TSR IV: Offer

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The night was already deep when Vea reached their home. Luan was asleep too. His mommy Vane gently carried him from the car seat to his room. She changed Luan into his pajamas and then gave him a good night kiss. A smile crept on her lips when she saw how Luan was smiling while sleeping. She knew that it's probably the best birthday for Luan because for all the years even when she was a chef and have a decent job, she wouldn't be able to afford what April, the lady she just met a while ago, has done for his son.

Vane couldn't sleep, after she changing into her nightgown, she went to the kitchen to drink some tea so she can sleep. Clouded by thoughts, she doesn't know when to start solving her problems. She took a deep breath and began checking on her bank account if she could afford the property tax that her parents owed the government. She became so practical after losing her parents. She matured quickly because she needed to live on her own.

The money her parents left her was exhausted because she was studying in a prestigious culinary school. She has to do some practicing in an exclusive hotel to boost her resume. She was doing fine not until she got pregnant where she needed to spend more money because Luan was born via Caesarian Section and has to spend more time in the hospital because of a weak heart. She's fine, Vane has to be fine for her son who became the reason why she has to live her life.

Luan gave her strength and love. He's her only purpose in life, at least that's what she thought. She moved on from her jerk boyfriend who even stole money from her. She's okay not until her job was taken and now, she has another debt from the government.

Where will we live if they will take our property? now, her strength was drained and she cried a lot. Continuous tears of pain upon seeing her bank account that she will not be able to pay rent if they will have to give the property to the government. She's given a month so she decided that tomorrow, she will find a job whatever it is.

Calculating how much money will she get, still that would be impossible for her to accumulate 15,000 dollars in a month. She's mentally breaking down but she had no choice now but to sell their home. Thinking hard about what should she do.

Consuming the night by finding open positions for her to go and check tomorrow. She fell asleep on the sofa in their living room that night. She woke up and prepared breakfast for his son and wake him up so he can leave her to her neighbor but Dr. Elise in the meantime.

She left Luan and told him to be a good boy. She made her way for her first job interview for the day and she was praying so hard that hopefully, she'll be hired immediately.

Days had come so fast, she's been taking triple jobs just to accumulate that amount of money she owed from the government but her last hope was to pray that they will give her another grace period because it's indeed impossible.

It wasn't a peaceful morning for Vane and Luan when suddenly officials came to already give them further notice to vacate the house. Luan was crying so hard while Vane was talking to the officials pleading if they could still give her one month grace period because she's doing her best to get the money already.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Samson but we have already given you a week to settle it," one of the officials informed Vane who's trying her best not to cry in front of her son but she extremely failed.

"What is happening?!" an angry-sounding voice of a woman was heard behind the officials. Vane was seen crying but trying to hide her pain from her son who was on the porch of the home.

"We are giving her a 24hour notice to vacate the house because of the unsettled taxes for years ma'am," the official explained to the person who just arrived.

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