TSR XII: Bargain

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Vane felt embarrassed by what she just uttered. It's no big deal for me and she's thinking I might be thinking something bad right now. She's cute when she's flustered because looking at her, she's not that type of person who gets flustered easily. I didn't react because I find her entertaining.

"Come on, Vane! Stop sulking," I told her because she hasn't been talking in a while after commenting about the wife or girlfriend thing.

"That was embarrassing. I didn't mean to say that. It was a joke," She defensively answered me making me laugh at it.

"Don't worry 'bout it," I assured her. She's like a cute kid embarrassed by what she just said. The place was peaceful today. There were not many people and it was pretty silent. "I know it's a joke. Silly!"

"Yah! But you didn't react, how am I suppose to know if you are not thinking something weird in your mind now?" she's so apologetic.

"Coz I'm telling you now? wasn't that enough?" trying to soothe her.

"You aren't thinking something else, right?" she's still doubting me so I have to smile genuinely at her and confirm that I am not thinking anything bad.

Vane sighed like she's tired at the same time she's relieved because of my answer. "Stop worrying about it. It's no big deal. Anyway, how did you get the job at Café Neda?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"It's a long story but my unnie, my boss is such an angel. She offered it to me and my life changed completely after that," she was staring at the river while answering me. I don't know why but I am always drawn to the side profile of people. I haven't seen anyone prettier than Yanika's side profile nor April's but I guess now, I'm admiring someone else's sides other than Yanika's. Her nose is pointy. Her eyes are pretty round and not to mention, they're hazel and enchanting. Her lips are fuller and very red. She has freckles too and it's adorable.

I don't know if that was Yanika or April because both of the girls were helpful and generous and kind even when they don't personally know you.

"Wow! What an angel," I commented.

"Yeah. She's an angel and her name means angel so yeah. She's a God-given for to me and I owe her so much now," so, it's April Angelou.

Yes, she has an admiring helpful personality.

Knowing now that she's a professional chef, makes me admire her more. Admire to the point that Vane has an aspiring story. She told me that she studied culinary in college with her parent's help but when they died, she crawled herself to finish her studies because she doesn't want to also fail them. I'm glad that I have my parents even when they were pretty far from me. She also sacrificed a lot at such a young age. Imagine experiencing all the worst things in life having no one by your side, that's incredibly painful and depressing. I'm glad April found her.

Vane was younger than me yet she also faced so much pain already. She's Seungkwan's and Vernon's age. But she's pretty mature for that age. The fierceness reflecting from the outside makes me sad because of how broken she is on the inside. I don't know her that much yet I can feel her aura and her personality without even knowing her whole story by just talking to her now.

Both of us were drawn to the view of the river and the people just passing by. Both of us don't find silence uncomfortable however me being me not wanting the conversation to die down. "Is he not bothering you anymore?" I asked her to break the silence that is becoming deafening.

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