Chapter 9

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I walk inside shutting the door behind me.
"Why was nate here?" Gilinsky asks.
"We just needed to talk was all" I say sitting down.
"About?.." He trails off.
"None of your business..." I copy.
"You guys like a thing now?" He asks.
"Furthest from it" I answer.
"What why?" Johnson says.
"He's not who I thought he was" I say thinking about how he pushed me.
"Wait what happend out there?" Sam asks.
"Nothing it doesn't matter" I say yet it really did, he completely reminded me of Jayden. He was exactly like Jayden. And I refuse to put myself in that kind of situation again.
I go upstairs and go in the bathroom. I see there's already a bruising sort of thing on my arm. I'd have to cover that up..
*jack Johnson's pov*
Lilly leaves the room and he phone lights up next to me I glance at it and see it's from nate. I always was alowed to go on her I did.
Nate: I'm sorry...
Nate: I know that was real douchey of me
Nate: are you hurt?
Nate: I really hope I didn't hurt you.
Nate: Lilly I'm reallllllyyyy sorry.
Nate: I was just mad.
Why was he asking of she was hurt? And what were they talking about?
I hear Lilly start to come downstairs so I set her phone down.
"Lills can I talk to you outside" I ask and she nods as we go outside.
"What happend when he came?" I ask.
"Nothing we just talked." She lies.
"Lilly you can tell me." I say.
"He just upset me is all" she says.
"Did he do that to your arm?" I ask grabbing her hand and turning her arm a bit so I could see.
"Um." She hesitates.
"He did didn't he, and that was the bang on the door we heard?" I question.
"Yeah.." She says almost so quiet that I couldn't hear.
"Please don't tell sammy" she says and it all came back.
"Jack please don't tell Sammy! I don't want him to find out!" Lilly cries.
"Lilly your lip is bleeding you have marks all over your face and arms and you don't want me to say anything ?" I say.
"He didn't mean it jack, he was just mad!"
"Lilly you deserve someone who you know isn't going to treat you like this. You're not going back to Jayden" I say.
"Fine but just don't tell sam" she says and I agree.
She hid in her room the next few days until Jayden came to her house.
Sam let him in oblivious to what had happend days before and leaving the house. Leaving Jayden and Lilly alone
He started to beat her more. And him being way stronger than her she couldn't get away. Me and gilinsky were going over and walked inside hearing a ton of crashing upstairs. We quickly ran up there and saw Jayden beating the living hell out of Lilly. I called 911 and gilinsky got Jayden off of Lilly.
"God I'm so stupid I should have told sam" I say to myself picking up Lilly bridal style and setting her on the bed.
Lily ended up having to tell her parents and sam.
*end of flashback*
"I'm telling sam" I say.
"No. You can't jack" she says and I shake my head.
"It was my fault last time, and it's not happening again" I say and she knows exactly what I'm talking about.
"This is different jack" she says.
"No Lilly I'm not putting you in that situation again" I say and go inside.
"You tell them or I will" I say and she sits there quietly.
"Nate pushed Lilly into the door really hard and made this happen" I say showing them her arm.
"I knew it, I knew nate would be a douchebag no matter who the girl is, I'm going over there right now" Sam says leaving the room.
Gilinsky looked sad and upset. Probably remembering having to pull Jayden off her and hold him back. Even though he acts like he doesn't care about Lilly he probably does as much as I do. But he only shows it in desperate times. When Lilly really needs him.
Lilly started to cry and hyperventilate and I knew exactly where this was going. I sat down next to her holding her hand not saying a word just letting her try to catch her breath. She was shaking like crazy and her breathing was getting worse and worse.
"What is going on?" Gilinsky asks.
"Panic attack" I say.
"Just breath lilly" I remind her.
"You're not going to die. You're not going to die" I kept repeating that to her so she didn't get herself in that state of mind.
Once it started to die down I pulled her into me. I really hated seeing her like this and gilinsky just sat there in shock, being the only one to not know what has been going on.
"It's okay lilly" I say kissing the top of her head.
We just sat like that until Sam got back around 25 minuets later.
"Panic attack?" He asks and I nod.
"What happend?" I ask.
"Talked some sense into that asshole" Sam says.
He brought a wet paper towel and wiped the makeup off lillys face that got smeared by tears and she sat up.
"Tonight did not go as planned" she says and lays her head on me.
"I'm sorry" I say and hug her side.
"I'm gunna go to sleep" she says.
"Here I'll help you" I say helping her stand up and go upstairs.
"Could you get me my sweats and t shirt?" She asks and I grab some out of her drawer and hand it to her leaving the room for a minuet while she changes.
I go back in and she sits back on her phone, and I sit next to her.
"Sorry about nate" I say.
"Don't be, everything happens for a reason" she says.
"Yeah I guess it does" I smile.
"I'm going to let you sleep, night lillyan" I say hugging her.
"Goodnight jack" she says and kisses my cheek and I leave.
I go downstairs and sit with the other guys.
"So what happend with nate?" I ask Sam.
"When I got there he was really quiet and I knocked several times since the door was locked. Then I remembered where he hid the spare key and I used it and went in" he begins to explain. "I asked him why he did what he did and he just acted like nothing happend. I knew I shouldn't have trusted my sister with him."
"It wasn't your fault" I say.
"Will you guys help me out like keep an eye on her and stuff?" He asks.
"Yeah for sure" gilinsky says.
"I don't want nate anywhere near her" he says.
We talk a bit more and me and jack leave back home.
I lay in my bed and go on facebook and see Lilly changed her profile picture to her, Sam, and me. I liked the picture and kept scrolling. She posted.
Lillian wilkinson
Sick of being treated like I'm nothing.
I sigh knowing it was about nate and scroll.
Nate maloley
Can people just chill.
I commented.
Not when you treat them like shit.
I locked my phone and went to sleep.
*lillys pov*
I woke up and grabbed my phone.
Johnson🙈🙊: lillyyyyy
Johnson🙈🙊: LILLYAN
johnson🙈🙊: wake up loser:(
I laugh and text him back.
L- I'm awaaakkeeee😖
Johnson🙈🙊: you coming over later?
L- yeah
Johnson🙈🙊:cool I got you a suprise😎
Johnson🙈🙊: nope
L- why??
L- give me a hint?
Johnson🙈🙊: the faster you get here the faster you'll know.
I lock my phone and quickly take a shower and change into jeans and a tope shirt. I put on flats brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair before I go downstairs.
"Sam take me to the jacks pleaseeee" I say.
"Too early" he complains laying on the couch.
"Dad can you?" I ask.
"Fine" he says and we get in the car.
"Why are you so excited for jacks?" He asks me.
"Johnson got me a suprise" I say.
We get there and I get out of the car and go inside.
"Hello?" I say not hearing anyone but then seeing a little kitten walk down the stairs with a bow on her head then jack and jack following behind.
"Oh my god" I say and pick up the kitten.
"Suprise" johnson says
"Awe jack" I say and kiss his cheek. "She's adorable" I say sitting down petting her.
"She was at the animal shelter with all the other kittens and was off by herself, she looked like she could use a little love" he smiles petting her head.
"What's her name?" I ask.
"Basil" he says.
"Awe, I love her" I say.
"I'm going to leave before you two get all mushy" jack g complains leaving the room.
There was a knock out the door and I felt sick. It wouldn't be Sam and the only other person that really comes here is nate.
Johnson went to the door only opening it enough for the person to see him.
"Is Lilly here?" I hear nate ask.
"That doesn't concern you" johnson says.
"You do realize were still friends right?" He says.
"No were not" I say.
"Let me in" nate says.
"No I'm not letting you near Lilly" jack says and shuts and locks the door.
next I hear the back for open and nate coming in the room.
"What did I even do to you?!" He yells at me and I stand up.
"Well for one you pushed me against the door" I say.
"Shall I do it again?" He says grabbing my arm really tight.
"Get the hell off her" jack g says coming back in the room. He yanks nate off me and I go stand with johnson.
"Get out im not afraid to beat your ass again nate." He says and I get a confused look on my face. Again?
Nate leaves without another word and I stand there in shock.
"What do you mean again?" I ask gilinsky and he sits down quietly.
"He did the same thing to Laura." He says. (Pretend Laura is 18)
"And you beat him up?" I ask.
"Yeah, no one knew about it" he says.
"Oh..." I respond.
"Is your arm okay?" Johnson asks me and I nod.
"I love you guys" I say which I don't say enough.
"Love you too" gilinsky says hugging me.
"thanks for ignoring me loser" I laugh at johnson.
"The problem is I love you in a completely different way..."

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