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Continuous praises were received since the first time I made that customized cake for that artist couple. There were a lot of bookings that it became so awe-inspiring for us in the café. We received good feedback from clients and it instantly made a chaotic scene in the café the past weeks. Bookings after bookings took place that we didn't even know what should we start already. It's overwhelming in a good way.

We were all restless but it was an amazing feeling. I felt like I have achieved something more than the dream of becoming a successful chef. "Chef Vane! A call from Mr. Hong. He's reminding you to drink water and don't forget to rest," I smiled upon hearing it from one of the staff who peep at the kitchen door.

"Tell him, I will. Thank you!" I said while trying to finish this three-tier naked birthday cake to be picked up today.

"Good work everyone," I said after putting the last fresh flower decoration on the cake.

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They all laughed at me. "You just literally finished that cake alone, chef," someone told me which made me chuckle and everyone in the kitchen. They were now assigned and designated to different orders. The orders were crushing that we couldn't even find time to talk to each other now. "Get some rest too everyone," I pleaded before exiting the kitchen. I went to my office and saw a snack on my table. There was a note again saying...


Cinnamon bun, my sunshine:

Don't skip your meals. You have to eat too. Don't forget our dinner.

-Your gentle sexy babe


Randomly these days, I would receive a snack prepared on my table or given by the staff of the café. These small notes that Joshua asked our manager, Molly unnie, or any available employees at the counter when he calls to order a snack for me, just make my day.

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