TSR IX: Daylight

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Vane woke up because someone was shaking her gently and violently at the same time. "Mommy, 일어나 (il-eona)! Wake up mom!" a sweet voice coming from her son. She put a smile on her face because she can't believe her son is adapting well to the language. Luan was learning so fast. It seems like it's innate with his son that's why he adjusts well to the culture and language.

"Good morning, love," she cuddled Luan. "Where's mommy's morning kiss?" she asked and the little boy immediately showered her mom tons of kisses. She thought he will no longer give her kisses since he aged a year but then he was still showering her kisses up to now and she's glad about it.

"Come on mommy! I'm going to school," Luan pulling his mom up. She was surprised because of how excited her son looks.

"You look excited, son. You like your school?" Vane pulled herself to sit and talk to her son. "Yes, mommy. I love the lessons," she smiled because she thought it would be hard for Luan to adapt but she was wrong. Her son is adapting well to the culture, people, and his new environment.

"Okay. Help me tidy the bed then mommy will cook breakfast after," Vane told Luan and the little boy abruptly helped her mommy to fix the bed. Vane looks really happy that Luan is growing polite and very well. She thought it would be hard for him to adapt because he is not used to people but it was the other way around, Luan looks flexible.

The mother and son went to the kitchen after tidying up the bed. She cooked breakfast sausages, garlic rice, boiled eggs and also prepared a healthy smoothie for her, Luan, and the nanny. "Yum, mommy! 먹겠습니다 (jal meokkesseumnida). Thank you for the food mom!" Luan told before digging in on his food.

The three had a good meal then Luan's nanny went to help him took a bath while Yanika fixed the table and washed the dishes. When Vane finished the dishes, she immediately went to the bathroom too to prepare for her work because she also needs to report. Vane took Luan to his school and reminded him that she will pick him up later.

She went to her work. She was feeling a lot better than last night. Vane was all smiles when she went to report in the café. "Good morning Chef Vane," Molly, her manager greeted her with all smiles. Vane was reflecting on her beauty and feelings today. She's gleaming. "Good morning, unnie," she responded with a bright smile.

"Did you have a good dream?" Molly suddenly asked the lady making her flustered. She indeed had a good night. She was at ease when he received messages from Josh who kept her feel safe and secured.

"I guess so," Vane replied going to her office leaving her things before going inside the kitchen. The staff feeling suspicious because of how happy she was. The kitchen was again really busy but the other kitchen staff handled it well and told Vane to relax in her office. They forced her to relax and Vane couldn't do anything but stay with their manager who was supervising the business.

"Unnie, please let me be in the kitchen," Vane asked Molly, their manager.

Molly sighed. She knows what happened to Vane last night and the other staff knows it too. They also knew that Vane's has a very painful past with her ex but not with everything. That's why they always make sure she felt comfortable and not stressed. "Just follow your staff Vane. Trust them that they can do their work. And since you've been working so hard in the kitchen, why don't you try to help me supervise the frontline today if you are bored when you are not inside the kitchen?" Molly suggested.

Vane thought of it. She has never been outside the kitchen since she began working. She definitely wanted to have her own shop one day but she doesn't even know the basics of doing a business. April and Yanika urge her to learn things about business but she didn't pay attention to it yet. "Okay," she replied gladly.

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