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Vane literally lost her mind when Luan was nowhere to be found from where she left him. The kid requested his mom to buy her ice cream and swore to stay there until she came back nor his nanny comes back who went to help April with some things.

Cold sweats. She panicked at the thought that her only son drowned in the ocean. She wanted to smack herself from leaving him alone but she prayed so hard even when she's not really that religious. She prayed for her son's safety. She began to winced when she began calling him but no one was responding.

"Luan, please be safe. I can't," she can't seem to hide it anymore and tears began falling on her bare face. She was running hysterically and shouting her son's name all over the place with the hope that the little kid might hear his mommy's voice.

"Lord, please," she wanted to remove the idea in her mind that his son drowned or sunk in the ocean alone. She needed help. She rushed and scanned the shoreline to cross-examine if someone is drowning or someone is floating but she sees no one in there. She has gotten on the other side of the resort and it's making her lose her hope.

"Luan!!!!!" Jebal son. Please, she silently prayed in her head.

"Mommy!!!" a familiar voice was heard. She turned her head and saw the little kid she was wishing to be alive was running towards her. She began to cry again and proximately hugged and talk to his son if he's okay.

It's been minutes but she felt like it was forever when she lost Luan. Words after words after words came out of her mouth just like a natural nagging mom who was so scared thinking of the scenarios that might have happened. But she felt so relieved when she can finally smell and hold her son in her arms. She wanted to thank the person whom her son told that kept him safe at the critical moment.

Apologizing to his anxious mommy, the little kid assured Vane that he was fine and that the man behind him helped him and took care of him. Vane after freeing her son from the hug, saw her son introducing her to a familiar guy.

That moment when Vane wanted to finally introduced her son to Joshua just happened quickly in the most unexpected and obdurate situation. She was seen bawling like crazy because she almost lost her son and Josh witnessed that. Joshua saw how Vane almost lost her mind of the thought that she lost her son.

Luan looks strangely happy today and even requested the man to carry him. Vane was ashamed but Josh stopped her and told her that it was fine.

They were currently in the ice cream shop today since the ice cream Vane bought a while ago got wasted. She dropped it at the same time when her heart fell when she didn't see even a shadow of Luan to where she left him.

"He's fine now. Relax," Josh hushed Vane who was still trembling from what happened a while ago. "Here you go. Aaahhh," Josh trying to shove a spoonful of ice cream on Vane's mouth to change her mood. Vane unconsciously accepted the ice cream while staring at her son who was peacefully eating the ice cream.

"One more," Josh said again and that's when Vane was pulled back to reality. She got shy of receiving the ice cream again but he insisted. It was a new spoon because it was just the second scoop on Joshua's tub. Her eyes instantly widened when the guy didn't change the spoon instead he used what she just used.

"I-I already used that," Vane couldn't help but remind Joshua just in time when the guy licked the spoon to get all the ice cream.

Heck! She gulped.

"It's okay. Let's conserve mother earth," he responded to the lady.

"Mommy aaaahhhh," luckily Vane's attention was diverted to her son who was trying to feed her a spoonful of ice cream too. She gladly took the ice cream and smiled at Luan.

Luan being the sweet little kid. He also wanted to feed his uncle's savior, "Uncle Shua, 먹다 (meokda). Eat up. Eat up." Vane was more shocked when her son did that. Her son just fed her then he fed Joshua. She can't believe what she's seeing because the kid is aloof to strangers but never with the man with him.

"Mommy, uncle Shua fed you a while ago. Feed him," Her eyes widened even more hearing that from her son.

She sighed in disbelief. "Mommy," Luan repeated.

If you are not a kid, I would think that you are setting me up son, she thought in her mind.

"Fine. Aahhhh," I stretch my arm and handed him the spoonful of ice cream. He looks astonished right now and I just gestured to him to take it.

"Ummmmhhh. Yum," he said and something gross popped in my mind because I used that spoon already.

Damn it, vane! You and your dirty mind.

I kept on feeding myself because Luan didn't want to get fed by me arguing that he is now a big boy but allowing Joshua to feed him.

How unfair was that?

"Aaaahhhh," Joshua told my son and he took it. This is so unbelievable but I am glad he is okay with Joshua.

I just hope that the girl Joshua likes whom he told me last night won't get mad since we were just friends.

"You too. Open your mouth," I thought Joshua was talking to my son when my son gave me a signal to look at him.

I looked at him and our eyes just confusedly understood each other. I took it because my son was watching up. After he gave me that last spoon, I almost flinched when he took a tissue and wiped the side of my lips. "Just like a kid," he slurred and gave up a small laugh.

The audacity.

Ice cream is just the way to go during this summertime. The urge of laziness of not trying the pool nor the water activities were all washed out when Luan asked Joshua to go with him in the water. He joyfully smiled at the little kid who was jumping in glee when he nodded.

Fortunately, his shirt and shorts saved him, and need not go back to his room to change already. He had soft spot for kids. "Hey! Wear your life vest," Vane ran towards the two, holding a life vest for both of them.

"I'm fine. I'll just take that one for Luan," Joshua assured the lady that they'll be fine. Minutes later, Vane decided to go to the water to be with them. It's not that she doesn't trust Johsua but her mom instincts were just too overwhelming. She hasn't got over it yet.

"Mommy! Come here!" Luan waved at her mommy. He's enjoying his uncle Joshua's company since he's also being taught how to swim.

If you don't know them personally, you might think and get amazed by how good of a family they look. Enjoying a vacation with their son. 

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