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After eating breakfast, Luan wanted to go back to the beach again. I didn't really care about getting tan lines while being in here. I just wanted to enjoy and seized the moment with my son. I'm glad I can provide things he needed and wanted now. I'm glad that I met April unnie. She saved me and Luan.

"Luan, stop bothering nanny Jenny. Mommy will change now then we will go," I told him. He is persistent and I don't want to question that because I haven't brought him to the beach ever since he was a kid. It feels delightful to see him enjoy our vacation together. It's their summer break so at least I can bond with my son too.

"Alright mom," I heard his little voice responded. He was already in his beach attire. He was so excited to do this.

I wore this white buttoned-up long sleeve shirt over my white bikini bra top. I covered my bikini with high-waisted tattered denim shorts. I'm used to wearing this back home. I'm also fine flaunting my flaws and stretches. Love yourself as they say.

The resort is private so it's better. I can go skinny dipping if I wanted to but not now because I already had my Luan.

"Okay. Let's go then," I saw my son looking cool. He was also wearing his white buttoned-up shirt and shorts. He had his bucket hat on his head and cool sunglasses. "So cute," I kneeled and pinched his cheeks.

"Not cute mom. I'm handsome," he said. I carried him and we went to the beach so he could play too.

Joshua's POV

Breakfast exclusively for us in the restaurant. April has been pampering us so much. We missed this too. Sometimes we even asked what did we do to deserve so much like this.

I saw April with Cheol and it's morning but they were bickering again and again. When will they even end up admitting to themselves that they are just attracted to each other? It's funny but it's sweet. They look good together. We don't really know the score between them right now.

Jeonghan, Dokyeom, Hoshi, and Woozi were with me at the same table. We were eating peacefully when Cheol went to us sulking. "What's with that face? It's morning daddu," Jeonghan told him.

"She refused to sit with me and she said I'm annoying her so much. Am I really that annoying?" he asked us. We looked at each other. He never complained about his frustrations when it comes to April.

"What's new with that? Just admit that you like her or should I say you love her," that was too straightforward but it's Jeonghan anyways.

"Yah! You think it's that easy?" we were there listening to the conversation but they were arguing like we were not existing at the table.

"Confess," Han said again. When they got divorced, he keeps advising us things. Maybe because of his experience. "All of you when you like or love someone, just go straight to the point and tell them. You do not know when and where would they'll be gone or taken away from you. Don't miss your opportunity. Think about it happening once in your life so grab it."

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