TSR VIII: Communicate

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Vane was astonished when Josh snatched her hand from her ex-boyfriend's grip. It was a little harsh but he held her gently afterward. "Leave her alone or you'll regret it," Josh threatened him. Josh and the guy gave each other deadly glares. It created tension but Vane's ex-boyfriend had no choice but to free Vane from his grip. The guy walks out of the establishment and Josh immediately checked on Vane who looks shocked.

"Are you alright?" he asked her. Vane couldn't respond immediately but Josh made her sit. Everyone in the café was startled and got worried about their co-worker. It was just fortunate enough they were in a blind spot part of the café and just a few saw it happened because if not they might have caught a lot of attention already.

Vane was still shocked but a few minutes later her clouded mind was able to clear out and answered Josh abruptly. "Yeah. Thank you," she said, trying to smile casually. "Drink it. It will calm you down," Josh slid the special menu of the café which is an anti-anxiety smoothie (it contains avocado, chia seeds, cacao, and almond butter). Vane took it and drink a good amount of it. She didn't know she was trembling so bad.

"He broke up with me via text saying he doesn't love me anymore," Vane informing Josh while she was staring out of nowhere. She even chuckled at the memory. "He didn't tell me what exactly happened or how it happened. I was not okay but I thought he was just having a bad day that's why he said that. We usually argue and he usually brings out the breakup thing so I thought it wasn't serious. I gave him time because his madness will go away usually in few days," Vane paused and then sip on her drink. "Then I wanted to surprise him just in case I did something wrong in his apartment. But I felt anxious," she paused and sip again. She breathes before she continued. "I entered his apartment because I know where the spare keys are but I got nervous because I saw a pair of sandals in his front door. I had the gut feeling but I denied it myself. I made myself think that it was his mom or his sister but I realized that the shoe looks familiar to me. I slowly walked inside the dark apartment but my insides were crumbling like I couldn't take it. Every step I took made my heart pound so hard," Josh held her hands to stop her from talking.

"You should not continue," Vane just smiled at him. Josh saw bitterness and pain inflicted on her eyes.

Vane sighed so deeply then smiled. "I was trembling badly as I approached his room then I opened it and saw them doing it. I wanted to laugh at myself telling you this because I only open up to few people and usually those I trust but look at me saying this to a complete stranger," Vane shook her head and Josh just smiled.

"I'll listen," Josh told her making her feel at ease.

"It was traumatic for me. I dropped the cake I made to say sorry after witnessing that and immediately run away from that house. I cried and cried asking what's wrong with me. My best friend slept with my boyfriend. Worst, I trusted them so much. I trusted both of them. One week after sulking and crying, I know I was so dumb I still went to him and asked him why he did that because I couldn't believe that I was betrayed. I can't believe he will just leave me just like that. After, I gave him everything. I gave him money and all the stuff he wanted. I helped him and supported him but that was one thing I couldn't give him and he exchanged me with someone who can give him what he wanted in bed. Damn it! I don't why boys are like that! Why? Is it so hard to wait? Is it so hard to like give it to him after marriage?" she burst out but then she realized she was with a man.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say it but I just couldn't believe after all I have done for him. He betrayed me and after what I have done for my best friend too, she also deceived me. Just what the heck is my life like that!? I already lost my parents from the accident and then I lost both of them consecutively," she sighed in distress. Josh saw why Vane looks tough from the outside but something is reflecting from her beautiful hazel eyes.

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