TSR XVII: Demented

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== Joshua Hong ==

Sitting in the same spot. Waiting for her to arrive. I was told that her duty today is at eight in the morning and I came way too early. I ordered hot choco and pancakes for breakfast.

I came to the café today for breakfast and for the reason that I also want to check on her again. However, I didn't know that I will be seeing April there too. April saw Vane arrived so she dragged Vane towards my direction to introduced her to me like we don't know each other.

I saw Vane looking unwell and anxious. Then she pretended that she doesn't know and introduced herself like we're strangers. What is going on?

Asking her wasn't a good idea because she already felt uncomfortable in front of me and April. I let her be. Excusing herself and went to the kitchen immediately.

"I'm sorry. She's just very aloof to strangers but she's kind and friendly and harmless. She's just very dedicated to her work and I am proud of her for that," April told me as we continue our breakfast.

Dumbfounded but I let it happen just like that. I nodded involuntarily. "How are you?" she asked me.

"Shua, how are you?" I heard her the first time but I couldn't answer. My mind was floating. When I heard her repeat it and that was the time for me to answer it. I smiled and tried to compose myself because I was still shocked by what happened. "Mianhe," apologizing immediately because I don't want to look rude. "I'm doing great. How 'bout this pretty lady in front of me? You still stress? Is Cheol still stressing you?" teasing her is always funny specifically when she makes face.

"That guy always gives me a headache. What's even new with that?" she said then sipping on her morning protein shake.

"Is he allowing you to diet? Why are you just drinking that protein shake?" I curiously asked.

April's frowning face is always amusing, it makes me laugh always. "Aniya!" the disagreement in her face was so visible. "That freak always tells me to eat and it's making me fat now," she began puckering so hard staring at her protein shake. "Because of that, I decided to go on a diet," she positively said.

I laughed at their silliness. Hearing the names April Angelou Tan and Choi, Seungcheol together is chaotic. The two always bicker like kids but they were adorable. Their relationship is just like cat and dog, there wasn't a time when they don't argue when they were together.

They didn't confirm that they were in a relationship yet but we just know that they will end up together. April just knows Cheol always teases her because the guy finds it amusing to annoy the lady but in reality, they haven't disclosed their feelings. In denial.

"When will that guy stop mocking me?!" she said in annoyance.

"Just say yes to him and he will stop annoying you," we have been very vocal about what we know about them but ladies won't believe what other people say unless it came personally from the person's mouth.

"Stop saying that guys. How could a bully like me huh? Explain," she said scrunching her face. "Scratch that! You won't explain because you will just tell me to ask him directly and I am not stupid to do that," egos of ladies are hard to break.

Are we men always mandatorily say our feelings first? Why can't it be from girls? Sometimes, we're also afraid to say our feelings. Sometimes, we don't dare to say it out loud. Would it be hard for girls to understand it by our actions? Girls are sensitive and it's impossible that they don't feel what we are portraying exactly.




"Just ask him. There's no harm in asking Pril," I told her while I munched with my pancakes.

"싫어 (shiro). I won't do that because it's embarrassing," just like what I thought.

Who would express it if both of you are not doing a thing?

"Okay. I quit pushing you then," I finally told her.

Catching up with her is always been fun. She obviously had a crush on me because she's very vocal about it but I can read through her eyes that she also has feelings for Cheol. I wonder what Yanika was telling her best friend this time that she's very in denial of feelings. April requested if she could see the guys so after finishing our breakfast, I drove her to our new home to see them.

I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to Vane.

== Vanessa Elora Avery Samson ==

I couldn't help myself but felt uneasy while being in the kitchen. I was fine when I came here not until I saw them catching up together.

What should I do now?

Joshua was able to break the barriers I have kept for years to protect myself. Because the last time I let my guard down I was hurt and broken into pieces. In a very short period of time, he was able to enter my life just like how my bosses entered my life. I was so comfortable with him. He keeps me at my pace and I feel safe and protected when I am around him.

But how stupid of me and not to realize the guy my boss likes, she told me about him before and how addicted she is with their group. Molly unnie saw me feeling uncomfortable so she asked me to take a break in my office. I did went and checked on my computer about the guy. I searched everything about April unnie's crush.

Typing Hong Jisoo on the keyboard was nerve-wracking. I was expecting it to buffer but the internet connection here is very fast that in a second, his photos came out and I was so dumb. It was him.

The person I know and who saved me from my ex-boyfriend and whom I saved from those ladies was him. I didn't know I began reading all the articles and everything about him. His profile was also in public and their group is really popular.

I was so naïve. He didn't allow me to know that part of him because his life was already very controversial. Maybe he was thinking that I would treat him differently if I know that he was popular. He didn't lie to me, it was just I didn't ask him. We kept our distance and protected our privacy and there was nothing wrong with that.

The thing here is that unnie likes him so it was bad for me to be near him. Damn it!

I saw them catching up happily when I came here to the office. My door suddenly opened and I saw unnie. It almost made my soul leave my body due to shock. I quickly closed all the app that was open and smiled at her. "Yes unnie?" glad, I learned the word unnie from her before.

"Vane, do you want to come? I will introduce you to my friends," April unnie's bright smile is so refreshing that you don't wanna disappoint her when she offered something.

"Sorry unnie. I still have a lot of backlogs to do," I reasoned out to decline.

"They could do the job for you, Vane," she told me.

"Unnie, they might think I'm using you to not work. But I promise to come next time," I told her. Thinking fast is so hard.

''I will remember you said that Vane," she threatened me.

I smiled and said, "Yes unnie. I promise. Go on. Take care!" reassuring her will always be my best option.

She said goodbye to me and I went to the door to hug her. I saw them went out together. Joshua also waved at me as I bowed at him politely. I was just watching them go to the parking area. He opened the door for her just like the gentleman that he is. Unnie was so happy being with him.

Am I really unfortunate?

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