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When will you say that you met the person who's right for you? Or should I ask how will I know when I already met the lady that was given to me by God? That lady whom I should spend the rest of my life with? Or the lady that is meant for me? Or am I even going to meet her? I have gone through heartbreaks too. Will I really be able to love again? Do I even get to meet the person whom I will ask to be my wife? Some would even ask, does forever even exists?

It's hard to know. No one knows. Actually, He knows. Mom would always tell that to me. I have met a couple of ladies in my life.

I have loved but I didn't get the same love. Nevertheless, I didn't regret it.

I was loved but I didn't feel the same way. I was sorry for that.

It's cruel when that happens but what those experiences taught me is that...

I should love unconditionally. Expect nothing in return because when you do, that's not love.

Just give love and you will be love.

There's no wrong person that you will meet. Because those people you encounter in your life are meant to stay or meant to leave you a lesson. You meet them with a purpose. And sometimes, they will lead you to the gift that you never expect that you would receive too.

After experiencing heartbreak and doing unreasonable acts to relieve that pain, I wouldn't have even thought that I will meet someone. I doubt myself that I could find a girl that would be like her.

For a long time, I embedded in my mind that I would find someone like her. I was stupid because, in reality, Yanika is Yanika. No one will ever be like her. She's the only Yanika in the world and I am a fool to look and wait for someone like her.

I realized that it was ridiculous. That it's unfair. Because when you try to find the person for you but you still have that someone in your mind, you will never be able to find the person. God will never give her to you. So, I slowly accepted the fact that Yanika is the only Yanika in the world and that no one will ever be like her.

Love someone but do not compare because it will only burden you. Accept a person for who they are, that's how you should love.

And then suddenly, I met a girl.

It happened in such an awkward manner. It was not the most beautiful way of meeting a girl. I was pretty embarrassed that I had to use her to get my safety. She's cooperative and I was thankful for that. But I would never deny the fact that she has very fascinating eyes. But it felt like I just took a glimpse of her life from there because it reflected something like pain.

The first meeting was very unfriendly. Then I tried visiting the same spot so I could see her again and this time, she was not in a good situation. I helped her still. So, we're even. She even treated me.

I can't deny that she has a beautiful face too. She doesn't look like someone approachable because of how tough she looks but in reality when you get to know her, she's very fragile.

She's not so girly. She's ragged and she knows that.

Physically? She's attractive. She's fascinating.

But she's also hard to read.

We became good friends. Really good friends. We gained each other's trust. It was hard at first. Because she won't tell you things unless she fully trusts you. Just like me, I don't tell my problems to other people. As much as I can, I will have to keep them by myself because I never want to become a burden.

She's known as the cool chef. She's called in different names because of how long her name was. Vea. Vaney. Avery. Vane. Chef Vane. Chef Vaney. Vaney baby.

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