov*
Sam left and my phone rang. I checked the number.
Oh no...
c- hey Mandy
S- lilly, 17, mom dad and a 19 year old brother. Lives right next to you in a baby blue house. Better come cause I know everything.
C- how?..the party. I introduced you two...
S- tomorrow. 5pm. La.
C- I'll be there.
I hung up and felt a tear down my cheek. She's doing it again. And I love lilly too much to put her though this. I was going. I had to.
*lillys pov*
I woke up and checked my phone. I had a voicemail from cameron. I listened to it.
"Lilly, I'm- I'm really sorry. But we cant be together. It's just how it has to be. Me and nash went back to la last night. Goodbye lillian"
I dropped my phone and instantly started crying.
"What did I do wrong?!" I scream at myself rocking back and forth on my bed.
Sam ran into the room and grabbed me.
"What happened?" He asks.
"He's gone, he's gone" I say crying.
"Cameron listen" I say handing him my phone.
"Lilly please calm down" he says holding me.
"I ruin everything! I hate myself!" I yell.
"Lilly please-"
"I'm so stupid!"
He picks up his phone and dials a number.
"Get here now" he says and hangs up.
He held me tight until I calmed down a bit.
Jack and Jack walk in my room. Sam was smart to call them. They always made me happier.
"Come here" Gilinsky says standing there with his arms open. I stood up and hugged him and he hugged back tight.
I guess Sam texted them what happened.
"Why would he just leave like that?" I ask sitting down on the bed along with everyone else.
"Because he's an idiot" johnson says.
"But he's not, what if something happened with his family or something and he had to go back?" I ask
"Then he would have gone back and not broken up with you" johnson says.
"I'm going to miss him so much" I say hugging Sam. I felt like my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. And right before our one year..
"Do you want to be left alone?"
Most girls like being alone when they get upset. But for me, I can't stand it.
"Well I know that gilinsky needs to go back but other than that I really could use the support" I say.
"You're right, I do need to go. Don't worry too much about him okay?" Gilinsky says and I nod and he leaves.
"You know what I don't need him, I have my five best friends here and I was fine before I met him I'll be fine without him" I say. But it wasn't true. I did need him. He lifted my depression and faded the anxiety. He was my medication. He was the cure. And I lost him.
"You will be fine without him. You have me, Jack and Jack, nate, and sadie. We're all here for you" Sam says.
"I need to go for a walk" I say.
"Well we will let you get dressed, do you want someone to go with you?" Sam asks
"No I think I'll be fine" I say and they leave my room. I put on some Capri yoga pants and a T-shirt and I tie my hair up.
"Bye guys" I say.
"Keep your phone on okay?" Sam says.
"Okay" I say and walk out.
I started to walk to camerons house. They couldn't have gotten fully moved out over night. After about 10 minuets I got there.
The door was unlocked? I opened it and walked inside. ALL of their stuff was still there. I headed up to camerons room.
I looked down on his bed to see a big box with a note.
"Lilly I'm sure you're here wondering what happened. I can't tell you right now I'm sorry. But send me this box when you see it. I don't think I can live without it."
I looked down at the box and my suspicion took over. I opened it.
I started to cry when I saw what was in it. It was filled with pictures of us, magazines that had our photoshoots in them, our receipts from everytime we went on a food date, and a big frame. I turned the frame over and my heart broke at the picture. It was the one my mom took of us when we were going to that dinner party. We were looking at eachother holding hands smiling really big.
I'm sending them to him.
He does still care about me.
Something must have happened.
He will be back.
And I will wait.

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