TSR III: Whipped

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++ Vanessa Elora Avery Samson ++

For the past years that I felt so alone, rely on no one but myself, it made me forgot how to even feel love, to whom I should trust or how to make friends. Then here comes this elite looking woman whom I just met, and showed me a different perspective of life.

I learned things on my own the hard way. I only trusted myself and Dr. Elise, my neighbor who was very kind to me, and no one else.

But here comes this person who was just so nice to me and take note, I just met her a while ago like I have no idea who she is or she has no idea who am I and what kind of person I was but she didn't even think twice about handing me a shoulder to cry on and comforted me. She looks really angelic. Well, her name is Angelou which means angel anyway.

April Angelou was the opposite of my attitude and personality because I was perceived to be strong from inside and out. I was never been a weakling no matter how I was tested by time. But April is different, she looks soft and very fragile. She's that type of lady who can't even break a plate at the same time a dorky one. She's very modest and I think she has a helper personality. She's very beautiful, tall just like me. Her features were very soft and elegant and I already admire her personality and beauty. I don't often admire people nowadays but she got me in there.

She hugged the two and scolded them a little bit. Then we settled on the table, I heard that the baby boy who just came in with them was the baby girl's twin brother. Upon sitting, Seraph, the twin boy, scolding her little sister again that he will no longer track her the next time she will be lost.

"They're adorable," I thought.

"I know and I owe you for finding her and being nice to her," she sounded so relieved because of little Shielo.

"Mama, ma'am didn't find me but I found him," the young girl in the name Shielo pointed at my son and smiled while telling it to her mama April. "Right, moon warrior?" again, looking at my Luan in puppy eyes and making my dearest son flustered.

How cute!

"That's so cheesy, Shielo Angelique!" her brother immediately cut her cutie-looking face. "And is your name really moon warrior? Or she gave you that one?" Shielo's twin brother asked my Luan. He is indeed the boy version of Shielo. They both have gray eyes and he is handsome too.

My son's eyes widened and seems startled at the question but in a few, he finally recollected himself and look at the little guy beside him, "N-no. I-I'm Luan Jericho but my name can be translated to moon or warrior too." Luan was still very shy at talking to other people because sad to say, I couldn't expose him that much. He doesn't have anyone to play with within our neighborhood that's why he got very cautious and he matured pretty quickly.

"Pfft!" the little boy laughed so hard. "I'm sorry that she named you like that. I'm Seraph Angelo by the way," Seraph, Shielo's twin handed his hand to my son.

"I'm Luan," my son introduced himself too. Because the two began talking to random things now, the pretty little girl was now puckering her lips.

"Argh! You are so annoying. You are stealing him from me," Shielo crossed her arms together and put on an angry face.

"That's a lot better. Make an ugly face so no one will like you," Seraph approved her little sister's face making Shielo more annoyed. April and I laugh at the twins' bickering. "Don't like her. She's a pain in the ass," Seraph advised Luan.

"I hate you!" angry Shielo told her brother.

"Twins!" April called them out so they stopped and gestured her apologies to me. "It's okay," i assured her. At the moment, the twins were trying to be friends with my son.

"Is anyone hungry for lunch now?" April suddenly asked and the twins and my Luan also screamed. I know I just fed them both but it's not a proper lunch. I'm really on a tight budget right now that I couldn't even purchase Luan, the toys he wanted. He was restraining himself because he knew that I can't afford it and it just break my heart.

"Come on. I'll treat you because you save my ass from getting beaten by my best friend," I don't know how to even react. She looks really modest earlier but the way she talks now is just like how I talk. She has a dual persona too.

"Let's go Luan!" Seraph and Shielo took Luan's hand and pulled him and ran to I don't know where but they were being followed by their nannies.

"Come on," April just pulled me excitedly too. I just followed April but until we reached the fancy restaurant. We were treated well and we even sing a happy birthday song for my son again who looks happy with the twins. I didn't know if they hired asked Mickey to come out but he suddenly surprised my son and even hug him and greeted him with a happy birthday.

"You did this?" I asked April who was beside me looking happy while looking at the kids gleaming smiles. "You don't have to," I said almost tearing up. I am becoming so emotional right not because this is what I was talking all about, she doesn't even know me but she just offered this fancy lunch and gave my son a happiest birthday treat.

"It's Shielo. And don't say that, we have to make sure that Luan will not forget his fourth birthday too," she said with a very bright smile.

"Thank you," I told her. I don't why but she just gives me that comfortable feeling. She even held my arms comfortably while the twins and my Luan were playing with the mascot.

"No. Thank you because you saved me from being killed by my best friend," she whispered in my ears.

"Bestfriend?" I curiously asked.

April then stopped watching the kids and faced me, "Oh, gosh. You didn't just think that they were mine, right?" she asked in surprise and also laugh nevertheless, my reaction might have answered her question so she continued to talk. "How I wish," she shounded so envious. "But they are actually my best friend's but she's currently on a business trip in London," she informed me.

"You wanted kids already?" I asked again because of her reaction.

"I mean, seeing them eases tiredness," she said looking at the kids who were playing with Mickey Mouse and other characters. "They are quite stubborn but they have this magic where they can erase all your worries and I am not even a mom yet but they just have that magic on me," she said and I smiled at that because having Luan was the light on my darkest nights.

April made me so comfortable. She treated us with unlimited rides and she enjoyed making the kids happy. My Luan got sad when we parted ways but April took my address and phone number so they can still communicate with each other. Shielo even gave my son a tight hug before parting ways.

"Mommy, it's my best birthday," Luan told while we were heading home. "Mommy, can you call auntie April so I can thank her again?" he even asked me. I was shocked because I have never seen him this happy. it's pretty late now because I also watched the fireworks display before heading home.

"Okay, I will let you call them. Here," I handed my phone while I was driving and he started calling April. I am hearing a good conversation between April and my son and then I suddenly heard him giggling at the back while talking to the twins hearing Shielo and Seraph bickering over the phone on who's going to talk to Luan. It was funny.

"I will see you again tomorrow, moon warrior," I heard Shielo over the phone and my gaze immediately check on my Luan on the rear view mirror and he was smiling.

Dang it, Luan! Your whipped. 

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