TSR XLV: Together

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== Vanessa Elora Avery Samson ==

Dr. Elise was looking after Luan in the living area. They were playing together while I was in the kitchen watching them while peeling the tangerines for Luan. April unnie was in the kitchen cooking for our dinner. I then, walk towards Luan and offered him the tangerines.

"Eat baby so you'll recover fast," I told him.

"And you should eat too for both of my grandchildren," I gulped hard when I heard that from doctor Elise. My head automatically turn towards her and she gave me a soft smile. "I know it's his, Vane. I just knew," she gave me one comforting smile. I told nobody who the father is but I bet they all assumed that it was Joshua's after all. "And I'm not mad but I'm excited for it to have an addition to our small family. You know Joshua is our only child and he's alone, I wanted a bigger family for him. When is the wedding?" this feels weird so I responded with an awkward smile.

Wedding? Family?

Doctor Elise has been considering me as her family but I'm not sure if Joshua wanted me to be part of his life. He still calls me his sunshine however I'm scared especially now that that culprit is still lurking around. I know he calls me sunshine and he loves my Luan but I'm pretty sure that he is scared that we might get hurt again.

"Vane, if you are scared because that someone will hurt you again. We are here to protect you. I'm sure my son will not allow anyone to ever lay a hand on both you and Luan," I was told. I was sitting beside Doctor Elise and she has side hugging me. "Please, be strong for each other," those comforting words made me think.

I just nodded and I also wanted to fight for both of us but can we make it? Can we still do it? wouldn't be more painful if I see him hurt because of me? Isn't it better when we stay away from each other? He looks sleepless. He looks tired to me. He was sacrificing so much because of me. But did I even sacrifice a thing for him? Will I be called selfish if I wanted to be with him? Will I be?

I only nodded at Doctor Elise. I don't know if it will be rude or whatever. I'm thinking of so many things right now. Luan, our safety, Joshua's safety, the safety of this unborn child, will he want it? will he accept it? I'm not sure.

After eating dinner, Joshua and Seungcheol oppa hasn't come home. April unnie and Doctor Elise wanted me to rest early. They already put Luan to bed, Joshua's mom did. They never wanted me to do heavy things like cooking, washing the dishes, and even putting my son to sleep.

I slept for a few hours but I suddenly woke up. I checked on my phone and it's currently around midnight. I went out of the room to get some water but I suddenly heard someone talking in the living area, here on the second floor.

"You know what hurts?" I can faintly hear the conversation but it was a little clear to me. That was Joshua talking to someone.

"What?" Seungcheol oppa responded.

"I don't even know if she still loves me. But I will not care about that right now because it hurts me knowing someone tried to harm her because of me. My son Luan almost died because of me," my chest tightened when he called Luan his son as he owns him. "It's painful to see her in emotional and physical pain. I can't bear it," he's sobbing and he sounded like someone drunk. I was at the corner hearing their conversation trying to hide from them. "Cheol, we broke up but someone still tried to harm her. It's my fault. It's because I tried to find her. They knew that I can't live without her. They knew that I will try to find her," he added crying harder.

"Cheol, am I shameful because I still call her my sunshine and my cinnamon even when we broke up? Do you call me thick-faced now because I can't stand my decision of leaving and breaking us apart?" he questioned.

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