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The time became oddly fast for their vacation travel. Everybody met Vane and her precious son, Luan. They adored the kid as much as they adored and welcome his mom. It was a remarkable moment for Vane as it was not normal for her to have so many friends who were willing to welcome them. April and Joshua made sure she felt comfortable with them.

"It's our last night here. Aren't you going to tell her what you feel?" it was Jeonghan telling Joshua who was beside him in the pool area. The sun is going down and it is their last night on the island. He couldn't deny the fact that enjoyed being with the mom and son.

"I don't know," Joshua wasn't sure of how he will tell Vane of what he has been feeling.

Joshua is a natural goal seeker and he won't stop until he achieves it. When he wasn't fine with Vane and everything was confusing for him. Jeonghan was there to help him clear out what he was feeling towards the lady.

"It's called jealousy," he remembers what his friend told him the week he began drinking when Vane and him fought.

He started to ask himself if he was jealous that Vane's attention was all in her ex-boyfriend who hurt her in the first place and Jeonghan was there to confirm it.

"You won't act like this. Drinking without reason is ridiculous, Joshua. You know it yourself that it's something else. Think why are you even doing this?" Jeonghan told him that time when he caught him in the kitchen drinking again.

"You weren't even in your sanity right now. Look at you trying to drown yourself with alcohol? You met Yanika and you thought it was love at first sight. You liked her the first time you saw her but look at you with Vane whom you met in just a couple of months. Look at you, drowning yourself with alcohol because she was with his ex-boyfriend. Why is that?" it was a slap for Joshua that time. It slapped him hard.

All he could answer at that time was I don't know. He thought of it until he actually realized it himself that it was hard for him to admit that he already likes her.

"Do it before it's too late. I'm telling you," Joshua heard it from his friend before he went back to his room.

"Hyung, fighting!" all of the boys in the pool said before heading to their room to get ready for the party later on. He was no longer shocked when they cheered him because Jeonghan is just a natural gossip transporter. He thought of it before heading to his room to also get ready.

== Joshua Hong ==

My stomach began to turn upside down. Just like a teenager who is going to confess to his crush. Why is this so distressing for me? I don't know what to do. Dang!

"Come on, hyung. Vane is a nice person and she's beautiful too. The question here is that if you surely want her or should I change it to, are you willing to accept her wholly and unconditionally?" Seungkwan said and that's not even the question here.

"I like her," I unconsciously responded while staring at her while she's talking to Jeonghan. We were all in the main pool area of the resort. April held the party here since it was our last dinner in the resort. She wants us to celebrate our wins and not to mention the most important thing – our hard work.

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