TSR V: Cherry blossoms

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Sipping on my americano while getting mesmerized by the view in front of me. Spring is always beautiful. It symbolizes new beginnings. Flowers freshly blossoming enthralling to the eyes. I just couldn't get enough of it. I was sitting here on a bench in the park under these blooming cherry blossoms. I find it calming here especially this spot where I casually rest after getting off work. My boss advised me to do this every day so I can connect with nature and destress. She's right, for the past months, my nerves are a lot calmer. Aside from baking and doing my favorite sports, which I can't even do now, connecting with mother nature is therapeutic.

Always go with the choices that scare you the most because they will be the ones that will help you grow.

I wasn't scared of getting out of my comfort zone but due to the traumatic incidents, I slowly developed a defense mechanism of hiding my true emotions. I am scared of getting out of my comfort zone but then I got more scared knowing that my son would not have a great future.

I flew away from home. Traveling from Los Angeles to South Korea with a worry of how will I adapt to the environment. Yes, I took the opportunity that April gave me and it's the best decision I have made. In just six months, my life has completely changed. A fresher start, a new environment, new people, and a new life.

Dr. Elise also helped me decide as she knew that I should be living my life to the fullest and opportunities only knocks once, grab it or you'll lose it permanently. Dr. Elise felt sad that Luan and I will be far away from her but she knew the best for me. Her heart grew fonder for Luan and the two had been so close. We didn't only leave Dr. Elise but we also leave Seraph and Shielo in there. My son's heart broke apart when I told him but Shielo promised that they will meet again soon.

For my house, I asked April to make it as collateral with my debt. She denied my request at first but I insisted.

A fortified Vanessa Elora Avery Samson. Now, the head pastry chef of the newest branch of Café Neda is located in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea. There's indeed a purpose why I met April all of a sudden. She's a God-given gift for me, the answer to all of my whys and hows. I was thankful for I would have been doing fine today if it wasn't for her and for her best friend who is our boss. But still, both of them were my boss and they were both good-hearted people.

I am still living my life with debts from them but slowly I'm able to accumulate money. It might take me years but I am just grateful that I know someday I will live debt-free. I am living in April's home with Luan who is now attending his pre-school in a prestigious school with a scholarship from April. I really can't thank her enough for her help.

I was peacefully enjoying my rest time here while reminiscing those moments I thought I wouldn't be able to surpass when suddenly someone sat beside me and pulled me so close to him. "What the hell!" I couldn't even say that properly when he just harshly pulled my nape towards his face. My breathing stopped and forcefully shut my eyes close due to shock.

I was waiting on bad to happen but thank god there's nothing. I didn't feel it. I bravely opened my eyes but he was still facing me making our eyes meet each other.

Shit! Our faces were just centimeters apart. He was staring at my face and I was suddenly frozen. This is so insolent but I couldn't push him away because I felt his hand quivering on my nape and his eyes were imploringly telling me to not get mad.

Our back might look like we are kissing couples right now but this cherry blossom tree knows the truth. The sun was now slowly going down so apparently this area is a good place to hide a little. I didn't move. My eyes were still locked with his then I heard girls anxiously running behind our back. "Please," he mumbled. It was soft but I heard it. I stayed still.

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