TSR XLXV: Small World

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== Vanessa Elora Avery Samson ==

Weeks had passed, my Luan was improving well everyday and I'm glad his head injury didn't affect his memory and brain permanently. I was told by April unnie that Luan had a little difficulty remembering what happened when he woke up the first time but it came back a few hours later and he started asking for me.

He was recovering even faster than me who was mandated to do hospital rest for two weeks. Joshua was so concerned but he doesn't know why I was forced to do a bed rest at this moment but gladly nobody told him.

I'm about to get discharged but Joshua still didn't know the reason why I was on bed rest. I don't know if it's safe to even tell him about it. Those people might still be lurking around, spying on me and my Luan's life was already in danger, what more when they will know about the baby I'm carrying.

I was glad to see Joshua taking good care of him every single day. He also came to my room taking good care of me along with April unnie and Seungcheol oppa. Doctor Elise also came to check on me with her husband but they never really cross paths together with Joshua.

"Vaney baby, you are staying at my house at the moment so I can take care of you. I already purchased your meds. The hospital bills were already taken care of too," April unnie continuously said. I can't do anything because she will just insist on it and it would also be good so I have someone to check on me.

I never dared to tell Joshua about my pregnancy especially now. I'm still afraid.

We all went out of my room and went to Luan's. I saw Joshua in there packing his things with Cheol oppa. They do look like father and son. He is such an amazing guy and he will do an amazing job to be a dad in the future.

"Ready baby?" I asked joyfully.

"Yes, mommy!" Luan cheered. We went out of the hospital but I still have this bad feeling within me. Maybe because I'm traumatized.

We arrived at April unnie's house. They made me comfortable immediately. Again, the bed rest thing for me while they also give more than care to my Luan.

I slept all day. I will just wake up when it's my time to eat and drink medicine. Luan was with them playing a while ago but I guess they made him take his afternoon nap this time. I slowly get down on the bed to check on my Luan and there he is peacefully sleeping.

Walking carefully downstairs, I also wanted to feel the fresh air again. because it sucks to stay at the hospital for the past weeks. I was making my way outside when I heard some faint talking in the kitchen. I didn't go inside and also didn't want to eavesdrop but I did.

"What!?" I heard April unnie.

"The guy got caught and he already confessed that someone just contact him and paid him to run over Vane and Luan," I felt nervous when I heard that from Seungcheol oppa.

So, the person was actually there waiting for an opportunity to hit us. My legs went weak, I walk towards the garden and sit there. I felt afraid. I didn't know I was pregnant and it's barely been a baby that almost got killed because I wasn't observing myself and my environment.

"Vane," I heard someone called me. I turned my head and saw the man walking towards me with a glass of water in his hand.

"Time for meds, sunshine," he handed me the tablets and the water on his hand. "You scared me. Why didn't you tell me that you are going down?" he asked me in worry.

"I-I'm sorry. I just want to breath fresher air," I replied after drinking up the meds.

"S-Shua, was it really hit and run?" I can't just stay there and not worry about what I have heard. He was shocked because of what I said.

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