TSR XV: Crazy

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I apologize for the delay guys. Been busy with work lately. 


 All the shootings for their new album promotions were done. Seventeen was back home. The company gave the boys time to relax and rest because they did great work catching up together the past days. Joshua decided to pay Vane a visit to check on her. The boys heard that their friend will be going to the café so they all went surreptitiously.

"Hyung! Why are we even doing this?" Dino asked all of his older brothers who squeezed themselves in Jeonghan's BMW. Jeonghan was driving with Hoshi in the passenger's seat. Seungkwan, Vernon, Jun, and Dino squeezing themselves in the backseat.

"Yah! Shut up! Tell that to Coups hyung who have this crazy idea," Seungkwan answered Dino. The rest of the boys were in Jeonghan's range rover car being droved by Seungcheol. Coups' team went earlier than the others to secure a great spot.

Jeonghan was trying to trail Joshua but not so near since they are trying to refrain from getting noticed by Joshua. Upon reaching the café, they tried hiding as much as they can so they won't get caught by Joshua.

Coups' group saw the guy just entered the café and they all turn their back at him to not be recognized. He sat alone in the secluded area of the cafe. It is where Vane and he sit when they are in the café. While the rest of them entered not on the main door since Jeonghan figured out that his wife will always have a private access door to the café. He wanted to use his charm to lure the security but he recognized it as one of the securities before in Café Neda – Main Branch.

Jeonghan's group sat adjacently to Coups' group to avoid any further speculation. All of them were in their best disguise to not gain any attention from other people. They were closely watching Joshua who was ordering his food. Coups group ordered food for Jeonghan's group beforehand so they were now casually eating while observing and being nosy.

Josh got disappointed when Molly told him that Vane was on an emergency leave today. Josh asked about her when the lady went to serve his food. Josh called Vane but the lady wasn't answering her phone. He ended up just leaving a message for the lady.

Josh felt like he was being watched by people. Turning his head and to his shocked, he saw familiar figures of the twelve boys. He stood up, brought his cup of coffee with him, and went to them.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Joshua made a fuss on them. Some of them lowered their head down while someone just casually eating. They tried to act normal like they didn't go there to eavesdrop or be nosy. But Joshua knows better.

"She's on leave if your purpose was to see her," Josh knows how supportive his friends are that even if it wasn't confirmed that he was dating someone they are all here to support him. He sounded upset to them so they decided to cheer him up.

"괜찮아! Gwaenchana! We will see her next time then," Jeonghan admitted.

Joshua sat with them. They saw how disappointed he was and they became silent. To remove the awkwardness, they made a fuss about the food in the café.

"맛있어요! It's good," Myungho praised what he was eating to his brothers. They agreed and continued eating together like normal. They began telling stories about their experiences lately, trying to also divert Jeonghan's attention from missing his wife. Seungcheol just ordered what Yanika always makes him and they wanted to throw a punch on their hyung but they couldn't. Now, there were two guys with love issues at the table.

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