TSR XXII: Stumped

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Vane was dumbfounded by how Joshua reacted. Joshua ran downstairs with a stoic face. Rushing to the parking area to his car. Home is not his option to go to at this point but he is an artist and he has limitations on places he wanted to go to. Parking his car to their large garage full of the other member's car and company car. Then entered their home with his brows almost uniting. He did not bother greeting the people in the living area.

"What just happened?" Mingyu asked.

"He looks pissed," Wonwoo commented.

"Really pissed," Jun agreed.

He was confused and baffled and he doesn't even know what he was feeling. All he knows is that he was mad. Josh passed the people he crosses paths room, even shut the door close austerely.

Jeonghan's perplexed why he was ignored and just passed on the guy. "What was that hyung?" Dokyeom came out of his room. It was already ten in the evening and it's pretty late.

"Did you two fought?" he's always curious but he just wanted to make sure that peace will always prevail inside their new home.

Jeonghan looked at DK. Talking with their eyes. "We didn't even talk and he looks peeved," Jeonghan told DK. "Where did he exactly went to come home like that?" Jeonghan continued. Joshua and Jeonghan became close as much as other people call them best friends. While Seungcheol and Joshua were soulmates.

"누구 (nugu) hyung? Who?" Seungkwan came down from their room upon hearing the loud thud of the door.

"Joshua hyung came home mad," Dokyeom answered the snooping Seungkwan who was in his sleepwear now.

"Shua hyung? I thought we went to Vane. He told me that he will go to the café a while ago," when Seungkwan answered that, Jeonghan immediately cornered Seungkwan and Dokyeom to the living area, away from the rooms. He asked the two things about how the girl and Joshua met and all the stuff he can squeeze from them. After a while, they heard Joshua coming out from the room, went straight to the kitchen, and went back to his room holding bottles of beer. Glancing at each other because of what they saw. He never drinks alone.

The morning came, as expected Joshua felt a heavy head and grunted. "Come down. DK cooked soup for your hang-over," Joshua heard someone talk when his door opened. He knows it was his best friend, Jeonghan.

He immediately showered to at least be sober. He stayed still and let the water run through him. Why am I even mad? He asked himself.

A week passes by, Joshua and Vane haven't talk. The drought on both of their phones is a little disturbing already. No messages. No hi! No Hello! No Goodnights and good mornings. No Joshua going to Café Neda. Nothing. But Vane still has her securities following her everywhere. She went to work just like today. Doing her casual job just like she usually does. She doesn't feel fine but she has to wait until Josh feels better.

Molly came inside and asked for her and she was shocked. It gave her a little hope that it was Joshua but the guy's back wasn't familiar to her. "Hi!" the guy greeted her with a smile on his lips.

"안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo)!" she bowed to the unfamiliar guy. "What can I do for you, sir?" she immediately asked. Stunned by the guy's aura as she was told to sit comfortably in front of the guy.

"I'm Jeonghan," the guy introducing himself. Vane shook his hand. "Are you Vanessa Elora Avery?" She's shocked by how the guy knew her. She was staring at him trying to process where did he saw the guy because he seems familiar to her.

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