TSR XXX: Love?

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The sound of a ringing phone woke me up today. I was still half asleep trying to grope my ringing phone in the darkness. "Hello?" I know I still sound asleep while answering it.

"Good morning, sunshine," recognizing the voice of the person on the other line made me smile.

"The heck! Josh! It's so early in the morning," I groaned in annoyance.

"I just want to say good morning because I'm going to have schedules for today but in the afternoon. However, I will still send you to work and send LJ to school," he said.

"Josh, you don't need to. Just go to work. Luan and I will be fine," I argued with my morning voice. I'm still on my bed. I checked on the time and it showed five-thirty in the morning.

Gosh! It's fucking early!

"Aniyo! I'm sending you and Luan. I promised him that I will send him before I'll get to work," he insisted. There's no point in arguing because Joshua is that type to push through his promise and attain his goals.

"Fine. But next time, I won't allow you to do it when it disturbs your work. It will be bad to see you often in public, josh. Remember your job," I reminded him while scratching my eyes.

"I know that's why I'm being extra careful. I'll see you then. Bye!" He said before ending the call.

Last night when I told him about Luan, he never showed disgust in me. Instead, I saw a glimpse of glee in his face especially when I told him it wasn't Lance. It wasn't my ex because we broke up that time and I just want to give up the v-card to a random stranger because no one's worth it for it. I didn't regret having Luan tho. I never did. He even told me that he accepts my past. He appreciates my totality and that includes Luan.

I never expected him to stay by my side. It made me feel so happy because he proved to me that it is still possible to be loved by someone over my flaws and imperfections. He is still the same annoying, gentle and caring man.

I can't help but smile at my bed when he called me at such a time.

== Joshua Hong ==

Elora is just a lady who will tell you things honestly. She will tell you all her mysteries and she's also that type who will try to scare you into entering her life. I know she had a tough past and she would use that to test you if you do want her or not.

I believe that every person you meet or encounter in your life has a purpose. There isn't a right or wrong person that will enter your life, they come to you for a purpose. You just have to figure out what exactly is their purpose for entering your life. Yanika thought me how to love selflessly and unconditionally. I'm glad I met her because she thought me that and I'm using what I learned from her to my sunshine now.

Loving her unconditionally.

Wait. Love? Am I simping her this much already?

It's too early and I'm testing my feelings but I'm pretty sure, I have fallen for her more when I saw her taking care of Luan. It's dreamy how I also wanted to take care of Luan Jericho like he is mine.

I went downstairs in the kitchen early in the morning to cook pancakes. I don't know how to make waffles yet which was Luan's favorite. But I will try my best to make sure that these pancakes will work well for him. I prepared the pancake mix and started preparing for the meal.

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