TSR XIII: Anyone

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After sending Vane back to the café because she told me that her car was still there, I went home. We were in our new home now and it's been months since we were complete. Jeonghan and Coups being discharged from the military while I was back from my vacation from the States where I also accidentally saw Yanika and the twins before I came back.

"Hyung, you are back," Dokyeom asking me. He was singing in the noraebang again with Seungkwan and Hoshi this time. Good thing our newly built home was in a private village now and we have neighbors but a little far from us. The company has been doing well in taking good care of us. I'm glad.

"Yeah," I replied.

I sat in the couch since they were singing in the living area now. Our new home is very huge, we deserve this because we have been working hard for the past years. We were still intact just like before, not even thinking of disbanding. However, with our ages, we are also thinking of the future – having family is one of them.

"Hyung, where have you been? Did you visit Vane?" Seungkwan suddenly asked me. I was shocked because Jeonghan who looks tired came down the stares hearing that. "Who is Vane?" he asked.

"Joshua hyung's lover," Hoshi suddenly butted in making me throw the throw pillow on my side.

"Yah! She's just my friend!" I screeched at Hoshi.

Jeonghan smiled. "That's good to hear. I'm glad you are over my wife now," he commented just directly. I pity him for this. I can't tell him that I saw her now happy with her family and my heart breaks for my best friend. I just smiled at him and nodded. Giving the benefit of the doubt.

I rarely see him happy even these days. He is usually in his room because he is an introvert but also because he doesn't want to see Sowon if she comes here to bother him. I feel bad for that lady too. She's obsessed and it's giving her nothing but pain.

Jeonghan sat near me and obviously he just wanted to tease me upon hearing that I have a girl. "Since when are you dating, huh?" he asked but I didn't answer.

"Yah! I will tell everyone you are dating someone," he teased me even more because I know this man wanted to extract an answer from me but I am not letting him for today. "Yah! Coups! Shua's dating someone," he revealed to Seungcheol who came out from the kitchen.

"뭐 (mwo)!? 누구 (nugu)!?" He was also intrigued. They usually don't believe what Jeonghan told them because of his trickster personality but today he looks serious in telling them. How can I forget that this guy is also manipulative?

I smiled at them. Shake my head. Carried my bag and went upstairs to my room to change. I just want to leave them curious for now. They will surely be in chaos after that news cracked out.

Reaching my room, I removed my clothes. Then put them into the laundry bin and then took a hot shower. Showering just makes me relax. I remember my deal with Vane and I think I should be really following that now. We sealed that so I must be a man of my words. I closed my eyes while shampooing but then that memory popped out again.

It's been five years but I still have that memory. After meeting that person, I barely had feelings for Yanika. Then she lives in my mind rent free after that. Now, she's popping again.

Why did I even do that before?!

I finished showering and went to bed. I called Vane and she picked up quickly.

"Are you home?" I asked because she drove home alone when I sent her back to the café.

"Yes sir!" immediately responding with so much cheerfulness.

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